"Posología." . . "Drug Design." . . "drug design" . "Chimie pharmaceutique." . . "Biofarmacia." . . "Química farmacèutica." . . "Farmacotherapie." . . "Electronic books." . . "Disseny de medicaments." . . "Formes pharmaceutiques." . . "Farmacevtska tehnologija Učbeniki za visoke šole." . . "Technology, Pharmaceutical" . . "Technology, Pharmaceutical." . "Médicaments Formes pharmaceutiques." . . "Formes pharmaceutiques Modèles mathématiques." . . "Techniques pharmaceutiques." . . "Chemistry, Pharmaceutical." . . "Chemistry, Pharmaceutical" . "Microbiology." . . "Gyógyszertechnológia." . . "Geneesmiddelen." . . "Biopharmacie." . . "Toediening." . . "Medicamentos Dosagem." . . "Tecnologia farmacêutica." . . "Tecnologia farmacèutica." . . . "Química farmacêutica (farmacologia;fórmula)" . . "Microbiology, Pharmaceutical." . . "Farmacologie. Therapie." . . "Biopharmaceutics." . . "Biopharmaceutics" . "Technologie pharmaceutique." . . "Formes posologiques." . . "médicament - fabrication [études diverses]" . . "pharmaceutical technology" . . "Dosage Forms." . . "Dosage Forms" . "dosage forms" . "Dosage forms." . "MEDICAL Chemotherapy." . . "Medicamentos Formas farmacéuticas." . . "Formes farmacèutiques." . . "Médicaments Design." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pharmaceutics" . . . "Pharmaceutics the science of dosage form design"@en . . "Pharmaceutics the science of dosage form design" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pharmaceutics: the science of dosage form design" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pharmaceutics : the science of dosage form design" . "Pharmaceutics : the science of dosage form design"@en . . . . "Pharmaceutics : the science of dosage form design"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "Delineamento de formas farmacêuticas"@pt . . . . . . . .