"Erfahrung." . . "Psychologie." . . "Erfahrung Psychologie." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The necessity of experience" . . . . . . "Primary experience, gained through the senses, is our most basic source for understanding reality and learning for ourselves. Our culture, however, favors the indirect knowledge gained from secondary experience, in which information is selected, modified, packaged, and presented to us by others. In this controversial book, Edward S. Reed warns that second-hand experience has become so dominant in our technological workplaces, schools, and even homes that primary experience is endangered. Reed calls for a better balance between firsthand and secondhand experience, particularly in our social institutions. He contends that without opportunities to learn directly, we become less likely to think and feel for ourselves." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Apprentissage par la pratique." . . "Wahrnehmung." . . "Lernen." . . "Ervaring." . . "Informationsverarbeitung." . . "apprentissage (psychologie) expérience (psychologie)" . . "Experiencia." . . . . "Expérience Aspect psychologique." . . "Erfahrungsorientiertes Lernen." . . "Mental Processes." . . "Schèmes (psychologie)." . . "Traitement de l'information chez l'homme." . . "expérience (psychologie)" . .