. . . . . "Story told by chairman of the New Hampshire [delegations] regarding his arrest. Interview with Paul O'Dwyer of the New York delegation regarding the nomination of Richard Daley for Vice-President. General confusion. Nomination of Sen. Edmund Muskie as Vice-President and resulting confusion with the Oregon delegation. Followed by Sen. Muskie's acceptance speech."@en . . . . . "[Hubert Humphrey, Democratic presidential nominee announces his selection of Sen. Muskie as his running mate]"@en . "Recording also includes: Interview with Mrs. Humphrey. Mayor Daley of Chicago defending police action. Interviews with Senator McGovern and Jesse Unruh of California. Remote address by Sen. Edward Kennedy introducing a memorial motion picture on the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Various reports on riots and general confusion, reluctance of delegates to come to order. Nominating speech by Wisconsin delegation of Julian Bond of Georgia. Interview with Julian Bond, who declined nomination of the vice- presidency."@en . . . . . .