"Éducation." . . "Phi Delta Kappa, Bloomington, in." . . . . . "Aphorisms on Education: Some Thoughts on Contemporary Schooling.Fastback 40"@en . "The author provides 79 short maxims on the nature of contemporary education. An aphorism is defined as a short pithy statement of truth as perceived by the author. As an introduction, 12 characteristics of aphorisms, a short historical survey of aphorisms, and examples by well-known writers are provided. Aphorisms, usually brief, may use words interestingly, may capture penetrating perceptions in a down-to-earth manner, and are often biographical inspirational, cynical, depressing, upsetting, tragic, humorous, hortatory, and inconsistent. Frequently aphorisms may confuse a situation more than clarify it and may be void of meaning. (Author/DE)."@en . . . . . . . . . "Aphorisms on education" . "Books"@en .