. . . "Moyers. [1991-02-06], The songs are free" . "Specials" . . . . . . . . . . . "Television" . . "Songs are free" . . . . . . "Documentaries and factual films and video" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Interviews" . . "\"MOYERS/THE SONGS ARE FREE with Bernice Johnson Reagon is an inspiring documentary highlighting the work of a performer and scholar who has dedicated much of her life to fostering the heritage of African-American people. In this interview with Bill Moyers, Bernice Johnson Reagon talks about the role music has played in her life, and about the power of song to affect social tides. Reagon ... explores the role of communal singing and the repertoire of spirituals rooted in the black church, as well as their earlier meaning in the plantation community and along the Underground Railroad. ... Reagon also theorizes about the role of the spiritual song during the Civil Rights movement and voter registration work of the 50's and 60's.\"--1991 Peabody Awards entry form excerpt. The program contains several solo performances by Reagon and songs by SNCC Freedom Singers and Sweet Honey in the Rock. Excerpts from educational workshops she has conducted on black spiritual music are also included. Reagon discusses the accomplishments of civil rights activists Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer. The program contains archival footage of speeches by Baker and Hamer as well as footage of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the 1964 Democratic Convention." . . . "Criticism, interpretation, etc" . . . . . .