"San Diego (Calif.)" . . "Private investigators Fiction." . . "Private investigators." . . "Heure Des Gentlemen, L'" . "Relax, ultra-cool, niveau de stress minimum : Boone Daniels, ex-flic reconverti en détective privé, commence chaque journée par une sortie avec la Patrouille de l'aube, groupe de meilleurs copains unis par la passion du surf, et qui, sur la terre ferme, veillent les uns sur les autres. Quand l'icône de la communauté surf locale est tuée lors d'une bagarre à la sortie d'un bar par un jeune punk de la Rockpile Crew, le petit monde de Pacific Beach est secoué.Boone ne peut plus ignorer que la violence a infiltré la communauté du surf. Petra Halle, l'avocate so british qui met Boone dans tous ses états, lui demande de l'aider à défendre le jeune tueur. À mesure que son enquête progresse, Boone se met à dos ses amis de la Patrouille de l'aube, et nage dans des eaux de plus en plus troubles et dangereuses... Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Frank Reichert." . . . . . "Detective and mystery stories" . . . . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . "The gentlemen's hour : a novel" . . "Large type books" . . . "Boone Daniels lives to surf. Laid back, ultra'California cool, the former cop turned PI begins each day with the Dawn Patrol, a close-knit group of surfers, best friends who not only ride waves together but have one another's backs out of the water. It's the life Boone loves, all he wants. To him, \"There's no such thing as a bad day at the beach.\" So when one of their own is murdered'especially an icon like Kelly Kuhio, a local hero'and another surfer, a young punk from the Rockpile Crew, stands accused, the small world of Pacific Beach is rocked to its core. Boone knows he can no longer ignore the painful truth that violence is seeping into the surfing community. But when he agrees to help the defense, the outrage he courts from the community, and the Dawn Patrol, is more than he ever anticipated. He's risking losing the relationships that define his life' just when he needs them most. As Boone digs deeper into San Diego's murkier side, delving into places the city's reputationconscious establishment would rather he left alone, it becomes clear that more than a murder case is at stake. He soon finds himself out there alone, struggling to stay afloat as the waves get rougher and rougher . . . and more deadly. It's The Gentlemen's Hour'and it could be Boone's last."@en . . . "\"Boone Daniels, the most laid-back of private investigators, gathers with his surfing buddies on Pacific Beach, California as per usual. There's no surf to speak of, but the Dawn Patrol are out in force anyway ... it's what they do. Having no work at the moment, and no real reason to go to the office other than to see the red ink getting redder, Boone sticks around for the second shift on the daily surfing clock - the Gentlemen's Hour, frequented by the older veteranos and successful entrepreneurs - and ends up taking on a hated matrimonial case. But that soon becomes the least of his worries. When The Sundowner, symbolic icon of the San Diego surf scene, sees a dispute between a young surfer and a member of the territorial Rockpile Crew - a dispute that ends in murder - the painful truth that violence is seeping into the surf community can no longer be ignored. So when lawyer Petra Hall, who has a thing with Boone, asks him to help the defence on that particular case, Boone knows he'll be courting outrage from the community ... and from the rest of the Dawn Patrol. As his closest friendships begin to fray, and he digs deeper into the murkier side of surfing culture, Boone sees his two cases overlap in unexpected ways and finds himself struggling to stay afloat as the water gets deeper and deeper ... and more deadly.\"--Publisher description." . "Chas dzhentlʻmenov" . "Krimis, Thriller, Spionage" . . "The Dawn Patrol, a close-knit group of surfers in San Diego, not only ride waves together but have one another's backs out of the water. It's the life Boone loves, all he wants. When one of their own is murdered and another surfer, a young punk from the Rockpile Crew, stands accused, the small world of Pacific Beach is rocked to its core." . "The gentlemen's hour"@en . "The gentlemen's hour" . . . . . . . . . . "The gentlemen's hour a novel"@en . . . "Pacific paradise : Kriminalroman" . . . "Boone Daniels, a laid-back private investigator, gathers on Pacific Beach California with his Dawn Patrol buddies as usual. However he sticks around on the beach until the Gentleman's Hour group comes along and get's himself a case. Boone Daniels is back ." . "La hora de los caballeros"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . "The Dawn Patrol, a close-knit group of surfers, not only ride waves together but have one another's backs out of the water. It's the life Boone loves, all he wants. When one of their own is murdered and another surfer, a young punk from the Rockpile Crew, stands accused, the small world of Pacific Beach is rocked to its core." . . . "Ausgabe" . . . . "Mystery fiction" . "Mystery fiction"@en . . . . . . . . . . "L'heure des gentlemen" . "Suspense fiction"@en . . "Pacific Paradise Kriminalroman" . . . . . . . . "krimi" . . "Amerikanisch." . . "Surfers." . . "Detectives Fiction." . . "USA" . . "2000-2009" . . "FICTION / Thrillers / General." . . "California" . . "California." . "Surfers Fiction." . . "Daniels, Boone (Fictitious character) Fiction." . . . . "Kriminalroman." . . "Californien" . . "Large print books." . .