"Moon" . . "Moon." . "Układ Słoneczny." . . "Origin of the Moon." . . . . "REFERENCE Questions & Answers." . . "Beginning." . . "Księżyc" . . . . "Kto zbudował Księżyc"@pl . "Kto zbudował Księżyc" . . . . . . "Who built the moon?"@en . . . . . . "Who built the moon?" . . "Who built the moon?"@pl . . . . . . . "Who Built the Moon?" . "Could it be that the moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? A seeming impossibility for a natural planetary object. Extraordinary claims indeed. But keep an open mind and read the compelling arguments based on scientific evidence and irrefutable logic -- arguments that will completely change the way we think of our world. Why does the moon have little or no heavy metals, and no core? Why do so many specialists suspect that the moon is hollow when that should not be possible? And why did the Apollo lunar teams at NASA report on several occasions that the moon rings like a bell when struck? Why is it that the moon revolves at exactly 100 of the speed that the earth turns on its axis? And why is the moon exactly 400 times smaller than the sun and precisely 400 times closer to the earth? Why do we find a consistent and beautiful sequence of integer numbers when looking at every major aspect of the moon, whereas no pattern emerges for any other planet or moon in the solar system? And why does an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age work perfectly on the moon? If our moon did not exist, nor would we. Experts now agree that higher life only developed on earth because the moon is exactly what it is and where it is! Does the moon really exist through some happy accident of collision in a random game of space skittles, or is in a blueprint apparent -- and if so, who was the architect? The conclusions are astounding! - Back cover."@en . "Who Built the Moon?"@en . . "Electronic books"@en . . . . "Electronic books" . . . "Thought-provoking' - Daily MailThe moon has confounded scientists for many years. It does not obey the known rules of astrophysics and there is no theory of its origin that explains the known facts - in fact it should not really be there. When researching the ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age that they discovered in their previous book, Civilization One, the authors discovered to their great surprise that the system also works perfectly on the Moon! On further investigation, they found a consistent sequence of beautiful integer num."@en .