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Heart of darkness; and ; The secret sharer

A symbolic narrative that follows Charles Marlow as he retells his early days as a steamboat captain on the Congo River.

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  • "Au coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Werke"
  • "The Congo diary"@en
  • "Heart of darkness"@pl
  • "Heart of darkness"@es
  • "Heart of darkness"@it
  • "Heart of darkness"@ja
  • "Heart of darkness"@en
  • "Heart of darkness"
  • "Heart of darkness"@tr
  • "Diario del Congo"@it
  • "Crane's heart of darkness & The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, and, The secret sharer"@en
  • "Project Gutenberg presents Heart of darkness"
  • "Hearts of darkness"@he
  • "Cuore di tenebra"@it
  • "Cuore di tenebra"
  • "Özgün adı:Heart of darkness"@tr
  • "Cliff Notes on Crane's heart of darkness & The secret sharer"@en
  • "Project Gutenberg etext of Heart of darkness"
  • "Sammlung"
  • "Herz der Finsternis"
  • "Congo Diary"
  • "Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness"@en
  • "Joseph Conrad : Heart of darkness"@en
  • "Secret sharer"
  • "Secret sharer"@en
  • "Congo diary"
  • "Congo diary"@it
  • "Congo diary"@en
  • "Jądro ciemności"
  • "Coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Coeur des ténèbres"@en
  • "Up-river book"
  • "Heart of darkness & selected short fiction"@en
  • "Apocalipse now"
  • "[Teils.]"
  • "SAT words from literature"
  • "Congo diary u. a"
  • "Joseph Conrad"
  • "Heart of darkness and the complete Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness : the original classic edition"@en
  • "Cliffs Notes on Crane's heart of darkness & The secret sharer"@en
  • "Corazón de las tinieblas"
  • "Soga al cuello"
  • "Yami no oku"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and selections from The Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness and selections from The Congo diary"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, with, The Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness ; The Congo diary"
  • "Cuore di tenebre"
  • "On Conrad's Heart of darkness & The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness ; The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness ; The secret sharer"
  • "Project Gutenberg presents Heart of darkness (Boss transcription)"
  • "Au cœur des ténèbres"
  • "Heart of darkness & The secret sharer"
  • "Amy Foster"@en
  • "Joseph Conrad, el corazón de las tinieblas"
  • "Kegelapan jiwa"
  • "Joseph Conrad: Heart of darkness"@en
  • "Heart of Darkness"

  • "A symbolic narrative that follows Charles Marlow as he retells his early days as a steamboat captain on the Congo River."@en
  • "Een Engelse scheepskapitein krijgt in 1890 opdracht in Congo, het privé-protectoraat van de Belgische koning, de verbindingen te onderhouden tussen de verschillende faktorijen aan de rivier en ziet daar de uitwassen van het kolonialisme."
  • "."@en
  • "A group of white men journeys up the Congo River to invade the jungles of the Belgian Congo, in an effort to rob the natives of their irovy."
  • ""Marlow, un agente comercial británico dedicado al negocio de la importación de marfil, se ve obligado a remontar el río Congo en busca de su compañero Kurtz, aquejado de una grave enfermedad. El viaje por la selva africana se convierte en una verdadera odisea, con ataques de los indígenas, rápidos inesperados, temperaturas asfixiantes ... A medida que el barco avance por territorios cada vez más inhóspitos, Marlow se irá construyendo una imagen mitificada de Kurtz. En realidad, cuando llegue a la guarida en la que éste se esconde, hallará un mundo apocalíptico y tenebroso, gobernado por un sujeto lúcido pero ambiguo, símbolo de la degradación moral a la que puede llegar un hombre a merced de la fuerza indómita de la naturaleza."--P. [4] of cover."
  • "Two short novels which explore the dark places of the human soul and man's capacity for good and for evil."@en
  • "Captain Marlowe must wend his way up the African Congo to recover the missing Colonel Kurtz in one of the greatest steamship adventures ever told. As Marlowe's ship Nellie scrapes along the Congo, the voyage into the human soul, like the morass of steaming foliage along the banks, becomes increasingly dark and perilous. Includes review/study guide."
  • "Zentralafrika gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts: Leise und unaufhaltsam bahnt sich ein schmales Boot den Weg durch den dunklen Urwald. Immer weiter stösst es vor auf dem Flusslauf des Kongo, immer tiefer dringt es ein in den unheimlichen Dschungel. Auf dem Boot sieht der junge Kapitän Marlow mit Ungeduld dem Ziel seiner Mission entgegen: der Begegnung mit dem mysteriösen Elfenbeinhändler Kurtz. Dieser hat sich ganz der Kontrolle der Handelsgesellschaften entzogen und inmitten der Wildnis sein eigenes Schreckensreich errichtet. Marlow soll ihn zurückholen. Doch schon bald stellt sich die Frage: Wird er selbst überhaupt zurückkehren? Conrads suggestive Novelle erzählt von einer Expedition, die weiter führt als nur in das Zentrum des afrikanischen Kontinents. Sie führt ins Herz des britischen Kolonialreichs, das sich die Welt mit kalter Effizienz untertan machen will, dabei jedoch immer wieder irrationale Brutalität gebiert. Zugleich ist Marlows Reise auch eine ins Verdrängte, Halbbewusste. Undurchdringlich ist nicht nur der Urwald, der sich wie eine schwarze Wand zu beiden Seiten des Flusses auftürmt, sondern auch der Dschungel der Gefühle und Ängste, der sich vor dem jungen Kapitän auftut. Er ist auf einer Reise, nach der er nicht mehr derselbe sein wird."
  • "Includes: complete text of Heart of darkness, searchable by word or phrase; preface to the Nigger of the "Narcissus" (first ed., 1897); excerpts from letters to Blackwood's magazine and others; video clips of noted Conrad scholars; essays on deconstructionist, psychoanalytical, feminist, Marxist and New Historicism approaches to interpretation; 11 essays; hyperlinks to gloss words, phrases; annotated bibliography, color map of the Congo in the 1890s."@en
  • "Set in a time of oppressive colonization, when large areas of the world were still unknown to Europe, and Africa was literally on maps and minds as a mysterious shadow, "Heart of Darkness" famously explores the rituals of civilization and barbarism, and the frighteningly fine line between them. We get the tale through a classic unreliable narrator, relating as Marlow, a ship's captain, tells how he was sent by the Company to retrieve the wayward Kurtz, and was shaken to discover the true depths of darkness in that creature's, and in his own, soul. Conrad based the work closely on his own terrible experience in the Congo. This work has been reinterpreted and adapted into many modern forms, the most well known being the film Apocalypse Now."@en
  • "Story of the confrontation of morality and power, set in the jungles of the Belgian congo amid ivory hunters and the company which employes them."@en
  • "Not Provided by Publisher."@en
  • "The Fourth Edition is again based on Robert Kimbrough's meticulously re-edited text. Missing words have been restored and the entire novel has been re-punctuated in accordance with Conrad's style. The result is the first published version of Heart of Darkness that allows readers to hear Marlow's voice as Conrad heard it when he wrote the story. "Backgrounds and Contexts" provides readers with a generous collection of maps and photographs that bring the Belgian Congo to life. Textual materials, topically arranged, address nineteenth-century views of imperialism and racism and include autobiographical writings by Conrad on his life in the Congo. New to the Fourth Edition is an excerpt from Adam Hochschild's recent book, King Leopold's Ghost, as well as writings on race by Hegel, Darwin, and Galton. "Criticism" includes a wealth of new materials, including nine contemporary reviews and assessments of Conrad and Heart of Darkness and twelve recent essays by Chinua Achebe, Peter Brooks, Daphne Erdinast-Vulcan, Edward Said, and Paul B. Armstrong, among others. Also new to this edition is a section of writings on the connections between Heart of Darkness and the film Apocalypse Now by Louis K. Greiff, Margot Norris, and Lynda J. Dryden. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series: No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions. Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide."
  • "Dans ce voyage intérieur, le narrateur, Marlow, s'adresse à l'équipage d'un bâtiment immobilisé sur la Tamise, attendant la marée pour appareiller. Il nous entraîne dans une improbable expédition au coeur d'un continent inquiétant, peuplé d'indigènes invisibles et menaçants et de trafiquants d'ivoire. C'est l'un d'eux, M. Kurtz, que le skipper-narrateur a été chargé de ramener en Europe."
  • "Marlow, the story's narrator, tells his friends of an experience in the British Congo where he once ran a river steamer for a trading company. He tells of the ivory traders' cruel exploitation of the natives there. Chief among these is a greedy and treacherous European named Kurtz, a man who has used savagery to obtain semi-divine power over the natives. While Marlow tries to get Kurtz back down the river, Kurtz tries to justify his actions and motions, asserting that he has seen into the very heart of things."@en
  • "Marlow, the story's narrator, tells his friends of an experience in the British Congo where he once ran a river steamer for a trading company. He tells of the ivory traders' cruel exploitation of the natives there. Chief among these is a greedy and treacherous European named Kurtz, a man who has used savagery to obtain semi-divine power over the natives. While Marlow tries to get Kurtz back down the river, Kurtz tries to justify his actions and motions, asserting that he has seen into the very heart of things."
  • "Heart of Darkness - Marlow tells his friends of an experience in the (then) Belgian Congo, where he once ran a river steamer for a trading company. Fascinated by reports about the powerful white trader Kurtz, Marlow went into the jungle in search of him, expecting to find in his character a clue to the evil around him. He found Kurtz living a depraved and abominable life, based on his exploitation of the natives. Without the pressures of society, and with the opportunity to wield absolute power, Kurtz succumbs to atavism."@en
  • "Dark allegory describes the narrator's journey up the Congo River and his meeting with, and fascination by, Mr. Kurtz, a mysterious personage who dominates the unruly inhabitants of the region. Masterly blend of adventure, character development, psychological penetration. Considered by many Conrad's finest, most enigmatic story."
  • "Dark allegory describes the narrator's journey up the Congo River and his meeting with, and fascination by, Mr. Kurtz, a mysterious personage who dominates the unruly inhabitants of the region. Masterly blend of adventure, character development, psychological penetration. Considered by many Conrad's finest, most enigmatic story."@en
  • "Contains "Heart of Darkness" in which an English trading company sends a sea captain to find a renegade trader who has become mad with greed and power over the natives in the Congo; and includes three short stories, an introduction to author, questions, and suggestions for further reading."@en
  • "<Div>Kurtz might be the apple of every brutish imperialist's eye, but his God complex is getting wildly out of hand in the depths of the jungle. What on earth will Marlow find when he finally gets downriver? Devil worship? Savages? Heads on sticks? Or just another nutty</div>"@en
  • ""Heart of Darkness, ' which appeared at the very beginning of our century, 'was a Cassandra cry announcing the end of Victorian Europe, on the verge of transforming itself into the Europe of violence, ' wrote the critic Czeslaw Milosz. Originally published in 1902, Heart of Darkness remains one of this century's most enduring--and harrowing--works of fiction. Written several years after Conrad's grueling sojourn in the Belgian Congo, the novel tells the story of Marlow, a seaman who undertakes his own journey into the African jungle to find the tormented white trader Kurtz. Rich in irony and spellbinding prose, Heart of Darkness is a complex meditation on colonialism, evil, and the thin line between civilization and barbarity. This edition contains selections from Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890--the first notes, in effect, for the novel which was composed at the end of that decade. Virginia Woolf wrote of Conrad, 'His books are full of moments of vision. They light up a whole character in a flash. ... He could not write badly, one feels, to save his life.""@en
  • "Although Polish by birth, Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) is regarded as one of the greatest writers in English, and "Heart of Darkness, " first published in 1902, is considered by many his "most famous, finest, and most enigmatic story." -- "Encyclopaedia Britannica." The tale concerns the journey of the narrator (Marlow) up the Congo River on behalf of a Belgian trading company. Far upriver, he encounters the mysterious Kurtz, an ivory trader who exercises an almost godlike sway over the inhabitants of the region. Both repelled and fascinated by the man, Marlow is brought face to face with the corruption and despair that Conrad saw at the heart of human existence. In its combination of narrative and symbolic power, masterly character study and acute psychological penetration, "Heart of Darkness" ranks as a landmark of modern fiction. It is a book no serious student of literature can afford to miss."
  • "The story of the civilized, enlightened Mr. Kurtz who embarks on a harrowing "night journey" into the savage heart of Africa, only to find his dark and evil soul. The Secret Sharer. The saga of a young, inexperienced skipper forced to decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense. As he faces his first moral test the skipper discovers a terrifying truth -- and comes face to face with the secret itself. Heart Of Darkness and The Secret Sharer draw on actual events and people that Conrad met or heard about during his many far-flung travels. In portraying men whose incredible journeys on land and at sea are also symbolic voyages into their own mysterious depths, these two masterful works give credence to Conrad's acclaim as a major psychological writer."@en
  • "In turn-of-the century Africa, colonial traders driven by greed brave forbidding dangers to exploit the continents vast treasures. One of these is sea captain Marlow, who penetrates the Congo's jungles in pursuit of the mysterious Mr. Kurtz, deranged chief of a remore trading station."
  • ""Joseph Conrad's enduring portrait of the ugliness of colonialism in a deluxe edition with a gripping cover by 'Hellboy' artist Mike Mignola. 'Heart of Darkness' is the thrilling tale of Marlow, a seaman and wanderer recounting his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling upriver into the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but of those that underpin Western civilization itself."--Publisher description."@en
  • ""Joseph Conrad's enduring portrait of the ugliness of colonialism in a deluxe edition with a gripping cover by 'Hellboy' artist Mike Mignola. 'Heart of Darkness' is the thrilling tale of Marlow, a seaman and wanderer recounting his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling upriver into the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but of those that underpin Western civilization itself."--Publisher description."
  • "Two of Conrad's BEST-KNOWN works - in a single volume In this pair of literary voyages into the inner self, Joseph Conrad has written two of the most chilling, disturbing, and noteworthy pieces of fiction of the twentieth century."@en
  • "Two short novels of human savagery in Africa and the conflicting loyalties of a ship's officer depict man's potential for good and evil."
  • "While transporting ivory along the Congo River, Charles Marlow hears whispers about the enigmatic Mr. Kurtz, who has apparently become ill while stationed upriver. Arriving at the Inner Station, Marlow confronts the nature of Kurtz's mysterious illness, his ties to the local native tribes, and his slow decline into madness. HarperPerennial Classics brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperPerennial Classics collection to build your digital library."@en
  • "Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling up river to the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. A haunting and hugely influential Modernist masterpiece, Heart of Darkness explores the limits of human experience as well as the nightmarish realities of imperialism. Part of a major series of new editions of Conrad's most famous works in Penguin Classics, this Enriched eBook contains Conrad's Congo Diary. Enriched eBook Features Editor Timothy S. Hayes provides the following specially commissioned features for this Enriched eBook Classic: * Filmography * Telling Africa's Story Today: Recent Films About Africa * Contemporary Reviews of Heart of Darkness * Further Reading * Character Sketches * Diagram of a Typical Congo Steamer, ca. 1890 * Images of the Congo * Enriched eBook Notes The enriched eBook format invites readers to go beyond the pages of these beloved works and gain more insight into the life and times of an author and the period in which the book was originally written for a rich reading experience."@en
  • "Marlow, the narrator, tells his friends of an experience in the Congo, where he once ran a river steamer. Fascinated by reports about the powerful white trader, Kurtz, Marlow went into the jungle, expecting to find in Kurtz's character a clue to the evil around him. Compelling, vivid, exotic and suspenseful, this is among the half-dozen greatest short novels in the English language."
  • "The classic story set in colonial Africa, of man's vulnerability to and triumph over greed and temptation. A young skipper who must decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense."@en
  • ""Marlow, un agente comercial británico dedicado al negocio de la importación de marfil, se ve obligado a remontar el río Congo en busca de su compañero Kurtz, aquejado de una grave enfermedad. El viaje por la selva africana se convierte en una verdadera odisea, con ataques de los indígenas, rápidos inesperados, temperaturas asfixiantes ... A medida que el barco avance por territorios cada vez más inhóspitos, Marlow se irá construyendo una imagen mitificada de Kurtz. En realidad, cuando llegue a la guarida en la que éste se esconde, hallará un mundo apocalíptico y tenebroso, gobernado por un sujeto lúcido pero ambiguo, símbolo de la degradación moral a la que puede llegar un hombre a merced de la fuerza indómita de la naturaleza."--other Spanish language version."
  • "Heart of Darkness. The story of the civilized, enlightened Mr. Kurtz who embarks on a harrowing "night journey" into the savage heart of Africa, only to find his dark and evil soul."
  • "Featuring a new introduction by Joyce Carol Oates, the author's two best-known stories tell of encounters with moral depravity in the wilds of the Congo and second selves on a voyage into the Gulf of Siam."@en
  • "Set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, Heart of Darkness tells the story of Marlow's journey up the Congo River to meet the remarkable Mr. Kurtz. It reveals Conrad at the height of his powers as a writer of great vividness, intensity, and sophistication. An Outpost of Progress is also set in central Africa and offers a fiercely sardonic view of European imperialism. Karain, with its Malaysian setting, questions conventional ideas of the contrasts between races. Youth is a largely autobiographical account of an ill-fated voyage in which Marlow makes his first appearance. The four tales variously appraise the glamour, folly, and rapacity of imperial adventure. All are concerned with illusions and all, in their diverse ways, display the brilliance of Joseph Conrad, creator of exotic vistas, adventurous narratives, and acutely ironic insights into human nature and the bases of civilization. - Back cover."@en
  • "The captain of a steam ship on the Congo River meets and observes Mr. Kurtz, the fabled chief of the Inner Station for the trading company on that river in 1890."@en
  • "Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling up river to the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but those of Western civilization. This edition contains Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890--the first notes, in effect, for the novel that was composed at the end of the decade."@en
  • "Heart of Darkness: "Marlow tells his friends of an exprience in the Belgian Congo, where he once ran a river steamer for a trading company. He describes the cruel colonial exploitation there. Fascinated by reports about the powerful white trader Kurtz, Marlow went into the jungle in search of him. He found Kurtz living with the natives and brought him away, dying; Kurtz last words were 'The horror!' 'The horror!' The 'heart of darkness' is the jungle, and the primitive, subconscious heart of man." Reader's Ency. 3d edition***********The Secret Sharer "describes the terrible conflict of a young captain who is torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer with whom he identifies himself after the murder of a mutinous crew member.""@en
  • "Marlowe sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who has, according to rumors, become insane in the jungle isolation."@en
  • "Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling up river to the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but those of Western civilization."
  • "Heart of Darkness is Joseph Conrad's disturbing novella recounted by the itinerant captain Marlow sent to find and bring home the shadowy and inscrutable Captain Kurtz. Marlow and his men follow a river deep into a jungle, the "Heart of Darkness" of Africa looking for Kurtz, an unhinged leader of an isolated trading station. This highly symbolic psychological drama was the founding myth for Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 movie Apocalypse Now."@en
  • "Heart of Darkness is Joseph Conrad's disturbing novella recounted by the itinerant captain Marlow sent to find and bring home the shadowy and inscrutable Captain Kurtz. Marlow and his men follow a river deep into a jungle, the "Heart of Darkness" of Africa looking for Kurtz, an unhinged leader of an isolated trading station. This highly symbolic psychological drama was the founding myth for Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 movie Apocalypse Now."
  • "Presents the classic novel by nineteenth-century British author Joseph Conrad about Marlow, an adventurer and seaman and his physical and psychological journey into Africa where he witnesses the brutality of the natives by white traders."
  • "Marlowe sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who has, according to rumors, become insane in the jungle isolation, in a work that illustrates each page of the classic text."@en
  • "Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness was first published in 1899 in serial form in London's Blackwood's Magazine. Loosely based on Conrad's firsthand experience in rescuing a company agent from a remote station in the heart of the Congo, the novel is considered a literary bridge between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With its modern literary approach to questions such as the ambiguous nature of good and evil, the novel foreshadows many of the themes and techniques that define modern literature. This edition includes a glossary and notes to help the modern reader contend with Conrad's complex approach to the human condition."@en
  • "Verslag van een reis die de auteur in 1890 onder gevaarlijke omstandigheden maakte op een rivier in Belgisch Congo."
  • "A group of white men journeys up the Congo River to invade the jungles of the Belgian Congo, in an effort to rob the natives of their ivory."@en
  • "In "Heart of Darkness, Captain Marlowe must wend his way up the African Congo to recover the missing Colonel Kurtz in one of the greatest steamship adventures ever told. As Marlowe's ship Nellie scrapes along the Congo, the voyage into the human soul, like the morass of steaming foliage along the banks, becomes increasingly dark and perilous. In addition to the Marlowe tales "Heart of Darkness and "Youth, this new volume includes Conrad's classic doppelganger tale "The Secret Sharer and the lesser known "Amy Foster." Michael Matin is a professor in the English Department of Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina. Includes an Original Map of the Congo."
  • "In "Heart of Darkness, Captain Marlowe must wend his way up the African Congo to recover the missing Colonel Kurtz in one of the greatest steamship adventures ever told. As Marlowe's ship Nellie scrapes along the Congo, the voyage into the human soul, like the morass of steaming foliage along the banks, becomes increasingly dark and perilous. In addition to the Marlowe tales "Heart of Darkness and "Youth, this new volume includes Conrad's classic doppelganger tale "The Secret Sharer and the lesser known "Amy Foster." Michael Matin is a professor in the English Department of Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina. Includes an Original Map of the Congo."@en
  • "Literature Online includes the KnowledgeNotes student guides, a unique collection of critical introductions to major literary works. These high-quality, peer-reviewed academic resources are tailored to the needs of literature students and serve as a complement to the guidance provided by lecturers and seminar teachers."
  • "Literature Online includes the KnowledgeNotes student guides, a unique collection of critical introductions to major literary works. These high-quality, peer-reviewed academic resources are tailored to the needs of literature students and serve as a complement to the guidance provided by lecturers and seminar teachers."@en
  • "Includes the full text of the Heart of darkness, annotated by four noted Conrad scholars who examine the author's life within the context of his times: the pervasive influence of his Polish background, the impact of the sense of isolation he experienced as a merchant marine, and the nightmarish conditions in King Leopold's Belgian Congo. Historic photos and maps as well as Quicktime video clips help set the tale in the context of time and place. Discusses the importance of literary techniques, themes, ideas, structural analysis, and critical views."@en
  • "Set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, "Heat of Darkness" tells the story of Marlow's journey up the Congo River to meet the remarkable Mr. Kurtz. It reveals Conrad at the height of his powers as a writer of great vividness, intensity, and sophistication. "An Outpost of Progress" is also set in central Africa and offers a fiercely sardonic view of European imperialism. "Karain", with its Malaysian setting, questions conventional ideas of the contrasts between races. "Youth" is a largely autobiographical account of an inn-fated voyage in which Marlow makes his first appearance."
  • "Set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, "Heat of Darkness" tells the story of Marlow's journey up the Congo River to meet the remarkable Mr. Kurtz. It reveals Conrad at the height of his powers as a writer of great vividness, intensity, and sophistication. "An Outpost of Progress" is also set in central Africa and offers a fiercely sardonic view of European imperialism. "Karain", with its Malaysian setting, questions conventional ideas of the contrasts between races. "Youth" is a largely autobiographical account of an inn-fated voyage in which Marlow makes his first appearance."@en
  • "Heart of darkness tells of the European, Kurtz, who reverts to savagery in an isolated native trading post in the Congo."@en
  • "In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Traveling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society."@en
  • "Not only does this book feature the complete text of Heart of Darkness, it offers a comprehensive study guide that will help you understand Conrad's classic novel."
  • "The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.' At the peak of European Imperialism, steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way to relieve the elusive Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader renowned for his fearsome reputation. On his journey into the unknown Marlow takes a terrifying trip into his own subconscious, overwhelmed by his menacing, perilous and horrifying surroundings. The landscape and the people he meets force him to reflect on human nature and society, and in turn Conrad writes revealingly about the dangers of imperialism."
  • "The story of the civilized, enlightened Mr. Kurtz who embarks on a harrowing journey into the savage heart of Africa and the saga of a young, inexperienced skipper forced to decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense."@en
  • "The story of the civilized, enlightened Mr. Kurtz who embarks on a harrowing journey into the savage heart of Africa and the saga of a young, inexperienced skipper forced to decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense."
  • "Adventure fiction. Classic fiction. Marlow, a ferry-boat captain on foreign assignment in the Congo, searches for the legendary and feared Mr. Kurtz, unprepared for what he will find. On his journey he encounters the darkness of the wilderness; the darkness of colonization, and ultimately, the darkness within every man. Heart of Darkness is a powerful indictment of the evils of imperialism."
  • "Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling up river to the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but those of Western civilization. This edition contains Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890--the first notes, in effect, for the novel that was composed at the end of the decade."
  • "Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society."
  • "In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society."
  • "In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society."@en
  • "Heart of darkness tells of a powerful European, Kurtz, who reverts to awful savagery on an isolated native trading post. The secret sharer describes the conflict of a young captain torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer."@en
  • "Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness was first published in 1899 in serial form in London's Blackwood's Magazine. Loosely based on Conrad's firsthand experience in rescuing a company agent from a remote station in the heart of the Congo, the novel is considered a literary bridge between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With its modern literary approach to questions such as the ambiguous nature of good and evil, the novel foreshadows many of the themes and techniques that define modern literature."
  • "Considered finest of his short novels. Realistic revelations of actual events."@en
  • "Charles Marlow's journey into the heart of Africa is an odyssey into corruption, absurdity, and folly. He sees rapacious Europeans exploiting the Africans and conspiring against each other. He voyages upstream on a paddle-streamer that comes under lethal attack. He encounters the great idealist, Mr. Kurtz, the genius who seems to represent the best of Europe. But Mr. Kurtz has 'taken a high seat among the devils of the land' and Marlow returns to Europe bearing the burden of appalling knowledge, forced to make his 'choice of nightmares'. -- Back cover."
  • "Dark allegory describes the narrator's journey up the Congo River and his meeting with, and fascination by, Mr. Kurtz, a mysterious personage who dominates the unruly inhabitants of the region."@en
  • "The dark places of the human soul - this is the region that Joseph Conrad so brilliantly explores. In the steaming jungles of the Congo or the vast reaches of teh sea, it is man's capacity for good adn for evil that is his enduring theme."@en
  • "With an Introduction by Caryl Phillips Commentary by H.L. Mencken, E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, Bertrand Russell, Lionel Trilling, Chiua Achebe, and Philip Gourevitch "Heart of Darkness," which appeared at the very beginning of our century, was a Cassandra cry announcing the end of Victorian Europe, on the verge of transforming itself into the Europe of violence," wrote the critic Czeslaw Milosz. Originally published in 1902, Heart of Darkness remains one of this century's most enduring--and harrowing--works of fiction. Written several years after Conrad's grueling sojourn in the Belgian Congo, the novel tells the story of Marlow, a seaman who undertakes his own journey into the African jungle to find the tormented white trader Kurtz. Rich in irony and spellbinding prose, Heart of Darkness is a complex meditation on colonialism, evil, and the thin line between civilization and barbarity. This edition contains selections from Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890--the first notes, in effect, for the novel which was composed at the end of that decade. Virginia Woolf wrote of Conrad, "His books are full of moments of vision. They light up a whole character in a flash. ... He could not write badly, one feels, to save his life.""
  • "Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Polish-born writer Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski). Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and part of the Western canon. The Secret Sharer is a novella written by Joseph Conrad in 1909, and first published in book form in 1912, though it had appeared in Harper's before then. It contains a theme typical for Conrad; he is a solitary character challenged from external and internal agents. The story was filmed as."@en
  • "Een reis in 1890 onder gevaarlijke omstandigheden op een rivier naar het hart van Belgisch Congo lijkt uit te monden in een apocalyptisch visioen."
  • "Marlow, Conrad's famous maritime wanderer and narrator, spins a story with a mysterious thread."@en
  • "Activities to be used in the classroom to accompany the reading of Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad."@en
  • "Marlow, a raconteur, has been assigned by a Belgian trading company to a foreign mission on the the Congo River. The story reveals the dark heart of humanity, and that man is basically malevolent and his ills are only veiled by civilization."
  • "Marlow comes face to face with the corruption and despair that lies at the heart of human existence when he undertakes a journey on behalf of a Belgian trading company up the Congo River in search of the tormented white ivory trader, Kurtz."
  • "A guide to reading "Heart of Darkness" and "The Secret Sharer" with a critical and appreciative mind. Includes background on the author's life and times, sample tests, term paper suggestions, and a reading list."@en
  • "Marlow sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who has, according to rumors, become insane in the jungle isolation."@en
  • "Marlow sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who has, according to rumors, become insane in the jungle isolation."
  • "The classic novel that inspired Apocalypse Now A European trading concern hires Marlow to pilot a boat up the Congo River in search of Kurtz—a first-class ivory agent and the manager of the company’s highly profitable Inner Station—who is believed to be on his deathbed. With a handful of pilgrims as his passengers and a crew of cannibals, Marlow steams his way into the African interior. The terrifying discovery he makes at the end of his journey and the horrors he witnesses along the way have thrilled and disturbed readers for more than a century. A searing indictment of imperialism and a haunting exposé of mankind’s savage nature, Heart of Darkness is Joseph Conrad’s masterpiece. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices."@en
  • "The secret sharer relates the conflict of a young captain between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer who has murdered a crew member."@en
  • "The secret sharer. The saga of a young, inexperienced skipper forced to decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense. As he faces his first moral test the skipper discovers a terrifying truth-- and comes face to face with the secret itself."
  • "ENDURING LITERATURE ILLUMINATED BY PRACTICAL SCHOLARSHIP Two of Joseph Conrad's most compelling and haunting works, in which the deepest perceptions and desires of the human heart and mind are explored. EACH ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: - A concise introduction that gives readers important background information - A chronology of the author's life and work - A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context - An outline of key themes and plot points to help readers form their own interpretations - Detailed explanatory notes - Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work - Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction - A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary. The scholarship provided in Enriched Classics enables readers to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the world's finest books to their full potential. SERIES EDITED BY CYNTHIA BRANTLEY JOHNSON."@en
  • "Ce récit a toutes les qualités évocatrices de l'art de Conrad qui cherche, surtout dans la description de la nature vierge et ténébreuse, non seulement à captiver l'intérêt intellectuel du lecteur, mais l'adhésion de son entière personnalité, en l'enveloppant dans un vaste filet de sensations."
  • "The story of Marlow travelling upriver in central Africa to find Kurtz, an ivory agent as consumed by the horror of human life as he is by physical illness."
  • "In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz. Travelling to the heart of the African continent, he discovers how Kurtz has gained his position of power and influence over the local people. Marlow's struggle to fathom his experience involves him in a radical questioning of not only his own nature and values but the nature and values of his society. --From publisher's description."
  • ""On board the British ship the Nellie, Marlow told a group of men his story. He told them of his strange, eventful, yet horrific journey into Africa as an agent for the Company, which traded in ivory. He had witnessed the terrible brutality and hate between colonizers and the native African people. Then he'd become embroiled in a power struggle within the Company. And finally, he learned the truth about Kurtz, a mad, mysterious agent. And it was Kurtz, the man who became both a god and a prisoner of the native African people, who would test Marlow's loyalty to the Company"--P. [4] of cover."
  • "Following his epic Moby Dick in Pictures, artist Matt Kish has set himself upon an equally impressive, and no less harrowing, task: illustrating each page of Joseph Conrad's masterpiece, Heart of Darkness. Kish's rich, imaginative drawings and paintings mirror Conrad's original text and illuminate Marlow's journey into the heart of the Congo, and into the depths of the human soul. Heart of Darkness is a text ripe for analysis and argument, formally and thematically; it explores matters of imperialism, racism, gender, and the duality of human nature. Kish's illustratio."@en
  • "The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide. The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway. In the offing the sea and the sky were welded together without a joint, and in the luminous space the tanned sails of the barges drifting up with the tide seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked, with gleams of varnished sprits. A haze rested on the low shores that ran out to sea in vanishing flatness. The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth. The Director of Companies was our captain and our host. We four affectionately watched his back as he stood in the bows looking to seaward. On the whole river there was nothing that looked half so nautical. He resembled a pilot, which to a seaman is trustworthiness personified. It was difficult to realize his work was not out there in the luminous estuary, but behind him, within the brooding gloom."@en
  • "Heart of Darkness- Horror awaits Marlow, a seaman assigned by an ivory company to retrieve a cargo boat and one of its employees, Mr. Kurtz who is stranded in the heart of the Africa, deep in the Belgian Congo. Marlow's journey up the brooding dark river soon becomes a struggle to maintain his own sanity as he witnesses the brutalization of the natives by white traders and discovers the enigmatic Mr. Kurtz. Kurtz, once a genius and the company's most successful representative, has become a savage. His compound is decorated by a row of human heads mounted on spears. The demonic mastermind, liberated from the conventions of European culture, has traded his soul to become ruler of his own horrific dominion."@en
  • "On a becalmed yawl in the Thames estuary, Marlow tells a tale of Africa. His job there is to find the enigmatic Kurtz, but his journey farther and farther upriver reveals the brutality of the white Imperialists who run the country..."
  • "Widely regarded as one of the greatest English novels, -- Apocalypse Now Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved."@en
  • "Traducción de: Heart of Darkness."
  • "Marlowe sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who, according to rumors, has become insane in the jungle isolation."
  • "Een Engelse scheepskapitein krijgt in 1890 opdracht in de Kongo, het privé-protectoraat van de Belgische koning, de verbindingen te onderhouden tussen de verschillende factorijen aan de rivier en ziet daar de uitwassen van het kolonialisme."
  • "Resting one night on a boat on the River Thames, Charlie Marlow tells his friends about his experiences as a steamboat captain on the River Congo. There, in the heart of Africa, his search for the extraordinary Mr. Kurtz caused him to question his own nature and values-- and the nature and values of his society."
  • "Resting one night on a boat on the River Thames, Charlie Marlow tells his friends about his experiences as a steamboat captain on the River Congo. There, in the heart of Africa, his search for the extraordinary Mr. Kurtz caused him to question his own nature and values-- and the nature and values of his society."@en
  • "This story set in colonial Africa reveals man's vulnerability to and triumph over greed and temptation."@en
  • ""On a steamer in the Belgian Congo, Conrad's narrator, Marlow, goes out in search of the powerful white trader, Kurtz, hoping to find out more about the horrors of the jungle" --Provided by publisher."@en
  • "Marlow, the narrator of this story, travels up the Congo River to rescue Mr. Kurtz, a representative of a trading company. Kurtz is trapped in this desolate territory along with its uncontrollable occupants and brooding atmosphere. Kurtz's search for truth slowly and surely transforms him into an impenetrable dignitary. The trip is ominous with unpredictable dangers until finally Marlow comes face to face with Kurtz. Marlow tries to interpret the symbols Kurtz gives him as the translation of his journey. For Kurtz and, ultimately, Marlow this pilgrimage is full of destruction and intrigue."@en
  • "Dans ce voyage intérieur, le narrateur, Marlow, s'adresse à l'équipage d'un bâtiment immobilisé sur la Tamise, attendant la marée pour appareiller. S'ensuit une improbable expédition au coeur d'un continent inquiétant, peuplé d'indigènes invisibles et menaçants et de trafiquants d'ivoire. C'est l'un d'eux, M. Kurtz, que le skipper-narrateur a été chargé de ramener en Europe."
  • "Die Neuübersetzung des berühmten Kongo-Thrillers: ein Meisterwerk. In seinem berühmten Roman >Herz der Finsternis Kapitän Marlow berichtet von seiner Fahrt ins Innere eines unbekannten Kontinents. Die Reise in den Dschungel öffnet ihm nicht nur die Augen über die dunklen Abwege europäischer Eroberungen, sie wird zur Entdeckungsreise: ins Ungewisse der eigenen Existenz, in die Untiefen des Halb- und Unterbewusstseins, ins finstere Labyrinth von Lüge und Schuld. >Herz der Finsternis< hat von Anfang an Leser und Interpreten fasziniert und hat bis heute nichts von seiner Aktualität eingebüsst."
  • "HEART OF DARKNESS*AN OUTPOST OF PROGRESS*KARAIN*YOUTHThe finest of all Conrad's tales, 'Heart of Darkness' is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr Kurtz. What he sees on his journey, and his eventual encounter with Kurtz, horrify and perplex him, and call into question the very bases of civilization and human nature. Endlessly reinterpreted by critics and adapted for film, radio, and television, the story shows Conradat his most intense and sophisticated. The other th."@en
  • "Following his epic "Moby Dick in Pictures," artist Matt Kish has set himself upon an equally impressive, and no less harrowing, task: illustrating each page of Joseph Conrad's masterpiece, "Heart of Darkness." Kish's rich, imaginative drawings and paintings mirror Conrad's original text and illuminate Marlow's journey into the heart of the Congo, and into the depths of the human soul. "Heart of Darkness" is a text ripe for analysis and argument, formally and thematically; it explores matters of imperialism, racism, gender, and the duality of human nature. Kish's illustrations add another layer, and another voice in the conversation. His visual interpretation of "Heart of Darkness" is not just essential for fans and students of Conrad; it's a work of art all its own. Kish's introduction lends context to his approach, details his relationship and struggle with Conrad's work, and illuminates his own creative process. An index in the rear of the book catalogs the sentences and phrases that inspired each of the one hundred original pieces of art."
  • "Born in Poland, Conrad entered the British merchant service, becoming a master mariner and a naturalized British subject in 1886. In order to fill empty, boring hours at sea as a sailor, Conrad began writing his first novel. When he later transferred onto a Congo River, he started taking notes that would eventually become the basis for one of his masterpieces, Heart of Darkness. The novel was first serialized in Blackwood's Magazine and appeared soon after as a single volume. It is one of Conrad's best-known stories and is centered around the death of the powerful white trader aboard a river."@en
  • "Mit der Erzählung "Herz der Finsternis" gelangte Joseph Conrad zu Weltruhm. Der ungewöhnlich symbolreiche Text wird seit Erscheinen immer wieder aufs Neue interpretiert. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, der Flussdampferkapitän Marlow reist im Auftrag einer belgischen Handelskompanie tief in den Kongo. Auf seiner Reise erlebt er unverständliche Wirrnisse, Sinnlosigkeit und eine unvorstellbare Ausbeutung der Einheimischen. Die Reise auf dem Fluss entwickelt sich immer mehr zur Reise in sein eigenes Unterbewusstsein, in ein finsteres Labyrinth von Lüge und Schuld. Marlow trifft auf den berüchtigten Elfenbeinhändler Kurtz. Dieser hat aus seinem Handelsposten ein Zentrum des Bösen gemacht und sich so eine machtvolle Position erschaffen, von der aus er scheinbar frei schalten und walten darf. "Herz der Finsternis" hat von Anfang an Leser und Interpreten fasziniert und hat bis heute nichts von seiner Aktualität eingebüsst. Der Stoff diente als Vorlage mehrerer Verfilmungen. Am bekanntesten: "Apocalypse Now" von Francis Ford Coppola mit Marlon Brando in der Rolle des charismatischen und geheimnisvollen Ausbeuters (diesmal) asiatischer Einheimischer während des Vietnamkrieges und "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes" von Herzog mit Klaus Kinski als wahnsinnigen Eroberer und Vollstrecker eines ausbeuterischen, europäischen Kolonialismus in Süd-Amerika. 1. Auflage Umfang: 149 Normseiten bzw. 144 Buchseiten Null Papier Verlag -"
  • "Heart of Darkness with introduction and notes by Owen Knowles. The Congo Diary with notes by Robert Hampson."
  • "Een reis in 1890 onder gevaarlijke omstandigheden op een rivier naar het hart van de Kongo Vrijstaat lijkt uit te monden in een apocalyptisch visioen."
  • "While transporting ivory along the Congo River, Charles Marlow hears whispers about the enigmatic Mr. Kurtz, who has apparently become ill while stationed upriver. Arriving at the Inner Station, Marlow confronts the nature of Kurtz's mysterious illness, his ties to the local native tribes, and his slow decline into madness.HarperPerennial Classics brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperPerennial Classics collection to build your digital library."
  • "This edition is based on the re-edited text of Robert Kimbrough with missing words restored and the text repunctuated in accordance with Conrad's style."
  • ""Heart of darkness" is a chilling tale of horror set in the Congo during the period of rapid colonial expansion in the 19th century. The story deals with the highly disturbing effects of economic, social and political exploitation of European and African societies."
  • "Een Engelse scheepskapitein krijgt in 1890 opdracht in Kongo, het privé-protectoraat van de Belgische koning, de verbindingen te onderhouden tussen de verschillende faktorijen aan de rivier en ziet daar de uitwassen van het kolonialisme."
  • "Critical evaluation of Heart of darkness, includes theoretical analysis of literary works and extracts from Conrad's correspondence and other writings."@en
  • ""The thrilling tale of Marlow, a seaman and wanderer recounting his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling upriver into the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical questioning, not only of his own nature and values, but of those that underpin Western civilization itself."--English language version."
  • "Dans ce voyage intérieur, le narrateur, Marlow, s'adresse à l'équipage d'un bâtiment immobilisé sur la Tamise. Il entraîne le lecteur dans une improbable expédition au coeur d'un continent inquiétant, peuplé d'indigènes invisibles et de trafiquants d'ivoire. C'est l'un d'eux, M. Kurtz, que Marlow a été chargé de retrouver. Le DVD contient le film Apocalypse now réalisé par F.F. Coppola en 1979.--[Memento]."

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  • "Au coeur des ténèbres ; Un Avant-poste du progès"
  • "Herz der Finsternis [Roman]"
  • "Heart of darkness : and, the Congo diary"
  • "Herz der Finsternis. Mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" [u.a]"
  • "Tumsas sirds"
  • "Au coeur des ténébres"
  • "<&gt"@he
  • "El corazn̤ de las tinieblas"@es
  • "Heart of darkness; and ; The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness : &, the Congo diary"@en
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  • "Coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : Erzählung"
  • "El Corazon De Las Tinieblas"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and the secret sharer ; with an introduction by Albert J. Guerard"@en
  • "Heart of darkness. Almayer's folly [u.a.] / by Joseph Conrad"
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  • "Heart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism"
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  • "En el cor de les tenebres"
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  • "Heart of darkness and selections from the Congo Diary"@en
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  • "Heart of darkness and selected short fiction"
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  • "El corazón de las tinieblas = Heart of darkness"
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  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; La soga al cuello"
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  • "Heart of darkness = el corazón de las tinieblas"
  • "Heart of darkness, the secret sharer"
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  • "El Corazón de las tinieblas ; La soga al cuello"
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  • "Heart of darkness : and other tales"
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  • "Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism"
  • "Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism"@en
  • "Heart of darkness = Au coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Heart of darkness, with, The Congo diary"
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  • "Au coeur des ténèbres ; Un avant-poste du progrès"
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  • "Het hart der duisternis"
  • "Herz der Finsternis. Mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river Book""
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  • "Heart of darkness with study guide"
  • "Au coeur des ténèbres ; Amy Foster ; Le compagnon secret = Heart of darkness ; Amy Foster ; The secret sharer"
  • "Herz des Finsternis : Erzählung"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river book", sowie einem Nachwort im Anhang"
  • "Cuore di tenebre"@it
  • "Cuore di tenebre"
  • "בלב האפלה"
  • "Heart of darkness : [a graphic novel]"
  • "Christian Brückner liest Joseph Conrad, Herz der Finsternis ungekürzte Lesung"
  • "Heart of darkness & The secret sharer"
  • "Yami-no oku"
  • "Au coeur des ténèbres ; suivi de Un avant-poste du progrès"
  • "闇の奥"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "up-river book" sowie einem Nachwort im Anhang"
  • "Heart of darkness and the secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness and the secret sharer"@en
  • "Pimeyden sydän"@fi
  • "Heart of darkness and The secret sharer : Cliffs notes"@en
  • "Mörkrets hjärta : roman"@sv
  • "Au coeur des ténèbres = Heart of darkness ; Amy Foster = Amy Foster ; Le compagnon secret = The Secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness & secret sharer"
  • "Heart of Darkness"
  • "Heart of Darkness"@en
  • "Morkrets hjarta"
  • "Mörkrets hjärta. : [Jämte: Skugglinjen och Ungdom.] [Engelska orig:s titlar: The shadow-line.- Youth.- Heart of darkness. Övers. av Louis Renner.]"
  • "Heart of darkness and other tales"
  • "Heart of darkness and other tales"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, and The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, and the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, and the secret sharer"
  • "The heart of Darkness"@en
  • "Herz der Finsternis Roman"
  • "Corazón de las tinieblas"@es
  • "Heart of darkness ; The Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness Heart of darkness"
  • "Herz der Finsternis"
  • "Karanlığın yüreği"
  • "Karanlığın yüreği"@tr
  • "Herz der Finsternis mit dem "Kongo- Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river book : sowie einem Nachwort im Anhang"
  • "Heart of darkness : with, the Congo diary"@en
  • "Corazon de las tinieblas"
  • "El coraz on de las tinieblas = Heart of darkness"
  • "Das Herz der Finsternis"
  • "El corazon de las tinieblas"@es
  • "El corazon de las tinieblas"
  • "Hart der duisternis"
  • "Hart der duisternis"@en
  • "The heart of darkness and the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness, and, the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness ; and, the secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness ; and, the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of Darkness : an authoritative text backgrounds and sources : essays in criticism"
  • "Heart of darkness : with an introduction by Verlyn Klinkengorg"
  • "Heart of darkness <dt.&gt"
  • "Herz der Finsternis Hörspiel"
  • "Heart of darkness, with study guide"
  • "Das herz der finsternis"
  • "Hē kardia tou skotous"
  • "Au cœur des ténèbres = Heart of darkness"
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; seguido del Diario del Congo"@es
  • "EL Corazón de las tinieblas ; La soga al cuello"
  • "Heart of darkness ;with, The Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness & selections from The Congo diary"
  • "Herz der Finsternis ; mit dem Kongo-Tagebuch ; und dem Up-river book"
  • "Heart of darkness ; The Secret sharer"
  • "Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer"
  • "Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer"@en
  • "Le coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Heart of darkness and The Congo diary"@en
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas"
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas"@ca
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas"@es
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas"@en
  • "Au coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Heart of darkness = El corazón de las tinieblas"
  • "Heart of Darkness = Cuore di tenebre"
  • "Au cœur des ténèbres"
  • "The Heart of Darkness"@en
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; Un vagabundo de las islas"@es
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; Un vagabundo de las islas"
  • "Heart of darkness and the Secret sharer"@en
  • "Karanlığın Yüreği"
  • "Srdce temnoty"
  • "Mörkrets hjärta"
  • "Mörkrets hjärta"@sv
  • "Heart of darkness. The secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness. With The Congo diary and Up-river Book. Joseph Conrad. Ed. by Zdzisław Najder"
  • "Heart of darkness"
  • "Heart of darkness"@en
  • "heart of darkness"
  • "Heart of darkness ; and, Secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness ; with, The Congo diary"
  • "Heart of darkness with The Congo Diary"
  • "Heart of darkness and the secret sharer : notes"@en
  • "Das Herz der Finsternis Erzählg"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river book""
  • "Heart of darkness and, the Congo diary"@en
  • "Heart of darkness with the Congo diary; edited with an introduction and notes by Robert Hampson"@en
  • "Cœur des ténèbres : précédé d'Un avant poste du progrès"
  • "Heart of darkness : [novel]"
  • "O coração das trevas"
  • "O coração das trevas"@pt
  • "Heart of darkness [and] The secret sharer"@en
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; la soga al cuello"@es
  • "O Coração das trevas"
  • "En el color de les tenebres"
  • "Heart of darkness and ; The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and ; The secret sharer"
  • "Cuore di tenebra = [Heart of darkness]"
  • "Heart of darkness and selections from the Congo diary"@en
  • "Cuore di tenebra"
  • "Cuore di tenebra"@it
  • "Karanliǧin yüreǧi"
  • "Lev ha-afelah"
  • "Heart of darkness ; with the Congo diary"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : [Roman]"
  • "Heart of darkness The Secret sharer"@en
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river Book""
  • "Heart of darkness The Congo diary"
  • "Illunbeen bihotzean"
  • "Ilunpeen bihotzean"
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas : incluye el texto integro de la novela"
  • "Herz der Finsternis Erzählung"
  • "Karanlığın yüreği : the heart of darkness"
  • "Heart of darkness an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism"@en
  • "Ilunbeen bihotzean"
  • "Heart of darkness ; Congo diary"
  • "Heart of Darkness and Other Tales"@en
  • "Coração das trevas"@pt
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem "Up-river Book" sowie einem Nachwort im Anhang neu übersetzt von Urs Widmer"
  • "The heart of darkness"
  • "The heart of darkness"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and The Secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness : and the Secret sharer"@en
  • "O corazón do negror"
  • "Heart of darkness ; Selections from the Congo Diary"
  • "Heart of darkness and The secret sharer : [novels]"
  • "Heart of darkness & the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness : with the Congo Diary and Up-river Book"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and, the secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness and, the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of DArkness and the Secret Sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and the congo diary a penguin enriched ebook classic"@en
  • "Heart of darkness : Au coeur des ténèbres"
  • "Heart of darkness and Secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and the Congo diary"@en
  • "Heart of darkness : and the secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness : and the secret sharer"
  • "Heart of Darkness / Joseph Conrad; With an introduction by Verlyn Klinkenborg"
  • "Heart of darkness and The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness and The secret sharer"
  • "Kiini cha giza"
  • "Heart of darkness = Cuore di tenebra"@it
  • "Heart of darkness = Cuore di tenebra"
  • "Heart of darkness ;The Congo diary"
  • "'Heart of darkness'"@en
  • "Heart of Darkness And the Congo Diary"
  • "Heart of darkness ;with, the Congo diary"
  • "El corazón de las tinieblas ; Tifón"@es
  • "Herz der Finsternis : Roman"
  • "Das Herz der Finsternis Erzählung"
  • "Heart of darkness ; with the Congo diary ; and, Up-river book"
  • "Heart of darkness ; and The secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness ; The secret sharer"@en
  • "Heart of darkness ; The secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness ; and, The secret sharer"
  • "Heart of darkness ; and, The secret sharer"@en
  • "Dil tāriqi"
  • "Herz der Finsternis : mit dem "Kongo-Tagebuch" und dem Up-river Book" sowie einem Nachwort im Anhang"
  • "Heart of darkness and the secret sharer notes"