"Japan" . . . . . "This is a story of a married couple in their thirties who find themselves growing apart as the result of the death of their infant." . . . . . . "Tells the story of a Japanese married couple in their thirties who find themselves growing apart as the result of the death of their infant." . . . "Sôshun Early spring / [produced by] Shōchiku ; screenplay written by Kogo Noda, Yasujiro Ozu ; directed by Yasujiro Ozu" . . . . . . . "Fiction films" . . "Miao xie di shi sheng huo ke ban.jing shen ku men de nian qing shang ban zu. zhu jue shan san zheng er dui gong zuo he qi zi du gan dao yan juan,zai chuo hao[jin yu]de nu tong shi jin zi qian dai de tiao dou xia fa zhan le hun wai qing,que bei qi zi fa xian er hu bu li cai.zheng er de hao you bing shi,zi ji you bei gong si diao dao xiang xia gang tian.qi zi hou lai hai shi zhui sui er lai,er ren tong yi cong tou kai shi.zui hou fu qi er ren da ying fang xia ju yu,cong xin kai shi shi,ji jiao ren gan dong ye jue ai tong,fu xin you qi qi ran er di huai bu yi." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "早春" . "Drama"@en . "Drama" . . . . "早春 = Early spring" . . . "Sōshun (film)" . . . "早春 Early spring" . "Sōshun" . "Sōshun"@ja . "After 8 years of marriage, the Sugiyama's only child becomes ill and dies. The husband is devastated and his relationship with his wife gradually deteriorates. One day, on an outing in the mountains with other business people, he becomes interested in a young woman who is part of their group. The wife learns of his affair and leaves the house. He takes this opportunity to dissolve the marriage and relocate to one of his company's branch offices. However, he encounters his wife again and ..." . "Soshun Early spring"@en . . . . . "Soshun = Early Spring" . . "Zao chun" . "Inizio di primavera"@it . . "Zao chun" . "Sōshun Early spring" . "fiction dramatique (fiction)" . . . . . . . "描寫的是生活刻板.精神苦悶的年輕上班族.主角杉三正二對工作和妻子都感到厭倦,在綽號[金魚]的女同事金子千代的挑逗下發展了婚外情,卻被妻子發現而互不理睬.正二的好友病逝,自己又被公司調到鄉下岡田.妻子後來還是追隨而來,二人同意從頭開始.最後夫妻二人答應放下齟齬,從新開始時,既教人感動也覺哀慟,復心有慼慼然而低徊不已" . . "Soshun" . "Soshun" . "Soshun"@it . "Zao chun = Early spring" . . . "After 8 years of marriage, the Sugiyama's only child becomes ill and dies. The husband is devastated and his relationship with his wife gradually deteriorates. One day, on an outing in the mountains with other business people, he becomes interested in a young woman who is part of their group. The wife learns of his affair and leaves the house. He takes this opportunity to dissolve the marriage and relocate to one of his company's branch offices." . . . . . . . "Ozu examines what he calls the \"pathos of white collar life\" in Ozu's negative negative take on the \"corporatization\" of private life. Ozu looks at the corrosive impact of the transition to a corporation-centered existence on white collar working men. A young salary-man, Shoji, is dissatisfied with his career and marriage and starts an affair with a young co-worker. This is one of Ozu's most serious and earnest movies where he gives the message that business relationships are not an adequate substitute for family ties."@en . "Early spring" . "Early spring"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Zao chun = Soshun" . "早春 = Soshun" . "Feature films." . . "Shochiku Home Video." . .