"1500 - 1600" . . "United States." . . "Wales, North." . . "Third Ear Band (Musical group)" . . "Witches Drama." . . "Regicides Drama." . . "Murder Scotland Drama." . . "Llargmetratges" . . . . . . . . . . "The Tragedy of Macbeth"@en . "In this story of murder, witchcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing."@en . . . . "Macbeth = The tragedy of Macbeth"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Macbeth, valoroso generale scozzese, è mosso da una delirante ambizione che scatenerà una spirale di violenza. Istigato dalla profezia di tre streghe, Macbeth si lascerà convincere dalla moglie, Lady Macbeth, ad assassinare il Re Duncan per impossessarsi del trono. Altri delitti e nefandezze si susseguono per mano di Macbeth che cerca ad ogni costo di non perdere la corona. Lady Macbeth crolla sotto il peso dei rimorsi fino ad impazzire, mentre il tormentato protagonista lotta per scongiurare l'avverarsi di un'altra rovinosa previsione che incombe sul suo destino." . . . . . "\"Film version of the Shakespeare tragedy about the ambitious king and his eventual downfall.\""@en . . . . . . "Tragedia"@es . . . . "The tragedy of Macbeth"@en . "The tragedy of Macbeth" . "The tragedy of Macbeth"@es . "Macbeth the tragedy of Macbeth"@en . . . "Macbeth"@en . . "Macbeth" . . . . . "Macbeth (Film : 1971)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Macbeth (Motion picture : 1971)" . "Macbeth (Motion picture : 1971)"@en . . . . "Macbeth, the Scottish war hero whose insane ambition unleashes a cycle of violence. Prompted by the prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is goaded by his Lady Macbeth into slaying King Duncan and assuming his throne. Macbeth plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the unsteady crown on his head. While his wife crumbles away in guilt and madness, the haunted Macbeth fights to prevent another forecast which may doom him."@en . "Macbeth e Banquo, generali di Duncan, re di Scozia, al ritorno da una vittoriosa campagna contro i ribelli, incontrano tre streghe, le quali predicono al primo che diventerà signore di Cawdor e poi re; al secondo che, senza mai ascendere al trono, genererà dei sovrani. Avveratasi subito la prima parte della profezia, Macbeth si confida con la moglie, che lo esorta a liberarsi degli scrupoli e fare quanto sta in lui perché il resto ne segua. Mentre Duncan è ospite nel suo castello, Macbeth lo uccide, attribuendo l'assassinio a due servi, che egli giustizia con le proprie mani prima che possono discolparsi. Fuggiti i figli di Duncan, Malcom e Donalbain, Macbeth, benché dilaniato dal rimorso, prende la corona. Per impedire che s'avveri, per Banquo, la profezia delle streghe, assolda due sicari con l'ordine di uccidere l'amico e suo figlio Feance, che riesce a mettersi in salvo. Perseguitato dallo spettro di Banquo, apparsogli durante un festino, Macbeth consulta le streghe, che gli dicono: di guardarsi da Macduff, signore di Fife, che nessun nato di donna potrà nuocergli; che, infine, egli sarà vinto soltanto quando la foresta di Birnam si muoverà. Macbeth fa uccidere la moglie e i figli di Macduff, che si è unito a Malcom per raccogliere un esercito in Inghilterra. Persa la ragione, lady Macbeth si uccide. Mascherandosi dietro i rami strappati alla foresta di Birnam, l'esercito di Malcom e Macduff assale il castello di Macbeth. Morto il sovrano, ucciso da Macduff (che era stato estratto coi ferri dal ventre della madre morta), Malcom diviene il nuovo re."@it . . . . . "Fiction films"@en . "Fiction films" . . . . "\"Macbeth et Banquo, deux chefs de l'armée de Duncan, roi d'Écosse, reviennent d'une campagne victorieuse. Sur la lande, ils rencontrent trois sorcières. Celles-ci prédisent à Macbeth un titre de Baron de Cawdor ainsi que celui de futur roi d'Écosse tandis qu'à Banquo, une descendance royale. Peu de temps après, deux messagers viennent alors informer Macbeth de l'honneur que lui fait le Roi en le nommant baron de Cawdor. Le désir de se faire couronner nait alors en Macbeth. Sa première réaction est de faire part de sa rencontre insolite à son épouse. Face au manque de volonté de Macbeth, Lady Macbeth l'encourage dans l'idée d'assassiner le roi, lui rappelant ses premières ambitions. Ils finissent par tuer Duncan dans leur propre château en faisant passer ses gardes comme meurtriers. Effrayés à l'idée d'être accusés du meurtre mais aussi par crainte de subir le même sort, les enfants de Duncan fuient en Angleterre, laissant le trône libre à Macbeth. Les peurs de Macbeth le conduisent alors à ordonner plus de meurtres - notamment celui de Banquo, et à revoir les trois sorcières qui lui prédisent de n'avoir crainte d'aucun homme né de femme. De plus, son royaume ne sera en danger que lorsque la forêt de Bhirnam se mettra à bouger. Une rébellion naît des atrocités du règne de Macbeth, et ce dernier se fait finalement assassiner au château de Dunsinane par Macduff, arraché du ventre de sa mère avant terme et dont la famille s'est fait exterminer sur l'ordre du tyran\".--Site wikipédia, consulté le 2 mars 2015." . "The insane ambition of Macbeth, a Scottish war hero, unleashes a cycle of violence. Prompted by the supernatural prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is goaded by Lady Macbeth into slaying King Duncan and assuming his throne. Macbeth plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the unsteady crown on his head. While his wife crumbles away in guilt and madness, the haunted Macbeth fights to prevent another dark forecast which may doom him." . "The Tragedy of Macbeth" . "The Tragedy of Macbeth"@en . . . . . "Historical"@en . . . "In this story of murder, withcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing." . "A vivid retelling of the Shakespeare classic with a realistic design, unflinching drama, and an awe-inspiring atmosphere."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Plays"@en . . . . "Videocassettes"@en . . "Adaptation"@en . "Roman Polanski's film of Macbeth"@en . "Roman Polanski's film of Macbeth" . "Historical films"@en . "Tragedia Makbeta" . . . . "Macbeth[video]" . . . . . "DVD-Video discs" . . . . . "A nightmarish vision of Shakespeare's classic tragedy about the lust for power, and its bloody consequences."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Film adaptations"@en . "Film adaptations" . . . "Tragedy of Macbeth (The)" . . . . "Tragédie de Shakespeare" . . . . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . . . "De ondergang van MacBeth, die moedwillig kiest voor het kwaad, mede onder invloed van zijn ambitieuze vrouw Lady MacBeth." . . . . "Roman Polanski's film of William Shakespeare's tragedy play, starring Jon Finch in the title role and Francesca Annis as the scheming Lady Macbeth." . . . "History"@en . "History" . . . . . . . "Drames (Films)" . . . . "A la suite d'une prédiction faite par des sorcières et sur les conseils de sa femme, Macbeth, seigneur écossais, assassine son souverain, le roi Duncan. Le fils de Duncan, s'étant enfui, il est soupçonné du crime et Macbeth est proclamé roi. Il confirme ensuite son pouvoir en éliminant rivaux possibles ou déclarés. Le remords le poursuit pourtant ainsi que Lady Macbeth. Celle-ci tombe dans la folie et se suicide et Macbeth périt peu après sous l'épée de Macduff, un ancien compagnon d'armes." . . . . . . . . "Macbeth, valeroso general escocés, recibe la visita de tres brujas que le profetizan que un día será rey. Aprovechando que el rey Duncan se aloja en su casa, y espoleado por su esposa, Macbeth lo asesina y es proclamado rey de Escocia. Sin embargo, para mantenerse en el trono, se verá obligado a seguir cometiendo más crímenes; mientras tanto, su esposa, abrumada por los remordimientos, se derrumba"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "An adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth, about the lust for power and its bloody consequences."@en . . . . . "Films de fiction" . . . "Macbeth <risorsa elettronica>"@it . . . . . "From Macbeth's first encounter with the naked witches, this story of ruthless ambition, murder and nightmare carries Polanski's stamp."@en . "Macbeth gets the throne through murder and deciet. The longer that he is King the deeper and deeper he gets into murders and madness."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A classic tragedy about the lust for power and its ultimate bloody consequences. Macbeth is a Scottish war hero whose insane ambition unleashes a cycle of violence. Prompted by the supernatural prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is then goaded by his lady into slaying King Duncan in order to assume the throne. He plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the unsteady crown on his head." . "A classic tragedy about the lust for power and its ultimate bloody consequences. Macbeth is a Scottish war hero whose insane ambition unleashes a cycle of violence. Prompted by the supernatural prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is then goaded by his lady into slaying King Duncan in order to assume the throne. He plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the unsteady crown on his head."@en . . "fiction historique (fiction)" . . "Roman Polanski's version of Shakespeare's Macbeth." . "Tragedy of Macbeth (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . . "This is Roman Polanski's film of the Shakespearian tragedy."@en . "Roman Polanskis Verfilmung von Macbeth" . . "Videodiscs" . . "A nightmarish vision of Shakespeare's classic tragedy about the lust for power--and its bloody consequences."@en . "A nightmarish vision of Shakespeare's classic tragedy about the lust for power--and its bloody consequences." . . . . . . . . "British films"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The tragedy of Macbeth Tragedia Makbeta" . . . . . "Polanski's adaptation of Shakespeare's play is marked by realistic design, unflinching violence and fatalistic atmosphere."@en . "In this story of murder, withcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing."@en . "In this story of murder, withcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing." . . . "Macbeth"@it . "Macbeth" . . . . . . "Jon Finch is Macbeth, the Scottish war hero whose insane ambition unleashes a cycle of violence. Promoted by the supernatural prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is goaded by his Lady (Francesca Annis) into slaying King Duncan (Nicholas Selby) and assuming his throne. Macbeth plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the unsteady crown on his head. While his wife crumbles away in guilt and madness, the haunted Macbeth fights t prevent another dark forecast which may doom him. (Quelle: Umschlag)." . . . "Macbeth"@en . . "Macbeth"@es . . . . "MacBeth" . "Polanski's nightmarish vision of Shakespeare's classic tragedy about the lust for power, and its bloody consequences." . . . . . . "Drammatico (Genere)"@it . . . . "A dramatization of William Shakespeare's tragedy entitled Macbeth."@en . . "Films pour handicapés auditifs" . . . "Äußerlich wort- und werkgetreue Verfilmung von Shakespeares Tragödie, die aber das innere Drama durch zu starke Betonung der spektakulären Effekte - Blutrünstigkeiten und Scheußlichkeiten - verfehlt. Durch Fehlbesetzung der Hauptrollen auch darstellerisch nicht fesselnd. Erlesen schöne und schockierend abstoßende Bilder in satten Farben geben nur den Augen Nahrung, der Intellekt bleibt unstrapaziert." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Suspense films"@en . "Nella Scozia dell'anno 1000 Macbeth prende il posto del sovrano legittimo dopo averlo assassinato. Deve uccidere i testimoni del delitto e poi figli e amici di quanti ha ucciso prima finchè viene ucciso lui stesso. (Morandini)."@it . . . . . . . "SUMMARY: A dramatization of William Shakespeare's tragedy entitled Macbeth." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Adaptations" . . . . . . . "Features"@en . . "Features" . . . "Roman Polanski imbues his unflinchingly violent adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy of ruthless ambition and murder in medieval Scotland with grit and dramatic intensity. Jon Finch and Francesca Annis star as a decorated warrior rising in the ranks and his driven wife, scheming together to take the throne by any means." . . . . . . . . "Videodiscos DVD"@es . "Macbeth Enregistrement vidéo" . . . "In this story of murder, witchcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife, murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing."@en . . . "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"@en . . . . "Films historiques" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prompted by the supernatural prophecy of three withces, Macbeth is goaded by his lady into slaying King Duncan and assuming the throne. To keep the unsteady crown on his head, Macbeth plunges further into murder and moral decay, while his wife crumbles away in guilt and madness. The haunted Macbeth, whose insane ambition unleashed this cycle of violence, must now fight to prevent another dark forecast, which may ultimately doom him." . . . . . "Longs métrages" . "Adaptation litteraire" . . "Fiction. Drame adapté de la pièce de Shakespeare sur les conséquences sanglantes de l'ambition d'un homme. Envoûté par la prophétie de trois sorcières et harcelé par sa Lady, Macbeth tue le roi Duncan pour prendre son trône. Les meurtres se multiplient pour conserver son trône, sa femme sombre dans la folie et lui-même est hanté par le remords. Avec Jon Finch (Macbeth), Francesca Annis (Lady Macbeth), Martin Shaw (Banquo), Terence Bayler (Macduff), John Stride (Ross), Nicholas Selby (Duncan), Stephan Chase (Malcolm), Paul Shelley (Donalbain)." . "Film" . . . . . . . . . "Tragedy of Macbeth"@en . "Tragedy of Macbeth" . "A nightmarish vision of Shakespeare's classic tragedy about the lust for power and its bloody consequencies."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . "In this story of murder, witchcraft, and revenge, Macbeth, driven by overwhelming ambition and an unscrupulous wife murders the King of Scotland and claims the throne for himself. He begins a violent reign of terror and execution in a desperate attempt to maintain his power. Haunted by ghosts and vexed by witches, he and his wife rapidly descend into the depths of madness and paranoia as the weight of their crimes proves their undoing. Rated R."@en . . . . . . . . "Macbeth (classic)"@en . . . "Drama"@es . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . "Teatro inglés Versiones cinematográficas Videocasetes." . . . . "Witches." . . "Violent crimes Drama." . . "Feature films United States." . . "Tragedia inglesa Versiones cinematográficas Videocasetes." . . "Películas cinematográficas Videocasetes." . . "Scotland" . . "Scotland." . "Cinema Club." . . "To 1057" . . "Third Ear Band," . . "Columbia Pictures Industries." . . "Scénario (Société de réalisation)" . . "Régicides Films." . . "Murder." . . "Crimes violents Films." . . "Violent crimes." . . "Galiban Films." . . "Shakespeare, william-macbeth-dramatic production-dvds." . . "1057 - 1603" . . "Verfilmung." . . "Sorcières Films." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Macbeth\" DVD." . . "Asesinato Películas DVD." . . "English literature Film and video adaptations." . . "Reyes y soberanos Películas DVD." . . "Literatur." . . "Criterion Collection (Firm)" . . "Criterion Collection (Firm)," . "Feature films." . . "The Third Ear Band." . . "The third ear band." . "Cine Gran Bretaña DVD." . . "Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Macbeth." . . "Columbia Pictures," . . "Kings and rulers." . . "Motion picture film \"Macbeth\" DVDs." . . "Rois et souverains Écosse Films." . . "Columbia Pictures Corporation" . . "English literature." . . "Écosse" . . "Regicides Scotland Drama." . . "RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video (Estados Unidos)" . . "Playboy Productions, Inc.," . . "Playboy Productions, Inc." . "Regicides." . .