. . . . . . "A libel on Dr. D-ny, and a certain great lord. By Dr. Sw-t. Occasion'd by a certain epistle. To which is added, I. An Epistle to his Excellency John Lord Carteret, by Dr. D-ny. II. An Epistle on an Epistle ; or a Christmas-Box for Dr. D-ny. III. Dr. Sw-t's Proposal for preventing the Children of poor People being a Burthen to their Parents or Country, and for making them beneficial to the Public"@en . . "A libel on Dr. D-ny, and a certain great lord. By Dr. Sw-t. Occasion'd by a certain epistle. To which is added, I. An Epistle to his Excellency John Lord Carteret, by Dr. D-ny. II. An Epistle on an Epistle ; or a Christmas-Box for Dr. D-ny. III. Dr. Sw-t's Proposal for preventing the Children of poor People being a Burthen to their Parents or Country, and for making them beneficial to the Public" . . .