"Ebooks -- UML." . . "Since 1958" . . . . "1974 - 1999" . . . . . . . "Although considerable differences between the Caribbean Basin policies of the United States and Venezuela surfaced during the 1970s, congruent interests will continue to outweigh differences in the future. Venezuela has become one of three regional powers in the Basin. It pursues policies that largely parallel Washington's national security interests; these include political, economic, and territorial objectives. Security interests encompass defense of frontiers, neutralizing threats originating in the Basin, and maintaining an anti-guerrilla capability."@en . . . . . "Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests : implications for United States national security : prepared for the United States Air Force" . . . . . . . "Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests : implications for United States national security : a project Air Force report, prepared for the United States Air Force" . . . . "Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests : implications for United States national security" . . . "Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests implications for United States national security"@en . . . . "Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests : implications for United States national security ; a Project Air Force report" . . . . "Venezuela's Pursuit of Caribbean Basin Interests - Implications For United States National Security" . . . . . . . . . . "Außenpolitik / Außenwirtschaftspolitik / Venezuela." . . "Since 1974" . . "Venezuela" . . "Caribbean Area" . .