"Stagecraft Scenery and lighting." . . "Theaters Stage-setting and scenery." . . . . . "Self-supporting Scenery : For Children's Theatre. . . and Grown-ups' Too"@en . . . . . "Self-supporting scenery for children's theatre ... and grown-up's [sic] too : a scenic workbook for the open stage"@en . . . . . . . "Self-supporting scenery for children's theatre ... and grown-up's [sic] too; a scenic workbook for the open stage"@en . "Self-supporting scenery for children's theatre...and grown-up's [sic] too; a scenic workbook for the open stage"@en . "Self-supporting scenery"@en . "Self-supporting scenery : for children's theatre... and grown-ups' too"@en . . . .