. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Spirits of the dead" . . . "Three tales: Metzengerstein is the tale of a young woman who believes the spirit of the cousin she loved, killed in a stable fire she started, is in a horse that escaped. William Wilson is the story of a mean-spirited Austrian officer who kills his doppelgänger in a duel. Toby Dammit, based on Poe's story Never bet your head, is about a film star who takes off on a drunken spree after his film is completed." . . . . . "Three tales: Metzengerstein is the tale of a beautiful woman who taunts her subjects by day and conducts depraved orgies by night. When a large, wild, black stallion charges onto the castle grounds, the baroness becomes convinced that it embodies the spirit of her dead cousin with whom she was in love. William Wilson is the story of a mean-spirited Austrian officer who kills his doppelganger in a duel. Toby Dammit, based on Poe's story Never bet your head, is about a film star who takes off on a drunken spree after his film is completed." . . . . . . . . . "Dans histoires extraordinaires Spirits of the dead" . . . . . .