. "Historical fiction"@en . "Historical fiction" . . . . . . . . . . "Mystery fiction"@en . "Mystery fiction" . "De Mamur Zapt en de trouwe schaduw" . . . . "Mamur Zapt, head of Cairo's Secret Police, dodges wild bombs and stray bullets in an attempt to learn why civil servants are being pursued and attacked by unknown assailants." . . "Het hoofd van de geheime politie in Caïro krijgt omstreeks 1909 te maken met bomaanslagen en studentenrellen." . . . . "En Egypte sous le protectorat anglais, Mamour Zapt enquête sur des troubles ayant lieu au Caire alors que le khédive s'apprête à désigner son Premier ministre." . "The Mamur Zapt and the man behind : a suspense tale of old Cairo"@en . . . . "The men behind : a Mamur Zapt mystery" . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . "The Mamur Zapt and the men behind" . . . . "The Mamur Zapt and the men behind"@en . "Troubles au Caire" . . . . . "Detective and mystery stories" . . . "The Mamur Zapt and the men behind : a suspense tale of old Cairo"@en . . "The men behind"@en . . . "Egypt" . . "Cairo (Egypt)" . . "Mamur Zapt (Fictitious character) Fiction." . . . . "1882 - 1952" . .