. . . "[Begin. [fol. 2, recto:] Saynt Poul doctour of veryte sayth to vs, etc. [fol. 2, verso:] Somme persones of noble estate ... haue desyred me to reduce thystorye and lyf of the noble and crysten prynce Charles the grete kynge of frauuce [sic] emperour of Rome ... to thende that thystoryes ... may be had in onr [sic] maternal tongue, etc. [fol. 3, recto:] Here begynnen the chapytres ... of this book, etc. [fol. 6, recto:] As it is redde in thystoryes of the troians, etc. [A translation, by W. Caxton, of \"La Conqueste du grant roy Charlemaigne des Espaignes\" by Jean Baignon.] B.L.]" . . . . "Begin. [fol. 2, recto:] Saynt Poul doctour of veryte sayth to vs, etc. [fol. 2, verso:] Somme persones of noble estate ... haue desyred me to reduce thystorye and lyf of the noble and crysten prynce Charles the grete kynge of frauuce [sic] emperour of Rome ... to thende that thystoryes ... may be had in onr [sic] maternal tongue, etc. [fol. 3, recto:] Here begynnen the chapytres ... of this book, etc. [fol. 6, recto:] As it is redde in thystoryes of the troians, etc. [A translation, by W. Caxton, of \"La Conqueste du grant roy Charlemaigne des Espaignes\" by Jean Baignon.] B.L" . . . . .