"Indianer" . . "Indiens d'Amérique Relations avec l'État États-Unis." . . "Indiens d'Amérique Amérique du Nord politique et gouverment." . . "Indiens d'Amérique Amérique du Nord." . . "Indiens d'Amérique Amérique du Nord Politique et gouvernement." . . "Indianen." . . "Indiens d'Amérique États-Unis." . . . "\"La 4°de couverture indique : Who is an Indian? Who is a Native American? What are Indian self-determination and sovereignty? What defines an Indian tribe? These and more than one hundred other questions are asked and answered in this critically acclaimed overview of Indian country. The second edition of Jack Utter's classic work covers the hottest issues facing American Indians today--tribal sovereignty, gaming, water rights, treaty rights, cultural rights, and the evolving history of federal Indian policy. Revised and updated with many new questions, eight new illustrations, historical and contemporary maps, three hundred new references, and informative tables, American Indians provides the best single source available today on a variety of Indian country issues, past and present.\"" . . "Answer to today's questions." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "American Indians : answers to today's questions" . . . "American Indians : answers to today's questions"@en . . . "American indians answers to today's questions" . . . . . . . "American Indians answers to today's questions"@en . . . . "Indiens d'Amérique Amérique du Nord Relations avec l'État." . .