. . . . . . "Recommendations for speckled dace (Kettle River) critical habitat" . "Pacific region" . . "\"In 2009, Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus), Kettle River population, was listed as endangered under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Thus, critical habitat for the species must be identified in the Recovery Strategy or Action Plan(s) to the extent possible based on the best information available. If this critical habitat is unknown, the Recovery Strategy or Action Plan must include a schedule of studies that, when completed, would allow the species' critical habitat to be identified. Once identified, provisions of SARA and/or other federal legislation protect the critical habitat from destruction. This Science Advisory Report provides recommendations for critical habitat of Speckled Dace to the extent possible based on best available information.\"--Document." . . . . . . . . . "Naseux moucheté Habitat Kettle, Rivière (C.-B. et Wash.)" . .