. . . . . "While Europe and the U.S. were once the destinations of choice for workers migrating from low-wage countries, Africans looking to raise their standard of living have now proclaimed China the new promised land. This program goes to Nigeria Town in Guangzhou to investigate the strong economic relationship between Africa and China and what it may mean for the West. Political scientist Achille Mbembe (On the Postcolony) provides background on this partnership, in which roughly $30 million in cash and goods moves from China to Nigeria every day and China opens its borders to even more African workers. In addition, World Bank vice president Ian Goldin explains how migrants can be a source of economic dynamism, something that Europe sorely needs but may miss out on due to its immigration policies. (Portions with English subtitles, 50 minutes) A streaming videorecording." . "The Africa-China Connection: A Thriving Business Partnership" . . .