"Psychologische aspecten." . . "Creativiteit." . . "Kreativität." . . "Intelligens" . . "Si kao." . . "思考" . "Success Psychological aspects." . . "Sukces aspekt psychologiczny." . . "Sucesso." . . "Self-actualization (Psychology)" . . "Creativeness." . . "Kreativitet" . . "Éxito Aspectos psicológicos." . . "Samorealizacja." . . "Kreativitätstraining." . . "Criatividade." . . "Konsulentgruppen INNOVATOR" . . "Criatividade (aspectos psicológicos)" . . "Exito." . . "Succès." . . "Samopoznanie." . . "Creative ability." . . "Lebensführung." . . "Créativité dans les affaires." . . "Pensamento criativo." . . "Creative thinking." . . . . "Erfolg." . . "Myślenie twórcze." . . "Cheng gong fa." . . "成功法" . "Pensament creatiu." . . "Vernieuwing." . . "A whack on the side of the head how you can be more creative"@en . "A whack on the side of the head how you can be more creative" . . . . . . . "This work offers a summary of the book \"A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative\" by Roger Van Oech. In A Whack On The Side Of The Head, Van Oech argues that creative thinking can yield extremely positive results, and at the best of times can lead to innovative and profitable ideas. Occasionally, however, we all get mental blocks which deter us from thinking outside the box. We feel obliged to follow strict rules and are afraid of making mistakes or coming up with bad ideas. This summary identifies the ten most common mental locks, or misapprehensions about the way we should think, and provides useful solutions to each issue. With stimulating puzzles and exercises it will give you a mental workout and is just the key you need to unlock and stimulate creative thoughts." . . . . . . . "激發創意 : 給頭腦致命的一擊" . "How you can be more creative" . . . . . . . "Dang tou bang he ru he ji fa chuang zao li = A whack on the side of the head" . . . . "Ru he ji fa chuang zao li" . . . . "A Whack on the side of the head : how you can be more creative" . . "Rusk op i din kreativitet : 64 genveje til kreativitet : guide til at tænke i nye baner"@da . . . "Aus der Routine ausbrechen" . . . . "Over the years, A WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD has been praised by business people, educators, scientists, homemakers, artists, youth leaders, and many more. The book has been stimulating creativity in millions of readers, translated into eleven languages, and used in seminars around the world. Now Roger von Oech's fully illustrated and updated volume is filled with even more provocative puzzles, anecdotes, exercises, metaphors, cartoons, questions, quotations, stories, and tips designed to systematically break through your mental blocks and unlock your mind for creative thinking. This new edition will attract an entire new generation of readers with updated and mind-stretching material. -- Description from http://www.amazon.com (Oct. 2, 2012)." . . "Ji fa chuang yi : gei tou nao zhi ming de yi ji" . "靈機一動" . "靈機一動" . . . . . "A whack on the side of the head : how you can be more creative" . "A whack on the side of the head : how you can be more creative"@en . "Electronic books" . . . "Ling ji yi dong" . . . "Um \"toc\" na cuca"@pt . . . . "Sé creativo: Enciende la chispa de tu talento"@es . . . . . . "Kkwak makhin han tchok mŏri rŭl huryŏ ch'yŏra" . "当头棒喝 如何激发创造力 = A whack on the side of the head" . "Ji fa chuang yi : gei tou nao zhi ming di yi ji" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chispazos"@es . "Chispazos" . . . . . . . "Dang tou bang he : ru he ji fa chuang zao li" . . . . "Ling ji yi dong = A Whack on the Side of the Head" . . . "靈機一動 = A Whack on the Side of the Head" . . . . . . . . "Kreatywność : możesz być bardziej twórczy!"@pl . "Kreatywność : możesz być bardziej twórczy!" . . . . "A Whack on the Side of the Head" . . . "A whack on the side of the head"@en . "Cú đánh thức tỉnh trí sáng tạo : mở các ổ khóa trí tuệ để vươn tới đỉnh cao sáng tạo" . "A whack on the side of the head" . "Rusk op i din kreativitet : guide til at tænke i nye baner"@da . "如何激发创造力" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Whack on the side of the head"@pl . "Whack on the side of the head" . "A Whack on the Side of the Head"@en . . . . "A whack on the side of the head : unlock your mind with lateral thinking"@en . "Ling ji yi dong" . . . . "Sé creativo es un novedoso sistema pensado para hacer que surjan ideas frescas en abundancia, enriqueciendo tu vida y superándote día con día. En cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento tú puedes generar respuestas a diversas problemáticas y usar tu lógica descubriendo infinidad de aspectos que aún no has contemplado y que son el principio de los grandes inventos. Inicia una nueva etapa más productiva en tu vida y tal como lo hacía el rey Midas, toca y convierte todo en oro. Sé creativo y transforma tus pensamientos en utilidades netas y pon en práctica tu agilidad mental."@es . . "General Adult. The president of Creative Think who has counseled such companies of CBS, Coca-Coca, Disney, MTV, AT & T, NASA, Sony, and many other prominent businesses presents a wealth of tips, techniques, strategies, and exercises for increasing creativity. Reprint." . . "Pabo ka tŏ ch'amsinhan aidiŏ rŭl naenda = A whack on the side of the head" . . . "How you can be more creative."@en . . "How you can be more creative." . . . . . . . "当头棒喝 : 如何激发创造力" . . . . . . . . "A whack on the side of the head : How you can be more creative" . "Pensée créatrice." . . "Criatividade nos negocios." . . "Kreatywność." . . "Pensamiento creador." . . "Achievement." . . "Bedrijfskunde." . . "Èxit Aspectes psicològics." . . "Alt4Kreativ" . . "Pensamiento creativo." . .