. . . . . "The Sierra Club guide to safe drinking water" . . . . . . . . "In recent years, the contamination of municipal water supplies by bacteria like E. coli or parasites like cryptosporidium have been traced to malfunctioning water treatment plants and unprotected reservoirs. Despite these facts, federal support is waning and local governments are now refusing to accept responsibility to upgrade facilities and enforce water-quality laws. At a time when environmental standards are under attack in Congress, this alarming but empowering sourcebook offers a way for average citizens to join the fight to safeguard our nation's drinking water. Learn how to find out if your water is safe, how to evaluate purification systems, and the merits of bottled water. Featuring ratings of 200 municipal water systems, The Sierra Club Guide to Safe Drinking Water is essential reading for all who care about the water they drink." . . . . . . "Safe drinking water" . .