. "\"Commonplace items and everyday lifestyles often run their course and fade away like the setting sun. As they lose their importance in society, they take on a vintage flavor. Through a collection of short stories, take a nostalgic trip back to the late 50s, 60s, and early 70s with a farm family of twelve. Share their simple life experiences as they buy their first black-and-white television set; enjoy shopping downtown with them where parking meters must be fed; and find out how they kept Sundays special. while no two families lived exactly alike in those decades, plenty of common threads did exist. Inevitably, times keep on changing. New products and innovative inventions replace the old ways of doing thins, but it is never too late to rediscover dome familiar gems of the past. Fortunately, they are only a memory away.\"--back cover." . . . "History" . "Bushels of nostalgia : a collection of short stories harvested from days gone by" . . . . . . . "Popular culture United States." . . "Americana." . . "United States" . . "United States." . "Civilization." . . "Popular culture." . . . .