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Atanarjuat [the fast runner]

A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuag.

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  • "Atanarjuat, the Fast runner"
  • "Fast runner h [videorecording (DVD)]"
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner"@en
  • "Atanarjuat - die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner"@en
  • "Atanarjuat : la légénde de l'homme rapide"
  • "Aisijimo fei ren"
  • "Atanarjuat : La légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Fast runner"
  • "Fast runner"@en
  • "Fast Runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapideh[videorecording]"@en
  • "Fast runnerh[videorecording]"@en
  • "Légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat - Die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"
  • "Atanarjuat the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide"@en
  • "愛斯基摩飛人"
  • "Atanarjuat : La légende de l'homme rapide [DVD]"
  • "Atanarjuat, l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat - the fast runner"
  • "La légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat"
  • "Légende de l'homme rapide, Atanarjuat"@en
  • "Fast runner, Atanarjuat"@en

  • "Atanarjuat entre en conflit avec Oki, le fils du chef, en épousant Atuat, la plus belle fille de la communauté, convoitée par Oki."
  • "Dans la petite communauté d'Inuits nomades d'Igloolik, dans l'Arctique canadien, deux frêres s'imposent pour défier le mal qui divise le groupe depuis vingt ans : Amaqjuaq, l'homme fort et Atanarjuat, l'homme rapide. Atanarjuat gagne la main de la ravissante Atuat au détriment d'Oki, le fils vantard du chef du campement qui jure de se venger..."
  • "An adaptation of an Inuit legend, which tells the story of a small community of Inuit whose lives are disrupted when an unknown shaman creates rivalries between families. Twenty years pass. Two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuaq, the Strong One, and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner."
  • "At the dawn of the first millennium, a community is divided by evil in the form of an unknown shaman. Twenty years later, two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order in a life-threatening struggle of love, jealousy, murder, and revenge."
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuag."@en
  • "Tourné à Igloolik au Nunavut, cette dramatique fait revivre une ancienne légende inuite."@en
  • "Le mal, qui a pris la forme d'un chaman inconnu, divise une petite communauté d'Inuits nomades et en bouleverse l'équilibre et l'âme. Vingt ans plus tard, deux frères s'imposent pour défier le mal : Amaqjuaq, l'homme fort, et Atanarjuat, l'homme rapide. Ce dernier gagne la main de la ravissante Atuat au détriment d'Oki, le fils prétentieux du chef du campement, qui jure de se venger. Celui-ci tend une embuscade aux deux frères dans leur sommeil et tue Amaqjuaq, tandis qu'Atanarjuat s'échappe miraculeusement en courant nu vers l'horizon qui surplombe la glace de mer printanière. Mais échappera-t-il à ce tourbillon de vengeance?"
  • "Qui gagnera la main de la belle Atuat ? L'homme fort ou l'homme rapide ?... Amour, trahison et vengeance dans le Grand Nord canadien... Premier film 100% inuit, une réussite..."
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igloolik region, focusing on two brothers: Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq."
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igloolik region, focusing on two brothers: Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq."@en
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit, Twenty years later, two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuag, the Strong One, and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who wows to get even. Oki ambushes the brothers in their sleep, killing Amaqjuaq, as Atanarjuat miraculously escapes running naked over the spring sea ice."
  • "Film explores the universal themes of love, revenge and survival. When a small, nomadic community is cursed by an unknown shaman, the curse is still felt years later. Atanarjuat falls in love with Atuat, a woman already promised to the son of the clan's leader. In a fight, she is won by Atanarjuat causing vengeful clan leader Oki to plot to attack Atanarjuat and his brother in their sleep. Atanarjuat manages to escape and sets off running across the ice, embarking on a harrowing adventure to survive in the brutal wilderness. His journey ends when he returns, stronger and wiser, to reclaim his life and stop the curse that has divided his people."
  • "Dans une petite communauté d'inuit nomades, deux frères s'imposent pour défier le mal qui divise le groupe depuis vingt ans : Amaqjuaq, l'homme fort et Atanarjuat, l'homme rapide. Atanarjuat gagne la main de la ravissante Atuat au détriment d'Oki, le fils vantard du chef de campement qui jure de se venger... Atanarjuat échappera-t-il au tourbillon de vengeance laissé derrière lui ?"
  • "Atanarjuat is Canada's first feature length fiction film, written, directed, and acted by Inuit. It is a film set in ancient Igloolik a community of 1200 people located on a small island in the north Baffin region of the Canadian Arctic with archeological evidence of 4000 years of continuous habitation. Atanarjuat is an oral history carried forward into the new millennium through a marriage of Inuit storytelling skills and new technology."@en
  • "Un mystérieux chaman vient perturber une petite communauté Inuit en causant une rivalité entre deux familles. Vingt ans plus tard deux frères courageux mettent au défi les forces du mal : Amaqjuaq, le Fort, et Atanarjuat, le Rapide Coureur. Atanarjuat gagne le cœur de la belle Atuat au détriment du vaniteux Oki, le fils du chef, qui jure de se venger. Il organise un complot pour assassiner les deux frères durant leur sommeil."
  • "Canada's Arctic North at the dawn of the first millennium. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of nomadic Inuit, upsetting its balance and spirit. Twenty years pass. Two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuaq, the Strong One and Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who voews to take revenege ... Can one escape the cycle of vengeance?"@en
  • "Canada's Arctic North at the dawn of the first millennium. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of nomadic Inuit, upsetting its balance and spirit. Twenty years pass. Two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuaq, the Strong One and Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who voews to take revenege ... Can one escape the cycle of vengeance?"
  • "Dans le Grand Nord canadien, la vie d'une tribu d'Inuits à une époque indéterminée. Les hommes partent chasser avec leur traineau tandis que les femmes travaillent à la préparation des repas et à la confection des vêtements. Premier long métrage filmé en inuktitut et entièrement réalisé par des cinéastes inuits, la dramatique Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide fait revivre une ancienne légende inuite."
  • "Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit. Twenty years later, two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuag, the Strong One, and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who vows to get even. Oki ambushes the brothers in their sleep, killing Amaqjuaq, as Atanarjuat miraculously escapes running naked over the spring sea ice."
  • "Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit. Twenty years later, two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuag, the Strong One, and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who vows to get even. Oki ambushes the brothers in their sleep, killing Amaqjuaq, as Atanarjuat miraculously escapes running naked over the spring sea ice."@en
  • "Ein Nomadenstamm, der seit Jahrhunderten am nördlichen Polarkreis in der kanadischen Arktis lebt, wird durch einen fremden Schamanen mit einem Fluch belegt. Rivalität, Hass und Machtgier zerstören das friedliche Zusammenleben der Inuit: Der alte Stammeshäuptling wird das erste Opfer des aufkeimenden Hasses. Dem hinterhältigen Sauri gelingt es, sich gegen seinen alten Rivalen Tulimaq zu behaupten und neuer Führer der Gemeinschaft zu werden. Auch Amaqjuaq und Atanarjuat, die wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im ganzen Stamm beliebten Söhne Tulimaqs, bekommen den Hass Sauris zu spüren. Jahre später sind Amaqjuaq, der Starke, und Atanarjuat, der schnelle Läufer, die besten Jäger ihres Stammes. Als Atanarjuat das Herz der schönen Atuat gewinnt, die dem prahlerischen Oki, Sauris Sohn, versprochen war, spitzt sich die Situation zu. Nachdem Atanarjuat in einem rituellen Kampf Oki besiegt und Atuat heiraten darf, schleichen sich Oki und zwei seiner Männer in das Zelt der schlafenden Brüder und versuchen, beide hinterrücks zu ermorden. Atanarjuat gelingt jedoch die Flucht über das ewige Eis. Völlig erschöpft und dem Tod durch Erfrieren nah findet er Unterschlupf bei einem alten Inuitpaar, das sich vor Jahren vom Stamm abgewendet hat und ein einsames Leben in der arktischen Tundra führt. Die beiden Alten verstecken ihn und pflegen ihn gesund. Doch irgendwann ist für Atanarjuat die Zeit gekommen, sich dem Fluch zu stellen und den ewigen Kreislauf von Rache und Hass endgültig zu brechen."
  • "A small nomadic community is cursed by an unknown shaman. When Atanarjuat falls in love with a woman already promised to the son of the clan's leader, he has to fight for her. She is won by Atanarjuat and the leader plots to attack him in his sleep. Escaping, he sets off running across the ice, embarking on a harrowing adventure of survival in the brutal wilderness. He returns stronger and wiser to reclaim his life and stop the curse that has divided his people."
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igloolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq. Set in Igloolik, Nunavut."@en
  • "Adaptation d'une légende inuite. Une petite communauté d'Inuits nomades est menacée par l'influence maléfique d'un chaman. Deux frères, Atanarjuat, l'homme rapide, et Amaqjuaq, l'homme fort, choisiront de défier le règne du mal. Atanarjuat fera des jaloux en épousant Atuat, la plus belle fille du village. Oki, le fils du chef du campement, au coeur déjà sombre, en sera le plus tourmenté, lui qui se voyait au bras de la fleur des neiges. La table est mise pour l'embuscade d'Oki, dont l'homme rapide s'échappera miraculeusement en courant nu vers l'horizon de glace. Avec Natar Ungalaaq, Pakkak Innushuk, Sylvia Ivalu, etc."
  • ""This adaptation of an ancient Inuit legend was filmed in Inuktitut and directed by Inuit filmmakers - making Atanarjuat the first feature film of its kind! Set in Igloolik, in Nunavut, this is "a powerful drama, not a documentary," reminds the director Kunuk. "It demystifies the exotic, otherwordly aboriginal stereotype by telling a universal story." The clothes, spears, kayaks, sunglasses and dwellings were all painstakingly researched. 'We show how our ancestors dressed, how they handled their dog teams, how they argued and laughed.. confronted evil and fought back.' Many enthusiastic viewers have compared this epic story to The Iliad. In the words of one movie critic, 'If Homer had been given a video camera, this is what he would have done!' ""@en
  • "Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of Inuit. Twenty years later, two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuaq, the Strong One, and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who vows to get even. Oki ambushes the brothers in their sleep, killing Amaqjuaq, as Atanarjuat miraculously excapes running naked over the spring sea ice."
  • "In the Arctic two thousand years ago, a struggle for leadership develops between two Inuit families. [Halliwell's]."
  • "The telling of an Inuit legend of an evil spirit causing strife in the community and one warrior's endurance and battle of its menace."
  • "Canada's Arctic North at the dawn of the first millennium. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community of nomadic Inuit, upsetting its balance and spirit. Twenty years pass. Two brothers emerge to challenge the evil order: Amaqjuaq, the Strong One and Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner. Atanarjuat wins the hand of the lovely Atuat away from the boastful son of the camp leader, Oki, who voews to take revenege... Can one escape the cycle of venegeance?"
  • "Disc 1 retells an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge of the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq. Disc 2 includes special features."@en
  • ""Long ago in the Arctic territory of the Inuit nation, an evil spirit is summoned by a miscreant shaman to spread violence and discord leading to the death of the local chief, Kumaglak, at the hands of the usurper, Sauri who also proceeds to break the spirit of his other rival, Tulimaq. Years later, that conflict continues even when Tulimaq's sons, Amaqjuaq, the Strong One and Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner, have become the best hunters of the tribe. Sauri's short fused son, Oki, becomes profoundly jealous of the brothers and it deepens when Atanarjuat fairly wins away his betrothed. The conflict reaches its climax when an indiscretion on Amaqjuaq's part sparks an act of murderous revenge that leaves Amaqjuaq dead and Atanarjuat fleeing naked into the wilderness to face certain death by exposure. Yet for all these events the curse has caused, Atanarjuat soon learn that there are forces of light that are coming to help him, but he must make fateful decisions that will determine not only to his own fate, but that of his tribe as well"--Internet movie database summary by Kenneth Chisholm, April 15, 2004."
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq."@en
  • "A retelling of an Inuit legend of love, jealousy, murder and revenge in the Igoolik brothers Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq."
  • "A film, a people, a legend: Centuries ago, in what would become the Canadian Arctic, Atuat is promised to the malevolent Oki, son of the leader of their tribe. But Atuat loves the good-natured Atanarjuat, who ultimately finds a way to marry her. Oki's sister, Puja also fancies Atanarjuat, and when she causes strife between him and his brother Amaqjuaq, Oki seizes the opportunity to wreak a terrible revenge on Atanarjuat.--Kanopy."
  • "Public performance viewing (PP) ; Home use only (GR & FH copies)."
  • "The film is a recreation of the ancient Inuit legend of Atanarjuat - a classic quest story set in the Arctic at the dawn of the first millennuim. Evil in the form of an unknown shaman divides a small community; two brothers, Amaqjuaq (the Strong One) and Atanarjuat (the Fast Runner) rise up to challenge this order. However, when his brother is murdered, Atanarjuat must flee the cummunity - can the Fast Runner end his exile and vanquish the evil that haunts his community?"
  • "When Atanarjuat, an unassuming young man, falls in love with Atuat, whose hand has already been promised to the scheming Oki, the son of the tribal chief, the jealous Oki challenges Atanarjuat to a brutal contest for Atuat's hand which Atanarjuat wins, and weds his love, but his problems are far from over as Oki plans his revenge."

  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Histoire/peplum/Aventures mythiques"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Fantasy"
  • "DVD-Film"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Aventures / Action"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Foreign films"@en
  • "Foreign films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Adventure films"@en
  • "DVD-Video discs"@en
  • "Films for the hearing impaired"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Vidéo"
  • "Motion pictures, Canadian"
  • "Features"
  • "Canadian films"
  • "DVDs"
  • "Folklore"@en
  • "Folklore"
  • "Legends"
  • "Drame psychologique"
  • "Videos (DVD)"

  • "Atanarjuat (Motion picture)"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner = Atanarjuat : la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat: La légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat [the fast runner]"@en
  • "Atanarjuat - die Legende vom schnellen Läufer Atanarjuat - the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat The fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide Atanarjuat, the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat - the fast runner Atanarjuat - die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"
  • "Atanarjuat the fast runner ; Au pays des Inuit"
  • "Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "The fast runner Atanarjuat"
  • "Atanarjuat die Legende vom schnellen Läufer = the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat = Atanarjuat : la légénde de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat"
  • "Atanarjuat the fast runner"@en
  • "Atanarjuat the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat: the Fast Runner"
  • "Atanarjuat die Legende vom schnellen Läufer = Atanarjuat - the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner"@en
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat [DVD] the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat, the fast runner Atanarjuat, la légende de l'homme rapide"@en
  • "Atanarjuat la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner = Atanarjuat : la légende de lʹhomme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner [DVD]"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner"@en
  • "The fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat : the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat - La légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat (Film cinématographique)"
  • "Atanarjuat : la légende de l'homme rapide"
  • "Atanarjuat - The fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat the last runner"
  • "Atanarjuat - the fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat the Fast runner"
  • "Atanarjuat die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"
  • "Atanarjuat the fast runner = Atanarjuat : hitri tekač"
  • "Atanarjuat - the fast runner Atanarjuat - Die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"
  • "Atanarjuat - die Legende vom schnellen Läufer"