"Documentaires." . . "Pastorale des jeunes Fondamentalistes." . . . . . . . "\"Just outside of Dallas, Texas, a violent haunted house is serving as the pulpit for a modern-day fire and brimstone sermon. Taking the viewer behind the scenes, this documentary examines why this small town church has resorted to such graphic means of saving souls and allows us a brief glimpse of what they believe they're saving us from\"--Filmmaker's website."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Documentaire sur un événement organisé chaque automne par les jeunes membres de la Trinity Church de Cedar Hill, au Texas. Il s'agit d'une nuit d'horreur pendant laquelle on tente de stimuler le sentiment religieux des participants en leur montrant des scènes d'avortements baclés, de morts par le Sida, d'accidents mortels causés par l'alcool au volant et de suicides provoqués par l'usage des drogues. Le film se veut un cinéma vérité qui illustre l'effort créatif et le zèle religieux qui préside à cette manifestation tout en se voulant un portrait intimiste des gens qui adhèrent avec ferveur à ce message." . . . . . . "\"Just outside of Dallas, Texas a violent haunted house is serving as the pulpit for a modern-day fire and brimstone sermon. Taking the viewer behind the scenes, this documentary examines why this small town church has resorted to such graphic means of saving souls and allows us a brief glimpse of what they believe they're saving us from\"--Filmmaker's website."@en . . "Hell house"@en . "Hell house" . . . . . "Documentary films" . "Documentary films"@en . . . "Hell House : a documentary film" . . . . "\"Just outside of Dallas, Texas a violent haunted house is serving as the pulpit for a modern-day fire and brimstone sermon. Taking the viewer behind the scenes, this documentary examines why this small town church has resorted to such graphic means of saving souls and allows us a brief glimpse of what they believe they're saving us from.\"--Filmmaker's website." . "Mixed Greens (Firme)" . . "Enfer Fondamentalistes." . . "Peur Aspect religieux Fondamentalistes." . . "Cantina Pictures." . . . . "Films religieux." . . "Fondamentalistes Texas." . . "Plexifilm (Firme)" . . "Trinity Assembly of God Church (Dallas, Tex.)" . .