"Bali (Indonesia : Province)" . . . . . . . "A burden of flowers" . "A burden of flowers"@en . . . . . . . . "Based on a true story of the 1980s, the action centers on Asia-traveling Japanese artist \"Tez\" Nishijima and his Europhile sister Kaoru. When Tez is arrested in Bali on charges of heroin trafficking and faces the death penalty, his parents are paralyzed with shame, leaving his Paris-based sister to come to the rescue. She enlists the help of an old expert on Indonesia and two of his friends, and sets off to face a shadowy and alien situation. Her brother, languishing in jail, thinks back over his journeys in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, to the two women who changed his life there, to his subsequent slow spiral into drug addiction, and to the day a police stooge planted heroin in his room in the Kuta Beach \"backpack territory\" of Bali." . "Fiction" . "Fiction"@en . "Hana o hakobu imōto" . "Hana o hakobu imōto"@ja . . . "花を運ぶ妹" . . "Le jeune peintre Tetsuro voyage à Bali, en quête d'inspiration. Il se laisse aller à la facilité et suite à une rencontre féminine néfaste, il devient héroix;̈nomane et se retrouve en prison pour détention de stupéfiants en Indonésie, où ce délit est passible de la peine de mort. Pour le sauver, sa soeur Kaoru brave les juges corrompus et les avocats véreux." . . . . "\"Asia-traveling Japanese artist \"Tez\" Nishijima ... is arrested in Bali on charges of heroin trafficking and faces the death penalty. ... his Paris-based sister [Kaoru] come to the rescue.\"--Jacket."@en . "\"Asia-traveling Japanese artist \"Tez\" Nishijima ... is arrested in Bali on charges of heroin trafficking and faces the death penalty. ... his Paris-based sister [Kaoru] come to the rescue.\"--Jacket." . . . . "La sœur qui portait des fleurs : roman" . . . "Erzählende Literatur: Gegenwartsliteratur ab 1945" . "Suspense fiction"@en . "Suspense fiction" . . . . . . . . "La soeur qui portait des fleurs" . . . "Le jeune peintre Tetsuro voyage à Bali, en quête d'inspiration. Il se laisse aller à la facilité et suite à une rencontre féminine néfaste, il devient héroïnomane et se retrouve en prison pour détention de stupéfiants en Indonésie, où ce délit est passible de la peine de mort. Pour le sauver, sa soeur Kaoru brave les juges corrompus et les avocats véreux." . . . . . . . . "Translations"@en . . "Schwere Blumen Roman" . "Roman Japanisch Ausgabe." . . . . "Roman japonais Traductions françaises." . . "Bali Island (Indonesia)" . .