"Política mundial 1989-" . . "International relations." . . . . . "Electronic books"@en . "International Politics on the World Stage" . . . . . . . . . . . "International politics on the world stage : brief" . . . . . . "世界舞台上的国际政治" . . "Textbooks"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "International politics on the world stage : John T. Rourke" . . . . "Lehrmittel" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Učbeniki za višje in visoke šole" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "International politics on the world stage / John T. Rourke" . . . . . "Shi jie wu tai shang de guo ji zheng zhi" . . . . . . . "International politics on the world stage, brief" . . . . "International politics on the world stage, brief"@en . . . "Textbooks for colleges" . . . . . . "International politics on the world stage"@en . "International politics on the world stage" . . "International politik" . . "Relaţii politice internaţionale 1989-" . . "World politics 1989-" . . "Since 1989" . . "World politics." . . "Relations économiques internationales." . . "Relaţii economice internaţionale." . . "Since 1945" . . "Stosunki międzynarodowe." . . "Relaciones internacionales." . . "Stosunki międzynarodowe 1989-." . . "International economic relations." . . "World politics 1945-" . . "Relations internationales." . . "Internationale Politik." . . "Svetovna politika 1989-" . . "Außenpolitik Macht Intervention." . . "1945 - 1989" . . "Política internacional 1989-" . . "Weltwirtschaft." . . "Politique mondiale 1989-" . . "Mednarodni gospodarski odnosi." . . "Außenpolitik." . . "Aussenpolitik." . "Relaţii politice internaţionale." . . "Mednarodni odnosi." . . "World politics 1945-1989." . . . . "Internationale Politik 0 Gesamtdarstellung." . . "Relaciones económicas internacionales." . . "Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze." . . "Politique mondiale 1945-1989." . . "Svetovna politika." . . "Световна политика." .