"Història econòmica." . . "Hebrides (Scotland)" . . "Escòcia." . . . . "Western Isles (Scotland)" . . . . . "The Outer Hebrides in relation to Highland Depopulation, etc. [A thesis.]"@en . . . . . "The Outer Hebrides in relation to Highland depopulation" . "The Outer Hebrides in relation to Highland depopulation"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "The outer Hebrides in relation to highland depopulation" . . . . "The Outer Hebrides in relation to Highland depopulation... [A dissertation.] William Adams Hance" . . . . . . "The Outer Hebrides in relation to Highland depopulation. [With maps and a bibliography.]"@en . "Highlands (Scotland)" . . "Condicions econòmiques." . . "Població." . . "Highlands (Escòcia)" . .