. . . "In 1985 a drug enforcement agent told Robert Stutman that a new drug called \"crack\" had hit the streets. In the following years, Stutman, head of the New York Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration would get to know all about crack: in lives lost, in lives wasted, in dead cops and dead DEA agents, in a society under siege. For the next four years, Stutman would be the point man in the most ferocious drug war ever waged in America. Now Robert Stutman--one of." . . . . "Manhattan--one that would prove just how insatiable crack demand had become. A book that is at once exciting and distressing, gritty and eloquent, DEAD ON DELIVERY must serve as a wake-up call to America. For here is the drug war as it has never been shown before--as described by a man who has spent his life trying to staunch a gaping wound in our society." . . . . . "Shocking and important story--a story no other man in America could tell. Researched and written by Richard Esposito with the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Justice, this expose reveals, for the first time, both the street battles and the appalling behind-the-scenes government policies that helped feed the drug epidemic. Stutman gives harrowing accounts of dozens of extraordinary operations, including the all-out hunt for the murderer of DEA agent Everett Hatcher." . . "Biography"@en . "Biography" . "History"@en . . . . "History" . "America's highest profile drug agents--tells not only of the great crack epidemic of the 1980s, but how the DEA was taken by surprise by it after decades of fighting heroin, marijuana, and cocaine. On the front lines with the DEA for 25 years, Stutman served as street-level enforcement officer, international drug agent, and a political liaison inside Washington. He did his job so well that a Colombian cartel targeted him for death. In DEAD ON DELIVERY, he narrates a." . "Dead on delivery : inside the drug wars, straight from the street" . "Dead on delivery : inside the drug wars, straight from the street"@en . "Gunned down on a Staten Island street--and how it led Stutman to Mob boss John Gotti; the bust of \"Boy George\" Rivera, a 20-year-old heroin dealer who owned a fleet of customized luxury cars--and paid his dealers huge incentives for selling more dope; a female DEA agent's daring penetration of a Wall Street brokerage house that used cocaine to woo clients--and used clients' money to buy more drugs; a remarkable assault on interlocking crack-dealing gangs in." . . . "1900 - 1999" . . . .