"Reducing diets." . . "Diet, Reducing Popular Works." . . "régime amaigrissant." . . "Health." . . "Ren sheng zhe xue." . . "人生哲學" . "Santé." . . "Jian fei." . . "減肥" . "jian fei." . "減肥." . . . . . "哲學家的食譜 : 如何減輕體重改變世界 = The Philosopher's diet" . . . . "The philosopher's diet : how to lose weight and change the world" . . . . . . "哲学家的食谱 : 如何减轻体重改变世界" . . . . . . . . . . . "The philosopher's diet : how to lose weight & change the world" . . "Zhe xue jia de shi pu : ru he jian qing ti zhong gai bian shi jie" . . "Ru he jian qing ti zhong gai bian shi jie" . "Electronic books" . "Zhe xue jia de shi pu : ru he jian qing ti zhong gai bian shi jie = The Philosopher's diet" . "如何減輕體重改變世界" . . . . . . . . . "The philosopher's diet how to lose weight & change the world" . "本書同時挑戰人生兩個重要問題,一是發掘宇宙的意義,一是減少身上的肥肉,作者為那些體重有問題的人提供一套低脂食譜,並綜合由人類經驗而來的普通常識,笛卡爾哲學,及對減肥奧秘與宇宙奧秘二者神似的瞭解,表達一種生活哲學與減肥計畫" . "The Philosopher's diet : how to lose weight and change the world" . "Ben shu tong shi tiao zhan ren sheng liang ge zhong yao wen ti,yi shi fa jue yu zhou de yi yi,yi shi jian shao shen shang de fei rou,zuo zhe wei na xie ti zhong you wen ti de ren ti gong yi tao di zhi shi pu ,bing zong he you ren lei jing yan er lai de pu tong chang shi,di ka er zhe xue,ji dui jian fei ao mi yu yu zhou ao mi er zhe shen si de liao jie,biao da yi zhong sheng huo zhe xue yu jian fei ji hua." . . . . . "This toothsome classic takes on the combined challenges of discovering the meaning of the universe and eliminating fat at the same time. Its topic sentence contains a promise that should sell millions: In this book, I tell how to take weight off and keep it off. He doesn't stop there, but continues, The book also embodies a philosophy of life. The weight program is the content of the book, the philosophy of life is its form. If Descartes had sat down to write a treatise on losing weight as a metaphor for maintaining discipline amidst life's vicissitudes, it would have read much like this. Clearly, Mr. Watson has not written a low-fat, new-age, easy-fix solution for the weight challenged. After all, losing weight is hard work. But for our money, it is the most erudite, fascinating, and eccentric book ever written on the subject of weight control, a combination of common sense (driven by human experience), Cartesian philosophy, and the presumption that understanding the mysteries of weight loss and the universe are somehow compatible, even sympathetic, ambitions. The author is (of course) a professional philosopher, and this extraordinary exegesis is at once a moral manifesto, a philosophical discourse, and a practical manual (although the chapter on How to Live and How to Die take it a few steps beyond the ordinary). We love this book for its humor, its iconoclasm, and its weird and wacky mixture of high seriousness and low humor. Read it. Even if you're not overweight, it's a book to treasure." . . "哲學家的食譜 : 如何減輕體重改變世界" . . . . "Jian kang fa." . . "健康法" . "jian kang fa." . "健康法." . "HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / Weight Loss" . . "Ethics." . . . . "diététique." . . "Low-fat diet." . . "Régimes amaigrissants Philosophie." . .