"Yucatán." . . "Feature films Soviet Union." . . "Civilization." . . "Motion picture film \"Alexandre Nevski\" DVDs." . . "Moskovskaia kinostudiia \"Mosfil'm\"." . . "Latin America" . . "Cinéma Mexique." . . "Soviet Union." . . "Tradition." . . "films historiques." . . "Klassenkampf." . . "Propagandafilm." . . "Cine documental" . . "Frauenfilm." . . "Mosfilm (Ditta)" . . "Feature films Russia." . . "Cine Rusia DVD." . . "Mexique" . . "Mexique." . "Películas históricas DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Alexander Nevsky\" DVD." . . "Mexiko." . . . . "Motion pictures, Russian." . . "Sowjetunion." . . "Motion pictures Soviet Union." . . "Kino International Corporation." . . "Women's health services Europe Drama." . . "Histoire." . . "Feature films." . . "Experimental films." . . "Indiens d'Amérique DVD." . . "Rusia" . . "Experimentalfilm." . . "Mexique au cinéma." . . "Tehuantepec (Mexico)" . . "Documentary films." . . "Películas cinematográficas Que viva México Vídeos." . . "Condition sociale." . . "Indigenes Volk." . . "Short films." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Que viva México\" DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Qué viva Mexico\" DVD." . "Que viva Mexico (Motion picture)" . . "Motion picture film \"Qué viva Mexico!\" DVDs." . . "Films muets." . . "Landleben." . . "Cine México DVD." . . "Foreign films Russia." . . "Thunder over Mexico." . . "Mexico" . . "Mexico." . "México" . "América" . . "America" . "Mexico History Drama." . . "International Film Exchange." . . . . . . . . . "Que viva Mexico Da zdravstvuet Meksika!" . . . . . . . . . . "Film incompiuto realizzato con il materiale girato da Sergej M. Ejzenstejn in Messico nel 1931. Attraverso diversi episodi, il regista si era proposto di raccontare le condizioni di vita in Messico dopo la rivoluzione del 1911."@it . . . . "Experimental films" . "Que viva Mexico! yaşasın Meksika!" . . . . . . "Misery and fortune of woman: A 20 minute escerpt from an ultra-rare 1929 film by Eisenstein, Alexandrov and Tisse intended to encourage legal and sanitary birth/abortion clinics in Europe. A stunning dramatization of the plight of working class women." . . "A film document of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful life-styles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfighting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Sigueiros, Rivera, and Orosco." . . . "Da zdravstvujet Mjekṡyka"@it . . "Que Viva Mexico" . "Que Viva Mexico"@en . . "À la fois documentaire et fiction, ce film traite de l'histoire et des traditions du Mexique interprétées par la caméra du cinéaste russe S. M. Eisenstein. Utilisant les éléments du film inachevé d'Eisenstein, le cinéaste et biographe d'Eisenstein Oleg Kovalov a réalisé le montage présenté ici. Le document propose aussi \"Romance sentimentale\", un film expérimental réalisé par le maître russe en 1930 avec la collaboration de Grigori Aleksandrov, \"Misery and fortune of women\", des extraits d'un documentaire faisant la promotion des cliniques de naissance et d'avortement en Europe, et un dossier de textes sur \"Qué viva México\"." . "Da zdravstvuet Meksika (Film cinématographique)" . . "Da zdravstvuet Meksika!" . . . "Que viva Mexico"@it . "Que viva Mexico" . "Que viva Mexico"@es . "Fiction" . . . "Que viva Mexico"@en . "Ethnographic films" . . . "Viva Mexico!" . . . . . . "Que viva Mexico <videoregistrazione>"@it . "Romance sentimentale: Eisenstein's first sound film, this experimental 1930 short is a dazzling symphony of images and sounds, made in collaboration with Alexandrov and Tisse." . . . . . . . . . "Grigory Alexandrov's structuring of the film shot by Eisenstein, Tisse, and Alexandrov in Mexico in the 1920's according to the original plans and intents of Eisenstein. Designed to be an episodic, mood documentary of Mexico focusing of the life of the Indians in the Tehuantepec jungle, a love story, fiesta and bullfighting, and the 1910 Mexican revolution seen through the art works by Orosco, Sigueros, and Rivera." . "Fiction films" . . . . . "Que viva Mexico! Sergei Eisenstein's restored masterwork" . . "Qué viva México! Da zdravstvuet Meksika" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A video document of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful lifestyles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfighting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Sigueiros, Rivera, and Orosco." . . "Sumario: Documental rodado por S.M. Eisenstein en México en 1931. Se trata de uno de los más grandes proyectos cinematográficos. Una película sobre la historia y el hombre mexicano desde la civilización maya hasta hoy, que hubiera podido ser una monumento de la cultura universal." . "Grigory Alexandrov's structuring (1979) of the film shot by Eisenstein, Tisse, and Alexandrov in Mexico in the 1920's according to the original plans and intents of Eisenstein. Designed to be an episodic, mood documentary of Mexico focusing of the life of the Indians in the Tehuantepec jungle, a love story, fiesta and bullfighting, and the 1910 Mexican revolution seen through the art works by Orosco, Sigueros, and Rivera." . "Que Viva Mexico" . . . . "A film document of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful lifestyles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfignting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Siqueiros, Rivera, and Orosco." . . . . "¡ Que viva Mexico !" . . . . "Da zdravstvuyet Meksika!" . . "Qué viva mexico!" . . . "Short films" . "Viva Mexico" . . . . . "Documental en cuatro episodios, más un prólogo y un epílogo. El prólogo presenta imágenes alegóricas al México prehispánico. El episodio \"Sandunga\" recrea los preparativos de una boda indígena en Tehuantepec. \"Fiesta\" desarrolla el ritual de la fiesta brava, mientras que \"Maguey\" escenifica la tragedia de un campesino victimado por rebelarse en contra de su patrón. \"Soldadera\" (episodio no filmado) presentaría el sacrificio de una mujer revolucionaria. El epílogo, también conocido como \"Día de muertos\", se refiere al sincretismo de las distintas visiones que coexisten en México alrededor del tema de la muerte." . "A film document, without narration, of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful life-styles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfighting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Sigueiros, Rivera, and Orosco." . "Qué viva Mexico" . . . . . . "Drammatico (Genere)"@it . "Drammatico (Genere)" . . . . . . . . "Nonfiction films" . . "¡Qué viva México! (Película de cine)"@es . "¡Qué viva México! (Película de cine)" . . . "Qué viva México!" . "Romance sentimentale" . . "Cette oeuvre inachevée d'Eisenstein est conçue comme une véritable fresque de l'histoire contemporaine du Mexique. Le film devait comporter à l'origine, un prologue, un épilogue et quatre parties. Mais l'auteur dut abandonner son gigantesque projet. Ce sont ces images extraordinaires qui ont été rassemblées par Grigori Alexandrov, l'un des derniers témoins de l'expédition mexicaine." . . . "Film progettato su quattro episodi, un prologo ed un epilogo. Ejzenstein preferiva parlare di 3 episodi perché Maguey e Fiesta sono virtualmente uniti, rappresentando l'antitesi delle concezioni della famiglia e della morale in 2 classi diverse: gli haciendados (i possidenti) e i peones (i contadini). Sandunga descrive un matrimonio, Maguey narra la ribellione di 3 peones contro un latifondista, Fiesta illustra una corrida, Soldadera rievoca un episodio della rivoluzione del 1910. Quando i contrasti con i produttori lo costrinsero ad abbandonare il set l'episodio della Soldadera era l'unico ancora da girare. (Di Giammatteo)."@it . "Documentary films" . . "Documentaries and factual films and video" . . . . "Misery and fortune of woman" . . . . "Que viva México!" . . . "Sergei Eisenstein's Qué viva México" . . "Que viva Mexico !" . "Que viva Mexico!"@it . . "Feature films" . . . . . . "Qué viva Mexico!" . . "Qué viva Mexico!"@it . . "Eisenstein's document of the history of Mexico was reconstructed from film fragments by the director's editor, Grigory Alexandrov. Presented in four separate novellas, the film opens with a prologue of Yucatan's architectural monuments. \"Sandunga\" is an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the tranquil lifestyle of the inhabitants. \"Manguei\" is a dramatic, vibrant story of a poor peon's love for his bride. \"Fiesta\" is devoted to bullfighting and romantic love. \"Soldadera\" was to be a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico and as it was not filmed by Eisenstein, Alexandrov has chosen to depict the story through frescoes by Sigueiros, Rivera and Orosco. The epilogue was to show the traditional carnival \"Calavera,\" the Day of the Dead. (Does not circulate)." . . "[Que viva México!] \"With sequences devoted to the Edenic land of Tehuantepec, the savage majesty of the bullfight, the struggles of the noble peon and the hypnotic imagery of the Day of the Dead, [the film] is a vivid tapestry of Mexican life. [Romance sentimentale] A dazzling symphony of images and sounds. [Misery and fortune of woman] Uses Soviet-style montage to promote safe ob/gyn medicine in Europe.\"--Container." . . . . . "Que viva Mexico (Motion picture)" . "Foreign language films" . . . . "DVD-Video" . . . . "Film documentaire (Descripteur de forme)" . . . "Il film è tratto da materiale girato in 11 mesi di lavoro in Messico nel 1931. Parte del materiale girato per questo film fu utilizzato nel 1933 da Sol Lesser, che ne ricavò \"Thunder over Mexico\" (\"Lampi sul Messico\" vedi scheda), basato su un solo episodio dell'intero film progettato, e due cortometraggi: \"Death Day\" e \"Ejzenstejn in Messico\". Nel 1939 Marie Seton usò altro materiale girato (5000 metri) per comporre \"Time in the Sun\" (montato da Roger Burnoford con lunghi pezzi girati per \"Que viva Mexico\" e dal montaggio appena abbozzato. Nel 1941/42 la Bell & Howell acquistò altro materiale per farne dei documentari didattici che vanno sotto il nome di \"Sinfonia messicana\"."@it . "Da zdravstvuijet Meksika!" . . "Reconstitution du film inachevé d'Eisenstein (tourné en 1931-32) sur l'histoire du Mexique depuis 1900 et la dictature de Profirio Diaz jusqu'à la révolution de 1910-1916. Ce nouveau montage de Grigori Alexandrov prétend suivre le scénario original dans la présentation des séquences : Prologue (monuments architecturaux du Yucatan pré-colombien. I- Sandunga (jungles de Tehuantepec et un mariage paysan). II-Fiesta (la Fête de la Vierge de Guadeloupe et la colonisation espagnole). III- Maguey (le \"peon\" pauvre privé de sa fiancée). IV-Soldadera (la révolution mexicaine de 1910 dans les fresques de David Siqueiros, Diego Rivera et Jose Orozco. Épilogue (la fête traditionnelle \"cavalera\" ou fête des morts)." . . . . . . . "This is an attempt by his assistant, Alexandrov, to reconstruct Eisenstein's unfinished film Que Viva Mexico. While it is obviously not a realisation of Eisenstein's vision (one doubts, for example, that Eisenstein would have approved of Alexandrov's selection of music) it is the closest we are likely to come to it. Although around 30 hours of unedited film shot in 1930-1932 remains, Alexandrov confined his reconstruction to reworking the four hours of footage used by Jay Leyda in his compilation. Alexandrov provides an introductory commentary. Two other films have been edited from the Que Viva Mexico footage: Marie Seton's Time in the Sun and the producer's Thunder Over Mexico."@en . . . "Da zdravstvuet Meksika" . "L'opera incompiuta del grande Ejzenstejn ('La corazzata Potemkin') è un documentario diviso in diversi episodi in cui il regista si proponeva di celebrare la storia e le condizioni di vita in Messico, attraverso elementi narrativi di viaggio e storici, alla luce della rivoluzione del 1911 grazie alla quale il popolo messicano cerca di riscattarsi dalla propria condizione. Il film è tratto da materiale girato in 11 mesi di lavoro in Messico nel 1931 da Ejzenstejn, il suo assistente Grigorij Aleksandrov e l'operatore Eduard Tissé. (Hoepli)." . "Sergei Eisenstein's que viva Mexico!" . "¡Qué Viva México!" . "¡Qué viva México!"@es . "¡Qué viva México!" . "Pictorial works" . "Qué viva México! = Da zdravstvuet Meksika! = Viva Mexico!" . . . . . . . . . . "Video recordings" . "Que viva Mexico ! (film)" . . "\"A blend of the ethnographic, the political, the scenic and the surreal. ... With sequences devoted to the Edenic land of Tehuantepec, the savage majesty of the bullfight, the struggles of the noble peon and the hypnotic imagery of the Day of the Dead, [the film] is a vivid tapestry of Mexican life\"--DVD sleeve." . "¡Qué viva México! = Da zdravstvuet Meksika!"@en . "Qué viva México" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "History" . "Spanish language films" . "Que viva Mexico: A film document of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful lifestyles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfighting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Siqueiros, Rivera, and Orosco." . . "A film document, without narration, of the history of Mexico, presented in four novellas: Sandunga, an exposition of Tehuantepec jungles and the peaceful lifestyles of their inhabitants; Manguei, a love story about a poor peon and his bride; Fiesta, devoted to bullfighting and romantic love; and Soldadera, a portrayal of the 1910 revolution in Mexico as depicted in the frescoes of Sigueiros, Rivera, and Orosco."@en . . "History"@en . "Que Viva Mexico!"@it . "Videodiscos DVD"@es . . . . . . . "Misery and fortune of woman: A 20 minute excerpt from an ultra-rare 1929 film by Eisenstein, Alexandrov and Tisse intended to encourage legal and sanitary birth/abortion clinics in Europe. A dramatization of the plight of working class women." . . "Thunder over Mexico"@it . . "Features" . "Thunder over Mexico" . "Yaşasın Meksika!" . . . . . "non fiction" . "Filme inconcluso que debió tener cuatro episodios: El prólogo presenta imágenes alegóricas al México prehispánico. El episodio \"Sandunga\" recrea los preparativos de una boda indígena en Tehuantepec. \"Fiesta\" desarrolla el ritual de la fiesta brava, mientras que \"Maguey\" escenifica la tragedia de un campesino victimado por rebelarse en contra de su patrón. \"Soldadera\" (episodio no filmado) presentaría el sacrificio de una mujer revolucionaria. El epílogo, también conocido como \"Día de muertos\", se refiere al sincretismo de las distintas visiones que coexisten en México alrededor del tema de la muerte."@es . . "Que viva Mexico!"@it . "Que viva Mexico!" . . . . . . . . . "Drama"@es . "Thunder over Mexico" . "Drama" . . "Drama"@en . . "A vivid tapestry of Mexican life which takes its rightful place alongside Einstein's other legendary works." . "weide van Bezjin" . "Coutume." . . "Moskovskai︠a︡ kinostudii︠a︡ \"Mosfilʹm.\"" . . "Películas cinematográficas" . . "Motion pictures, Mexico." . .