"Prostitution." . . "Widows Belgium Brussels Drama." . . "Criterion Collection (Firme)" . . "Drame psychologique." . . "Longs métrages Belgique." . . "Chores." . . "Cinéma France." . . "Criterion Collection (Firm)" . . "Mothers and sons." . . "Prostitution Belgium Brussels Drama." . . "Cooking Belgium Brussels Drama." . . "Longs métrages France." . . "Prostitution Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . . . . . "Motion pictures, Belgian"@en . . "A singular work in film history, Chantal Akerman's Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles meticulously details, with a sense of impending doom, the daily routine of a middle-aged widow--whose chores include making the beds, cooking dinner for her son, and turning the occasional trick. In its enormous spareness, Akerman's film seems simple, but it encompasses an entire world. Whether seen as an exacting character study or one of cinema's most hypnotic and complete depictions of space and time, Jeanne Dielman is an astonishing, compelling movie experiment, one that has been analyzed and argued over for decades." . . . "Evokes a sense of impending doom, the daily domestic routine of a middle-aged widow. Her chores include making the beds, cooking dinner for her grown son, and turning the occasional trick. Her life is beginning to break down." . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . "Fiction" . . . "Jeanne Dielman" . . . "Veuve ordonnée et mère d'un adolescent, Jeanne arrondit ses fins de mois en se prostituant à domicile, calant ses rendez-vous entre ses tâches ménagères, selon un emploi du temps immuable, répété jour après jour. Un matin, le réveil sonne une heure plus tôt et dérègle cette mécanique sans vie, libérant d'un coup toute l'angoisse refoulée..." . "fiction" . . . "Chantal Akerman collection" . "Jeanne Dielman, vingt-trois quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@en . "In documenting three days in the life of a Belgian petit bourgeois widow, housewife and mother this film invites the distanced involvement of the viewer. Jeanne follows a rigid routine which is filmed in medium shot with long takes (some scenes in a single take of up to five and minutes) with a relentless refusal to cut back and forth in the classical manner. The painstaking documentation of detail is designed to draw the viewer into the process of daily domestic ritual. Small disruptions have an increasingly unsettling effect as they build towards the final act." . "Living with her son, a middle-aged widow's daily routine rarely varies, cooking, cleaning, and turning the occasional trick." . . . . "Fiction films" . . . . . "This film minutely details three days in the life of a housewife/prostitute. When her daily routine is disrupted, her reaction is extreme." . "Jeanne Dielman, une jeune veuve, vit avec sn fils Sylvain selon un ordre immuable. Lorsqu'il est à l'école, elle s'occupe du ménage, de la cuisine, des commissions. Elle reçoit un \"client\" dans sa chambre l'après-midi. Elle s'occupe de son fils le soir. Les journées se suivent et se ressemblent jusqu'à ce que des menus incidents perturbent cet ordre bien étable. [(c) Guide des films, Laffont 2005]. Avec Delphine Seyrig, Jan Decorte, Henri Storck, Jacques Doniol-Valcroze, Yves Bical." . . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23 Rue du Commerce" . . . "Jeanne Dielman 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman : 23 Quai du Commerce : 1080 Bruxelles" . . . "Jeanne Dielman 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . . . "fiction dramatique (fiction)" . . . . . "Experimental films" . . . . . . "This video minutely details three days in the life of a housewife/prostitute. When her daily routine is disrupted, her reaction is extreme." . . . . "Cinéma" . . . . . . . . . "Chantal Akerman collection, les années 70" . . . . . "Twenty three, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . "\"Veuve ordonnée et mère d'un adolescent, Jeanne arrondit ses fins de mois en se prostituant à domicile, calant ses rendez-vous entre ses tâches ménagères, selon un emploi du temps immuable, répété jour après jour. Un matin, le réveil sonne une heure plus tôt et dérègle cette mécanique sans vie, libérant d'un coup toute l'angoisse refoulée--\"--Conteneur." . . . . . "Minutely details three days in the life of a housewife/prostitute. When her daily routine is disrupted, her reactionis extreme." . "Chronicles mundane episodes from the daily life of a 40-year-old housewife/prostitute who snaps when faced with intense emotion and commits a horrifying crime."@en . . "Chronicles mundane episodes from the daily life of a 40-year-old housewife/prostitute who snaps when faced with intense emotion and commits a horrifying crime." . . . . . . . "Video recordings" . . "In documenting three days in the life of a Belgian petit-bourgeois widow, housewife and mother this film invites the distanced involvement of the viewer. Jeanne follows a rigid routine which is filmed in medium shot with long takes (some scenes in a single take last up to 5 minutes) with a relentless refusal to cut back and forth in the classical manner. The painstaking documentation of detail is designed to draw the viewer into the process of daily domestic ritual. Small disruptions have an increasingly unsettling effect as they build towards the final act." . . . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . "Anschliessend Interview mit Chantal Akerman (9 Min.)." . . . . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles: Chronicles mundane episodes from the daily life of a 40-year old woman who snaps when faced with intense emotion and commits a horrifying crime." . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles"@en . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . "Motion pictures, French"@en . "Filmmaterial" . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . . . "23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" . "Drames (cinéma)" . . . . . . "Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles" . . . . . "Longs métrages" . . . "Unit Trois." . . "Motion pictures, Belgian." . . "Mères et fils Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . "Films étrangers." . . "Cinéart (Firm)" . . "België." . . "Cinéma belge." . . "Cooking." . . "Belgium. Ministère de la culture français." . . "Films expérimentaux." . . "Veuves Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . "Widows." . . "Janus Films." . . . . "Mothers and sons Belgium Brussels Drama." . . "Belgium" . . "Chores Belgium Brussels Drama." . . "Cinéma Belgique." . . "Drames (Films)" . .