"Porpoises." . . "Dolphins." . . "Porpoises Juvenile literature." . . . . "Dolphins and porpoises" . "Decribes the behavior, life history, and anatomy of dolphins and porpoises." . "Dolphins and porpoises"@en . . . "Dolphins & porpoises"@en . "Dolphins & porpoises" . . . . "Dolphins and porpoises"@en . . . "Dolphins and porpoises" . . . . . . . . . "Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and enemies of dolphins and porpoises." . . "Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and enemies of dolphins and porpoises."@en . . . . "Zoobooks"@en . . . "Delfines y marsopas" . . . . . . . "Dulfīnʹhā" . "Juvenile works"@en . "Juvenile works" . "Discusses the physical characteristics, habitats, and behavior of dolphins and porpoises."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Juvenile literature." . . "Dolphins Juvenile literature." . .