"Paris" . . "1789 - 1799" . . "France" . . "Francia" . . "María Antonieta Reina Consorte de Luis XVI, Rey de Francia, 1755-1793." . . "Paris (France)" . . . . . . . . . . "War stories" . . . "Fiction" . "Los últimos días de María Antonieta"@es . "Los últimos días de María Antonieta" . . "Los Últimos días de María SAntonieta" . . . "When Queen Marie Antoinette escapes from jail during the French Revolution, police commissioner Joseph Fouche limits the damage to his career by substituting a lookalike at the trial. She is Nenette, a woman he loves and she could go to the guillotine in the queen's place to save Fouche's neck." . "Belletristische Darstellung" . "Love and terror" . . . . . . . "Zeit der Liebe und des Schreckens : Roman" . . . "Historical fiction" . "History" . . . .