"1801-1900" . . "1889." . . "Printers' devices (Publishing)"@en . . "Poèmes et ballades de A. C. Swinburne" . "Poèmes et ballades" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads : (first series)"@en . . "Poems and ballads [and] Atalanta in Calydon"@en . "Poems and ballads [and] Atalanta in Calydon" . "Poems and Ballads 2 Bände" . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads, third series, 8th ed" . . . . . . . . "Poems"@en . "Poems and ballads, second series" . "Poems and ballads, second series"@en . "Poems and ballads. First-[third] series"@en . . "Poems & ballads : second & third series"@en . . "Poems & ballads : (first series)"@en . . . . . . . "Poems & ballads : first series"@en . . "Poems and Ballads (First Series)"@en . . "Poems and ballads 2./3. Ser" . . . . . "Poems & ballads : [first], second & third series"@en . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads Vol. 3" . "Poems and Ballads. [Second edition.]"@en . "Poems and ballads; second series"@en . "Poems and ballades" . "Poems and ballads"@en . "Poems and ballads" . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads (First Series)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads : [second series]"@en . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads 1" . . "Poems and ballads. First-Third series"@en . . . . "Poems and ballads : 3rd series"@en . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads ;Atalanta in Calydon" . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and Ballads. Second series ... Seventh edition"@en . . . . . . . . . "\"Poems and ballads\" and \"Songs of the springtides\"" . . . . . . "English poetry"@en . "Poems & ballads : (second and third series)" . "Poems & ballads : (second and third series)"@en . "Poèmes et Ballades" . . "Poems and ballads. Second [- third] series"@en . "Poems & ballads : second series" . . "Poems and ballads. [2]" . "Poems and ballads: [second series]"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads ; 1" . . "Poems & ballads. 2nd & 3d series"@en . . "Poems and ballads (third series)"@en . . . "Poems & ballads. First, [second and third] series"@en . . . "Gedichte und Balladen" . . . . "Poems and ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne" . . . . . . . "Poems and Ballads (Third Series)" . "Poems and ballads. Second Series"@en . . . . "Poems and ballads ... A new edition"@en . . . "Poems and ballads ; Second series--"@en . . . "Poems and Ballads. First series" . "Poems and ballads First series" . . "Century of roundels and other poems"@en . . . . . . . "Poems and Ballads : 2nd and 3rd series"@en . . . . "Poems and ballads 3d ser"@en . "Advertisements"@en . "Poems & ballads Series 2/3" . "Poems & Ballads (Second Series)" . "Poems and ballads 1. Ser" . . . . . "Poems and ballads. [First series]"@en . . . . "Poems & ballads, second & third series" . "Poèmes et Ballades. [Translated into French prose by Gabriel Mourey.] Notes sur Swinburne par Guy de Maupassant" . "Poems and ballads 2" . . . . "Poems and ballads : second series"@en . "Poems and ballads : second series" . "Poems and ballads : 2nd series"@en . . . "Galante Feste" . . "Poems and ballads third series"@en . "Poems and ballads. [1st series]"@en . . . . . . "Poems and ballads Second series"@en . "Poems and ballads : First series"@en . . . . . "Poems and ballads, [first series]"@en . . . . . "Poems & Ballads : 3 series"@en . "Verse drama"@en . "Verse drama" . . "Poems and Ballads"@en . "Poems and Ballads" . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads. [First, second, and third series]"@en . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads. 2d series" . "Poems and ballads : first series"@en . "Poems and ballads : first series" . . . . . . . . . "Publisher's advertisements"@en . . . . . "Poems and ballads : (second and third series)"@en . "Poems and ballads : (second and third series)" . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads : ser. 1" . . . . . . "Poems & ballads (first series)"@en . "Poems & ballads (first series)" . . . "[Gedichte und Balladen]" . "Poems and ballads. First series" . "Poems and ballads. First series"@en . . "Poems and Ballads : third series" . "Poems & ballads"@en . . . "Poems and ballads ; A century of roundels and other poems"@en . "Poems and ballads, third series"@en . . . "[Poems and Ballads ... Fifth edition.]"@en . "Poems and ballads ... fifth edition" . "Poems & ballads : (second & third series)"@en . "Poems and Ballads : 2nd series"@en . "Poems and ballads" . "Poems and ballads"@en . . "Poems and ballads : 3rd ser"@en . . . "Poems & ballads first series"@en . . . . . . . . "[Poems and ballads, first series]"@en . . . "Poems and ballads Third series" . . . . . . "Poems and ballads 3" . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads : third series" . "Poems and ballads : third series"@en . "Poems and ballads. Atalanta in Calydon" . . . . "Specimens"@en . . . "Poezja angielska" . "Poems and ballads Vol. 1" . . . "Ballade de vie & de mort poésies choisies" . . . . . "Poèmes et ballades de A.C. Swinburne" . . "Poems and ballads (first series)" . . . . "Poems and ballads : 2. and 3. series" . . "Poems and ballads / 3rd Series"@en . . . . "Publishers' advertisements"@en . . "Poems and ballads. [1]" . . "Swinburne's poems" . "Swinburne's poems"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads, second and third series"@en . . . . . . "Poems and ballads. Second series" . "Poems and ballads. Second series"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads, by algernon charles swinburne"@en . "Poems and ballads first series"@en . "Ballade de vie et ballade de mort" . . . "Poems & Ballads : (second and third series)" . . . . . "Poems and ballads, 1st series" . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads. Third series" . "Poems and ballads. Third series"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads / Second series"@en . . . . "Poems and ballads second series"@en . "Poems and ballads. [first series]" . "Poems and ballads second series" . . . "Poems and ballads. [First Series.]" . "Authors' presentation copies (Provenance)"@en . . . . . . "poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and Ballads ... Fifth edition"@en . . . "Poems and ballads (Second and Third Series)"@en . . "Poems and ballads. [3]" . "Poems and Ballads : (3rd series)" . . "Poems and ballads Atalanta in Calydon" . "Poems and ballads : (1st-3d ser.)"@en . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . "Poems and ballads : <Second series>" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads. second series" . . "Poems and ballads ; Atalanta in Calydon" . . "Poems and ballads : [1st series]"@en . . "Poems and ballads Second series--"@en . . . "Poems & ballads second & third series"@en . . . "Poems and ballads. third series" . . "Poems and ballads ser. 3" . "Poems and ballads ser. 2" . . . . . . . . "Poems & Ballads : (Second and third series)"@en . . . . "Poems & ballads : (First series)"@en . "Poems and ballads : [first series]"@en . "Poems and ballads : [first series]" . . . . "Poems and ballads. First - Third series"@en . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Poems and ballads : Second and third series"@en . . . . . "Poems and Ballads : second series"@en . . "Poems and Ballads : second series" . . "Tekstuitgave" . "Poems and ballads. Second and third series" . "Poems and ballads. Second and third series"@en . . "Poems and ballads. 2nd series"@en . . . . "Poems and ballads, first series"@en . "Poems and ballads, first series" . . . . . "Ballade de vie & [et] ballade de mort : poésies choisies" . . . "Poems & ballads"@en . "Poems & ballads" . . "Poems and ballads : second series"@en . "Poems and ballads, by Algernon Charles Swinburne" . "Poems and ballads : [first-third series]"@en . "Poems & Ballads" . . . "Poems and ballads Vol. 2" . . "Poems" . . . . . . . "Poems & ballads Series 1" . . . . . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads (second and third series)" . "Ballade de vie & ballade de mort : poésies choisies" . . "Atalanta in Calydon"@en . "Atalanta in Calydon" . . . "Poems and Ballads 1 Bände" . . . . . . . "Poems and ballads [first series]"@en . . . . "Poesía amorosa Obras anteriores a 1900." . . . . "Angol irodalom vers." . . "Poesía inglesa Obras anteiores a 1900." . . "Edward Moxon & Co.," . . "1878." . . "Engelse letterkunde." . . "Bradbury, Evans & Co.," . . "Poesía inglesa s.XIX." . . "Chatto & Windus (Firm)," . . "Poetry, English." . . "1800 - 1899" . . "English poetry 19th century." . . "Literatura inglesa Obras anteriores a 1900." . . "English poetry." . . "SONNETS SINGLE AUTHORS." . . "1866." . . "Poesia Inglesa." . . "Spottiswoode & Co." . . "Spottiswoode & Co.," .