. . "Sociologie urbaine Nigeria Lagos." . . "Ciutats Lagos (Nigèria)" . . "Nigeria" . . "Urbanisme Àfrica subsahariana." . . "Steden." . . "non fiction" . . "Submarine (Firme)" . . "Cities and towns Developing countries." . . "urbanisation Lagos (Nigeria)" . . "Urbanisation Nigeria Lagos." . . "Cities and towns Nigeria Lagos." . . "Submarine Channel (Firm)" . . "documentaire" . . "Urbanisme Nigeria Lagos (Nigeria) 1990-..." . . "Urbanisme Nigeria Lagos (Nigeria) 1990-...." . . "Lagos wide and close" . . . "Nonfiction films" . . . . . . . . . . "Documentary films" . "non fiction" . "documentaire" . . . . . . . . . . . "Documentaire. Longtemps défendu de filmer au Nigéria, il existe peu d'images de son ancienne capitale Lagos. Réalisé par une équipe hollandaise, ce rare documentaire sur cette ville surpeuplée nous montre ses habitants dans leur vie quotidienne." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"How and why does a city with so many problems continue to against all odds? Architect Rem Koolhaas, director of the Harvard Project on the City, decided to study Lagos in an attempt to understand the hidden logic that makes a \"dysfunctional\" city function\"--Booklet, p. 01."@en . . . . . . "Lagos wide & close an interactive journey into an exploding city" . . . . "Lagos wide and close an interactive journey into an exploding city" . "Documentary footage of the city of Lagos. The viewer can choose from two different video angles (wide or close) and three different audio tracks (commentary with Rem Koolhaas, talks with inhabitants, and sounds of the city)." . . . . . "Interactive journey into an exploding city" . . "Lagos : wide & close"@en . . . . . . . . "A look at economic and social conditions in Lagos, Nigeria." . "Lagos (Nigeria)" . . "Lagos, Nigéria" . "Lagos (Nigèria)" .