. . "Cinéart (Firm)" . . "New York (N.Y.)" . . . "Cinéma vérité films" . "Je Tu Il Elle: \"For more than a month, eating only powered sugar, a woman tries to deal with a breakup: she paints her room twice, removes the furniture, writes and rewrites a letter to her lover, clarifying all she had said. She spreads the pages on the floor. She lies down and waits. Finally, her sugar eaten, she is hungry and leaves. She flags down a truck; she and the trucker drive through the dark, stopping at a diner and bars. He asks for a hand job, she complies. He talks about his wife, children, and sex life. She arrives at the flat of her lover, a woman, who tells her she cannot stay. She says she is hungry, so her lover feeds her then allows her to stay the night. They make love.\" IMDB." . "[Hôtel Monterey, 1972, silent, 60 min.] A silent film consisting entirely of shots of people walking in and out of a rundown New York hotel." . "Chantal Akerman in the seventies" . . "Je tu il elle" . . "Independent films" . . "Je tu il elle: Akerman's first feature-length film. A jittery young woman gradually gains experience and maturity in her travels around France. Sex, love, food and personal identity become intertwined as she sets out to define herself, her loves, and her desires." . . . . . . . . . . . "Experimental films" . "Hotel Monterey" . "Hotel Monterey: A cheap Manhattan hotel glows with mystery and unexpected beauty in this film consisting entirely of shots of people walking in and out of the hotel." . . . . . "Feminist films" . . "I you he she" . "Hotel monterey" . . . "Chantal Akerman collection, les années 70" . "[Je tu il elle, 1975, 82 min.] Chantal Akerman directs and plays the lead in this black-and-white feature that charts three successive stages of its heroine's love life." . . "Gay and lesbian (GLTBQ) films" . . . . . . "Hotel monterey + je tu il elle" . "A film consisting entirely of shots of people walking in and out of a rundown New York hotel." . "Video recordings" . "La chambre: In this experimental short film the furniture and clutter of one small apartment room becomes the subject of a moving still life." . . "Hôtel Monterey and, Je tu il elle" . . . "Cinéma vérité films" . "Hotel Monterey: Short film consisting entirely of shots of people walking in and out of a rundown New York hotel." . . "Chantal Akerman collection" . . . "Silent films" . . "Cult films" . . . "Hotel Monterey: \"Hotel Monterey is a cheap hotel in New York reserved for the outcasts of American society. Chantal Akerman invites viewers to visit this unusual place as wall as the people who live there, from the reception up to the last story.\" IMDB." . . . . .