"Extranjeros." . . "Sal." . . "DVD collection" . . "Friendly Films (Firm)" . . "Feature films." . . "Feature films" . . . . . . . . "\"一個小人國的星球快將毀滅, 一粒關乎小人國居民存亡, 如乒乓球大小的能量石, 墜落地球被小孩俊仔拾到. 小人國於是建造了一艘比例1:1, 跟人類一樣大的人型太空船--「大哥號」到地球找尋能量石. 為了取回那顆關繫小人國居民存亡的能量石, 大哥號來到地球後便伺機接近俊仔. 可是, 由於船長不熟習大哥號的操作, 令它出盡洋相, 連番闖禍:用鼻刨鉛筆, 排泄錢 ... 過程中, 船長更意外掉落紐約大街搞得天翻地覆, 更不自覺地愛上一個地球女人. 大哥號玩轉地球的冒險旅程才剛展開, 還有連串搞笑的奇趣事讓你笑爆咀 ...\"--碟盒." . . . . "Bir takım küçük uzaylılar yaptıkları garip uzay aracı ile dünyaya inerler...Uzay aracı neden mi gariptir? İnsan şeklindeki bu uzay aracı komutanlarının (Eddie Murphy) tıpatıp aynısının kendi vücutlarına göre binlerce kez büyütülmüş halidir." . . . . "Film amerykański" . . . . . "Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny, human-looking aliens arrive on Earth in the perfect disguise - a spaceship shaped like the ship's captain. The ship becomes smitten with an Earth woman. Bonus features included." . . "Josh lives in New York City. Through his telescope, he watches a baseball-sized metal ball approaching Earth from the sky. It lands in his room. Months later, a massive fireball crash lands in Liberty City. The human looking craft is controlled by 100 one-inch tall aliens. Officer Dooley is a superstitious cop searching for the space ship. The aliens are seeking a way to save their planet and to do that they need salt. Now they need to recover the metal ball in order to produce the salt using the oceans of the Earth. The Captain spends time with Josh and Gina, and realizes that humans are more advanced than they thought."@en . "Josh lives in New York City. Through his telescope, he watches a baseball-sized metal ball approaching Earth from the sky. It lands in his room. Months later, a massive fireball crash lands in Liberty City. The human looking craft is controlled by 100 one-inch tall aliens. Officer Dooley is a superstitious cop searching for the space ship. The aliens are seeking a way to save their planet and to do that they need salt. Now they need to recover the metal ball in order to produce the salt using the oceans of the Earth. The Captain spends time with Josh and Gina, and realizes that humans are more advanced than they thought." . . . . . . "Comedy films"@en . "Comedy films" . . . . . . . . . . "大哥號玩轉地球" . . . . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . "Fiction" . . . . . . "Meet Dave 大哥號玩轉地球" . . . . . . . . "It's not that he's clumsy, shy or dressed for disco that makes Dave Ming Chang stand out from everyone else in New York City. It's that he's an alien. More accurately he's an alien spaceship, on a mission to Earth to save his home planet. Torn between the voices in his head - a tiny alien crew led by a high strung, miniature version of himself - and the world around him, Dave struggles to appear normal. But when he falls for an Earth woman, the consequences are hilarious." . . "A crew of miniature aliens operate a spaceship that has a human form. While trying to save their planet, the aliens encounter a new problem, as their ship becomes smitten with an Earth woman."@en . "Science fiction films" . "Science fiction films"@en . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . . . "Film familijny" . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . . . . . . . "Fiction films" . "Fiction films"@en . . . . "Bir çılgının içinde" . . "When a crew of small human-like aliens arrive on Earth in a ship designed to look like their captain, they encounter problems when their ship becomes attracted to a human woman." . "When a crew of small human-like aliens arrive on Earth in a ship designed to look like their captain, they encounter problems when their ship becomes attracted to a human woman."@en . . . . . "Film fabularny" . . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@en . . . . "Dokumenty audiowizualne" . . . "Een groep kleine mensachtige buitenaardse wezens arriveert in een ruimteschip dat erg veel lijkt op hun eigen kapitein. De besturing van het ruimteschip levert nogal wat misverstanden op." . . "Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny, human-looking aliens arrives on earth in the perfect disguise -- a spaceship shaped like an ordinary man."@en . "Komedia filmowa" . "Da ge hao wan zhuan di qiu"@en . . . "Meet Dave Bir çılgının içinde" . . "It's not that he's clumsy, shy or dressed for disco that makes Dave Ming Chang stand out from everyone else in New York City. It's that he's an alien! More accurately, he's and alien ship, on a mission to Earth to save his home planet. Torn between the voices in his head--a tiny alien crew led by a high strung, miniature version of himself--and the world around him. dave struggles to appear normal. But when he falls for an Earth woman, the consequences are hilarious in this \"cleverly conceived ... comedy \"with plenty of laughs for all ages \""@en . "Science fiction" . "With their home planet in danger and no place in the known universe to seek shelter, a desperate crew of miniature alien humanoids boards a human spacecraft in hopes of saving their doomed world." . . "Science fiction"@en . "With their home planet in danger and no place in the known universe to seek shelter, a desperate crew of miniature alien humanoids boards a human spacecraft in hopes of saving their doomed world."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Meet Dave (DVD)" . "Mów mi Dave" . . . . . "Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny, human-looking aliens arrive on Earth in the perfect disguise - a spaceship shaped like the ship's captain. The ship becomes smitten with an Earth woman." . . . . . . "Meet Dave = Mów mi Dave" . "Comedy" . "Comedy"@en . . . "Meet Dave" . "Meet Dave"@en . . . . "Criterion on demand." . . "Vehiculos espaciales." . . "Video kayıtları." . . "Comedy films." . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired." . . "Comedy." . . "Guy Walks into a Bar Productions (Firm)" . . "Science fiction." . . "Komedi filmleri." . . "Deep River Productions (Firm)" . . . . "Regency Entertainment (USA), Inc" . .