"Bantam Books." . . "FICTION / General" . . "FICTION General." . "Domestic fiction." . . "United States. Marine Corps" . . "United States. Marine Corps." . "FICTION / Literary" . . "Fiction." . . . "Translations" . . . . . . "Marine pilot Bull Meecham's stern and unyielding personality challenges his southern-bred gentle wife and his top athlete son to stand up and fight back against the hard knocks of life." . "Marine pilot Bull Meecham's stern and unyielding personality challenges his southern-bred gentle wife and his top athlete son to stand up and fight back against the hard knocks of life."@en . "Electronic books"@en . . . . "Le grand Santini" . "Der große Santini : Roman" . . . . "Le grand Santini : roman" . . . . "Der grosse Santini : Roman" . . . . . . "The Great Santini : a novel" . "Explores the relationship between a career military officer and his family."@en . "Step into the powerhouse life of Bull Meecham. Heʹs all Marine -- fighter pilot, king of the clouds, and absolute ruler of his family. Lillian is his wife -- beautiful, southern-bred, with a core of velvet steel. Without her cool head, her kids would be in real trouble. Ben is the oldest, a born athlete whose best never satisfies the big man. Benʹs got to stand up, even fight back, against a father who doesnʹt give in -- not to his men, not to his wife, and certainly not to his son. Bull Meecham is undoubtedly Pat Conroyʹs most explosive character -- a man you should hate, but a man you will love."@en . "Marine pilot Bull Meecham's stern and unyielding personality challenges his southern-bred gentle wife and his top athlete son to stand up and fight back against the hard knocks of life.--Résumé de l'éditeur." . . . . . "The story of a Marine fighter pilot who rules the home as a military camp, brooking no discussion, and of his son, who struggles to become his own person." . . . . "Der grosse Santini" . . "De Grote Santini" . . . "Portrait d'un tyran domestique, raciste, belliqueux, dévot et brutal et de ses victimes, son épouse et ses quatre enfants dont Ben, 18 ans. Partagée entre une certaine admiration et une amertume certaine, cette famille vit un drame fort bien rendu par un romancier qui a fait ses preuves." . . . . . . "Le Grand Santini" . . . . . . . . . "Great Santini" . . "Der grosse Santini [bewegendes Familiendrama aus dem amerikanischen Süden ; Roman]" . . . . . . . . . "Ben finally has to stand up, even fight back, against his father Bull Meecham, a man who doesn't give in--not to his men, not to his wife, and certainly not to his son."@en . . . . . . . "Powieść amerykańska" . . . . . . "The great Santini" . "The great Santini"@en . . "Bull Meecham is all Marine, a fighter pilot, and absolute ruler of his family. Ben, his oldest son has to fight against a father who doesn't give in."@en . . . "Le Grand Santini : roman" . . . "Genres littéraires" . . . "Domestic fiction"@en . "Domestic fiction" . . . . . "Fiction"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . . . . "De lotgevallen van een Amerikaans gezin, waarvan de vader zich als de grootste gevechtsvlieger ter wereld beschouwt." . . . "A nagy Santini" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Suuri Santini"@fi . . . . . "The great santini" . . . "German language materials" . . . . . . . . . "The Great Santini" . "The Great Santini"@en . . . "Fighter Pilots Fiction." . . . . "Fiction in English." . . "Skønlitteratur-USA" . . "South Carolina" . . "United States" . .