"Umweltkrise." . . "Warner Home Video (Firma comercial)" . . "Warner Home Video (Firme)" . . "Feature films." . . "Terre Effets de l'homme sur al." . . "Responsabilidad ambiental." . . "Tierra" . . "Responsabilité environnementale." . . "Human influence on nature." . . "Appian Way (Firm)" . . "Nature Effect of human beings on." . . "Changement climatique." . . "Protection de l'environnement." . . "Menselijke ecologie. Sociale biologie." . . "Environmental degradation." . . "Environmental Degradation." . "Varstvo okolja Dokumentarni filmi Video DVD-ji." . . "Tree Media Group." . . "Influence de l'homme sur la nature." . . "Umweltschaden." . . "klimaat." . . "Climate and weather." . . "Environmental responsibility." . . "Human ecology." . . "Greenhour (Firm)" . . "Global warming." . . "Environnement Dégradation." . . "Klimaatveranderingen." . . "Homme Influence sur la nature." . . "Documentary." . . "Degradación ambiental." . . "Appian Way (Firme)" . . "Nachhaltigkeit." . . "Global warming Audiovisual instruction." . . "Appian Way (Firma comercial)" . . "Agriculture, environment and natural resources." . . "Copyright Collection (Library of Congress)" . . "Erde." . . "United States." . . . . "Explores the current conditions of humans and nature on Earth, and offers solutions and technologies for the future of the planet."@en . . . . . . . . . "[Pet pred dvanajsto]" . . . "Cine documental" . . "Leonardo DiCaprio presents the 11th hour" . "DVD-ROM" . . "Explores the indelible footprint that humans have left on this planet, and the catastrophic effects of environmental neglect and abuse, and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity." . "Explores the indelible footprint that humans have left on this planet, and the catastrophic effects of environmental neglect and abuse, and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "人類最後關鍵時刻開始進入倒數,這也是我們能夠改變現況和阻止生態浩劫的最後一刻.本片由好來塢巨星李奧納多狄卡皮歐首度擔任製片及旁白口述,以截然不同的觀點檢視人類過去在地球上的經歷及未來將何去何從,最重要的是,我們能如何改變未來.前蘇聯總統戈巴契夫及史蒂芬霍金斯的思想家,及永續設計專家威廉馬當諾夫與其他數十名專家學者,將在片中為觀眾剖析地球生物目前面臨的困境.洪水,火災,颱風,兵山崩解及不段增加的垃圾山等駭人畫面,與永續美好的未來畫面在片中穿插出現,在在催促我們應立刻採去行動.人類能不能運用先進科技和透過行為的改變來拯救地球呢?危機就在眼前,但我們一定可以找出解決知道,為後代子雖拯救這個唯一的藍色星球." . . . "11th hour" . . "\"The film explores how we've arrived at this moment - how we live, how we impact the earth's ecosystems, and what we can do to change our course.\""@en . . . . "The 11th Hour turn mankind's darkest hour into its finest" . . . "Eleventh hour" . "Eleventh hour"@en . . . . . . . . "Humankind's 11th hour is here: the last moment when we can change course and halt our demise into global ecological collapse. Leonardo DiCaprio produces and presents this urgent and transformational look at where we've been, where we're going and, most crucially, how we can change. The crisis is upon us now, but so are the solutions to turn humankind's darkest hours into its finest." . . . . . "Cine de no-ficción" . "eleventh hour" . . . "Documentary films"@en . "11ème heure" . . . "Documentary films" . . "Videograbaciones para personas con daño auditivo" . . . . . "Documentario (Genere)" . . . . . . . . "A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restoring the planet's ecosystems." . "Explora la huella indeleble que los humanos han dejado en este planeta, y los efectos catastróficos de negligencia ambiental y el abuso, y hace un llamamiento para la acción reparadora a través de una reestructuración de la actividad humana." . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@en . . . "\"The 11th Hour\" is the last moment when change is possible. The film explores how we've arrived at this moment -- how we live, how we impact the earth's ecosystems, and what we can do to change our course. Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolsey and sustainable design experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau in addition to over 50 leading scientists, thinkers and leaders who discuss the most important issues that face our planet and people."@en . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . . . . . . "Film documentaire (Descripteur de forme)" . . . . . . "The 11th hour La 11ème heure : le dernier virage" . . . "Pet pred dvanajsto" . "Largometrajes" . . "À l'heure où les changements climatiques provoquent de plus en plus de catastrophes, une cinquantaine de scientifiques, de politiciens et d'environnementaux font le point sur la situation et tentent de trouver des pistes de solutions. Parmi eux, on retrouve le physicien Stephen Hawking, l'ex-président de l'URSS Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, le reporter scientifique Andy Rivkin et les militants environnementaux Lester Brown, Tim Carmichal et Wes Jackson." . . . "Eleventh Hour, The" . . "The 11th hour turn mankind's darkest hour into its finest"@en . . "L'undicesima ora" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The 11th Hour beschreibt den letzten Moment, in dem eine Umkehr noch möglich ist. Der Film untersucht, wie die Menschheit an diesem Punkt angelangt ist - wie wir leben, wie wir das Ökosystem der Erde beeinträchtigen und was wir tun können, um unseren Kurs zu ändern. Der Film beinhaltet Gespräche mit Experten aus aller Welt, wie dem ehemaligen Sowjetischen Premierminister Mikhail Gorbachev, dem renommierten Wissenschaftler Stephen Hawking, dem ehemaligen Chef des CIA, R. James Woolsey sowie den Spezialisten für nachhaltige Entwicklung William McDonough und Bruce Mau. Dazu kommen über 50 führende Wissenschaftler, Philosophen und Führungspersönlichkeiten, welche die Fakten präsentieren und über die wichtigsten Herausforderungen diskutieren, denen unser Planet gegenübersteht. (Quelle: www.headfilm.ch)." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Co-directors Leila Conners Peterson and Nadia Conners conduct interviews with some of the world's leading scientists and creative thinkers in a film that asks whether or not it's too late to avoid the ecological disaster that looms ominously on the horizon. In addition to exploring how the human race has arrived at this crucial point in history, conversations with fifty leading thinkers, scientists, and leaders including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, world-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, and sustainable design experts Bruce Mau and William McDonough to find out just what mankind can do about the most pressing issues of our time."@en . . . . . "Onzième heure" . . . . . "The 11th hour = L'undicesima ora" . . . . . . . "Documentary" . "11ème heure, le dernier virage" . . . "The 11th hour [Pet pred dvanajsto]" . "Documentary"@en . . "Ren lei zui hou guan jian shi ke kai shi jin ru dao shu ,zhe ye shi wo men neng gou gai bian xian kuang he zu zhi sheng tai hao jie de zui hou yi ke . ben pian you hao lai wu ju xing li ao na duo di ka pi ou shou du dan ren zhi pian ji pang bai kou shu,yi jie ran bu tong de guan dian jian shi ren lei guo qu zai di qiu shang de jing li ji wei lai jiang he qu he cong,zui zhong yao di shi ,wo men neng ru he gai bian wei lai . qian su lian zong tong ge ba qi fu ji shi di fen huo jin si de si xiang jia,ji yong xu she ji zhuan jia wei lian ma dang nuo fu yu qi ta shu shi ming zhuan jia xue zhe,jiang zai pian zhong wei guan zhong pou xi di qiu sheng wu mu qian mian lin de kun jing . hong shui . huo zai . tai feng . bing shan beng jie ji bu duan zeng jia de le se shan deng hai ren hua mian,yu yong xu mei hao de wei lai hua mian zai pian zhong chuan cha chu xian,zai zai cui cu wo men ying li ke cai qu xing dong . ren lei neng bu neng yun yong xian jin ke ji he tou guo xing wei de gai bian lai zheng jiu di qiu ne?wei ji jiu zai yan qian,dan wo men yi ding ke yi zhao chu jie jue zhi dao,wei hou dai zi sui zheng jiu zhe ge wei yi de lan se xing qiu ." . . . . . . . . "The 11th Hour"@en . "The 11th Hour" . "Nonfiction films" . . . . "Nonfiction films"@en . . . . . . . "Onzième heure, le dernier virage" . . . . . . . "The 11th hour" . . "The 11th hour [turn mankind's darkest hour into its finest]" . "The 11th hour"@en . . . . . "L'undicesima ora per il genere umano è adesso, l'ultimo attimo nel quale è ancora possibile cambiare e fermare la nostra corsa verso il collasso ecologico globale. L'attore Leonardo DiCaprio è il produttore e la voce narrante di questo documentario sull'improrogabilità del cambiamento, che ci racconta da dove veniamo, dove stiamo andando e, cosa più importante, come possiamo cambiare. Grandi intellettuali come Mikhail Gorbachev e Stephen Hawking ed esperti di sviluppo sostenibile come William McDonough, insieme a molti altri, rivelano l'attuale e drammatica situazione del pianeta Terra. Incredibili immagini di inondazioni, incendi, uragani, scioglimento dei ghiacci e crescenti montagne di rifiuti giustapposte ad immagini di un futuro sostenibile ci esortano ad agire. Riusciremo ad utilizzare le tecnologie innovative a nostra disposizione e a cambiare il nostro comportamento per salvare il pianeta? Il momento critico è adesso; ma gli strumenti per salvare questo straordinario pianeta azzurro per le generazioni future sono a portata di mano." . . . . "The 11th hour Turn mankind's darkest hour into its finest"@en . . . . . . "Earth (Planet)" . . . . "MVO (maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen)" . . "Documentary films." . . "Environmental protection." . . "ecologie." . . "Feature films United States." . . "Ecosystemen." . .