. . "BELA (Firme)" . . "Sonimage (Firme)" . . "Institut national de la communication audio visuelle (France)" . . "Société nationale de cinématographie (France)" . . . . . . . . . "Comment ca va" . . . . . . . . . "How is it going?" . "Experimental films" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Feature films" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A middle-aged Communist editor and his young typist and collaborator set out to make a videotape about their magazine and printing plant. The young typist/collaborator takes issue with the rough cut. The film goes on to prove the corruptness of the entire process of gathering and transmitting information." . "Comment ça va?" . . "Motion pictures" . . . . . . . "Comment ca va? How is it going?" . . . . . . "Essai vidéographique sur la corruption du processus de la collecte et de la transmission de l'information. Un éditeur communiste quinquagénaire et sa jeune collaboratrice Odette, décident de tourner un vidéofilm sur leur journal et leur imprimerie. Odette toutefois n'aime pas la copie de montage. Avec Anne-Marie Miéville et M. Marot." . . "études et recherches" . . "Two workers of a communist newspaper strike out to make a film and video about the newspaper and the printing plant. One of the workers, Odette, has strange ideas about content and form and how the film should be made." . . "Comment ça va ?" . . "Fiction films" . . "Comment ça va" . "Drama" . "Comment ca va?" . . . "Comment ça va? How is it going?" . . . . .