"MP3." . . . . . . . "Presents two of the author's classic stories, \"Animal Farm,\" in which animals create their own Animals' Republic, and \"1984,\" in which a totalitarian government watches over all citizens and directs all activities." . "Nineteen eighty four" . . . . . . "Animal farm"@en . "Science fiction. 1984 read by Richard Brown The year 1984 has come and gone, yet George Orwell's prophetic nightmare vision in 1949 of the world we were becoming is timelier than ever. 1984 is still the great modern classic of negative Utopia, an original and powerful novel that creates a startling world. ANIMAL FARM read by Ralph Cosham In this satire of the Russian Revolution, Manor Farm is transformed into Animal Farm, a democracy proclaiming, \"All Animals Are Created Equal.\" After totalitarian rule is re-established, the reality becomes, \"But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others.\"" . "Nineteen eighty-four"@en . "Fiction"@en . . . . . "Animal farm 1984" . . . . . . . . "Animal Farm 1984" . . . . "1984" . "1984 Animal farm"@en . "The classic fable of the utopian dream and the corruptive influences of power---- and how blind allegiance to political leaders leads to ruin." . .