. . "安陽嬰兒 L'orphelin d'Anyang" . "Fiction films" . . . . "故事发生在公元2000年的河南安阳古城. 一个下岗工人, 在夜市面摊儿收养了一个弃婴, 因为婴儿的襁褓中有一张字条, 上面写着一个呼机号, 并说收养人每月可以得到二百元的抚养费. 工人因此而结识了婴儿的妓女母亲, 两人又因为孩子的缘故在交往中有了关系, 最终生活在一起. 工人在家门口摆了一个修车摊儿, 照顾婴儿;妓女在工人的家中继续着营生. 一天, 当地黑社会老大突然出现, 原来他得了绝症, 他向妓女索要婴儿作为他家的后代, 但妓女却坚决不承认这一事实. 争执之下, 工人误杀了老大被判死刑;妓女也最终在一次\"扫黄\"抓捕活动中被遣送原籍. 而那在逃窜中不幸丢失的婴儿却回到了如转世归来的工人怀抱." . . "\"A prostitute from the Northeast, desparate and unable to make ends meet, abandon her baby. An unemployed factory worker decided to take the child for the 200 yuan (about $ 37 Canadian) a month in child support promised by its mother. His early attempts at child-rearing are somewhat painful to watch, but also charming and amusing. Eventually, he and the mother become friendly and it seems that the child will be raised in a sweetly unorthodox family. However, when the woman's pimp, a local gangster, not only finds out that he may have fathered the child, but also that he is dying of cancer, he decides that he must adopt the baby- and is willing to resort to violence if necessary ...\"--Cover." . . "A hooker leaves her new-born child on the street in Anyang, a western Chinese city. Dagang, who has just lost his job, finds the abandoned baby and takes her home. At the same time, a dying gang family boss directs his gang members to find a baby to serve as his successor. Dagang attempts to protect the baby as a gang member steals it." . "Drama" . . . . . . . . "L'orphelin D'Anyang" . "Feature films" . "安阳婴儿 L'orphelin D'Anyang" . . . "Anyang ying er L'orphelin d'Anyang" . . . "Anyang ying er L'orphelin D'Anyang" . "Orphelin d'Anyang" . "Changchun dian ying zhi pian chang yin sheng yin xiang chu ban she." . . "長春電影制片廠銀聲音像出版社." .