"Man-woman relationships." . . "Foreign films." . . "Motion pictures, Portuguese." . . . . . . "Singularidades de uma Rapariga Loura Eccentricities of a blonde-haired girl" . . "Singularidades de uma Rapariga Loura (Motion picture)" . "Eccentricities of a blonde-haired girl" . . . "Feature films" . . . . . "Film adaptations" . . . . . . . . "Drama" . . . . . . . . "Fiction films" . . . "A young accountant falls helplessly in love with a mysterious blond woman he spies through his office window, and she proceeds to turn his life upside down." . . . "Comedy films" . . . . "Accountants." . . "Man-woman relationships Drama." . . "New wave films." . . "Accountants Drama." . . . .