. . "Cummings, Hilliard & Company." . . . . . . . "Lists" . . . . "The book also contains a list of students who deposited the bursar's receipt." . . . . "First page notes the dates of the arrivals of books shipped by Hilliard & Co. in the summer of 1825." . . "The list of books borrowed from the library includes title of book, borrower's name, class professor, date borrowed, date due, date returned and amount of fine. Borrowers include Thomas Jefferson, the professors, and students Edgar Allan Poe, Philip St. G. Cocke, Fernando BolĂ­var, R.M.T. Hunter, and Gessner Harrison. Books were borrowed at the requests of professors Emmet, Key, Long, Bonnycastle, Blaettermann, Tucker, and Dunglison." . . . "History" . . . . . . "List of books borrowed" . . . . "Books borrowed by Poe include Rollins's History (p. 60 and 67), Robertson's America (p. 68), Marshall's Washington (p. 71), Voltaire (p. 73), and Dufief's Nature didplayed (p. 77)." . . . .