"Massacres Fiction." . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . "\"For the town of Randall, Arizona, the terror starts quietly, oddly -- a senile woman in her eighties becomes pregnant; a massacre of farmers and their livestock; a town smelling of death. A stranger arrives, an itinerant preacher with mad eyes and an elemental presence named Brother Elias. He seeks out three men: the sheriff, tough, no nonsense Jim Weldon; the new minister, a gentle God-fearing soul named Father Andrews; and Gordon Lewis, a young newlywed whose pregnant wife Marina is the unknowing center of the coming fury. Together, these people must face an implacable force of evil as old as the world and as relentless as the desert sun...\"--Cover page [4]." . . . . . . . . . . "Suspense fiction" . "Love stories"@en . . "Révélation" . "Horror fiction"@en . "The Revelation" . "Fiction" . "Fiction"@en . "The revelation" . "The revelation"@en . . . . . . . . "Toutes les églises de Randall, petite ville paisible de l'Arizona, sont profanées, deux fermiers sont tués et la pasteur disparaît avec toute sa famille. Tous les habitants devront lutter contre une entité maléfique plus ancienne que le temps lui-même. Personne ne sortira indemne de cet affrontement." . . . . "Horror tales" . . "Strange things are happening in the quiet town of Randall, Arizona. The local minister vanishes, his church defiled by blasphemous obscenities scrawled in blood... A crazed old woman in her eighties becomes pregnant... Herds of animals are discovered butchered in a field... And one by one, the good folks in town are falling victim to the same unspeakable fate... Now, an itinerant preacher has arrived spreading a gospel of cataclysmic fury." . "Regency fiction"@en . . . . . "Apocalyptic terror reigns in the small town of Randall, Arizona, and a relentless tide of horror mounts, until a strange preacher, Brother Elias, enlists three others to help face an ancient and implacable evil."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Arizona" . . "Arizona." . "Good and evil." . . "Good and evil Fiction." . . "Massacres." . . . . "Arizona - Fiction." . . "Terror - Fiction." . .