"搖籃曲" . . . . . "Powieść amerykańska"@pl . "Powieść amerykańska" . . . . . "Fiction"@es . "Fiction"@en . . "Fiction" . . . . . "Yao lan qu" . . "Online-Publikation" . . . . . . . . "Lullaby : A Novel" . . . "Lullaby : Roman" . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . "Electronic books" . "Lullaby Roman" . "La 4ème de couverture indique : Enquêtant sur la mort subite du nourrisson, le journaliste Carl Streator découvre qu'une berceuse a le pouvoir de tuer. Une comptine mortelle : la lire ou simplement y penser en présence d'autrui le plonge dans un sommeil éternel. Sur des lèvres mal intentionnées, imaginez l'hécatombe! Très vite, Carl est dépassé par ce secret redoutable, or il ne semble pas être le seul à en connaître l'existence..." . . "Récits d'horreur" . . "Vom Autor des Welterfolgs 'Fight Club'. Mit leiser Stimme gesungen oder nur in Gedanken rezitiert, vermag ein afrikanisches Wiegenlied jeden zu töten, der es hört. Würde dieses Schlaflied durch Radio oder Fernsehen verbreitet, es brächte Millionen von Menschen die ewige Ruhe. Gemeinsam mit drei äusserst unterschiedlichen Mitstreitern, die alle auch ihre ganz eigenen Interessen verfolgen, begibt sich der Reporter Carl Streator auf eine phantastische Reise durch Amerika, um dieser unheimlichen Bedrohung Einhalt zu gebieten ... Der amerikanische Autor Chuck Palahniuk, geboren 1962, träumte lange davon, Schriftsteller zu werden. Doch erst ein persönlicher Einschnitt in seinem Leben gab ihm schliesslich den Impuls, seinen Traum zu verwirklichen. Seit seinem Überraschungserfolg \"Fight Club\" geniesst Palahniuk nicht nur bei zahllosen Lesern Kultstatus, er hat sich mit seinen folgenden Romanen auch in die Riege amerikanischer Bestsellerautoren geschrieben. Chuck Palahniuk lebt in Portland, Oregon." . "Erzählende Literatur" . . . "\"Carl Streator is a reporter investigating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome for a soft-news feature. After responding to severals calls with paramedics, he notices that all the dead children were read the same poem from the same library book the night before they died. It's a \"culling song\"--An ancient African spell for euthanising sick or old people. Researching it, he meets a woman who killed her own child with it accidentally. He himself accidentally killed his own wife and child with the same poem twenty years earlier. Together, the man and the woman must find and destroy all copies of this book, and try not to kill every rude sonofabitch that gets in their way.\"--Back cover." . "Колыбельная" . . . . "Lullaby"@en . . "Lullaby" . . . . "American fiction" . . . . . . "Als een journalist gevallen van wiegendood onderzoekt, ontdekt hij de dodelijke kracht van een oud Afrikaans wiegeliedje." . . . . . . "Americké romány" . . . . . . . "Kolybeljnaja" . . . . "Berceuse" . . . . . "Reporter Carl Streator teams up with real estate broker Helen Hoover Boyle in an attempt to find and destroy all copies of the anthology \"Poems and Rhymes Around the World,\" which contains an African lullaby Streator believes has the power to kill when spoken or thought, and is apparently the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." . . . . . "Horror tales"@en . . . . "Ukolebavka" . "Kolybelʹnai︠a︡ : roman" . . . . "Kolybelʹnai︠a︡ : [roman]" . . "Roman policier américain" . . . . . "Ninna nanna" . "Thriller" . "Ninna nanna"@it . . "Nana" . "Nana"@es . "Investigating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, journalist Carl Streator finds the same anthology of poems and rhymes at each child's bedside. The book is always opened to a specific African chant--a culling song that kills when recited, whether silently or aloud. Suddenly, Carl's knowledge of the chant makes him an involuntary serial murderer and he must learn to control himself, then remove all copies of the book from libraries across the country." . "Investigating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, journalist Carl Streator finds the same anthology of poems and rhymes at each child's bedside. The book is always opened to a specific African chant--a culling song that kills when recited, whether silently or aloud. Suddenly, Carl's knowledge of the chant makes him an involuntary serial murderer and he must learn to control himself, then remove all copies of the book from libraries across the country."@en . . . . . . "Berceuse : roman" . . . . . . . . . "Lullaby" . "Lullaby"@it . . "Kolybelʹnai︠a︡" . "Kołysanka"@pl . "Kolybelnʹi︠a︡" . . . . . "Assigned to a story on sudden infant death syndrome, journalist Carl Streator finds a poetry anthology that contains an African chant that becomes lethal when spoken or thought in someone's direction."@en . "Assigned to a story on sudden infant death syndrome, journalist Carl Streator finds a poetry anthology that contains an African chant that becomes lethal when spoken or thought in someone's direction." . . . . . . . "Wiegelied" . . . . . "Ukolébavka" . . "Horror fiction"@en . "Horror fiction" . "Kolybel'naja : Roman" . . . . . "Lullaby a novel"@en . "Lullaby a novel" . "Lullaby : a novel" . . . . . "Lullaby : a novel"@en . . . . "Roman policier américain." . . "Journalistes Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . "Incantations." . . "Incantations Fiction." . . "Mort subite chez le nourrisson Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . "Littérature américaine." . . "Infants Death Fiction." . . "Sudden infant death syndrome Fiction." . . "Periodistas Novela." . . "FICTION / General" . . "Novela norteamericana Siglo XXI." . . "Journalists." . . "Journalists Fiction." . . "Schwarze Magie." . . "Plötzlicher Kindestod." . . "Fiction." . . "Spanish language materials." . . "Wiegenlied." . . "Encantamientos Novela." . . "Incantations Romans, nouvelles, etc." . . "Sudden infant death syndrome." . . "Mondadori," . . . . "Ameriška književnost Romani." . . "Charms Africa Fiction." . . "Niños lactantes Muerte Novela." . . "Horror fiction." . .