. . "How does a pastor or any congregational leader nurture his or her own faith journey in the midst of the demands of ministry? How can church leaders live in such a way as to stave off spiritual ennui or spiritual dryness? How can church leaders keep the church focused on the mission of faith formation? Thad Rutter recommends a pastoral ministry rooted in contemplative prayer--tending to and caring for the souls of God's people. Such tending is crucial to faithful living and serving as well as responding to God's longing for us and our longing for God. Rutter interviewed parishioners to learn about their longing for God and for their expectations of a pastor. He weaves those interviews with reflection on the writings of Kathleen Norris, Rueben Job, and James Finley to offer a new image for pastoral ministry." . . . . . . . "Where the heart longs to go : a new image for pastoral ministry" . . . . . . . .