"Gait disorders-Exercise therapy. Gait disorders Complications. Gait in humans." . . . . "Halikhah be-ḳav ha-beriʼut : hipaṭru mi-keʼeve gav, tsaṿar, ketefayim, birkayim, agan u-makhʼovim aḥerim, le-lo nituḥim u-lelo terufot ʻal yede haḳnayat hergele halikhah nekhonim" . . . . "Camminare bene per vivere meglio" . . . . . "\"Offers a series of evaluative questions that lead you to your own individual gait corrections and supportive exercises.\"" . "Walk yourself well : eliminate back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, and other structural pain forever--without surgery or drugs" . "Walk yourself well : eliminate back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, and other structural pain forever--without surgery or drugs"@en . "Walk yourself well"@en . . . . . . . . "Walk yourself well : eliminate back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, and other structural pain forever, without surgery or drugs"@en . . . . . . . . . "Movement Disorders therapy." . . "Marcia." . . "Fisioterapia." . . "Gait." . . "Exercise Therapy." . . . .