"Idealistic publicist. Fiction." . . "Public relations Drama." . . "ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards" . . . "Comedy films." . . "Video kayıtları." . . "actionfilm" . . "actionfilm." . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jie tou chao ren"@en . . . . . . . . "Hancock"@en . "Hancock" . . "Hancock"@es . . . . "Hancock aslında başkalarının ne düşündüğünü umursayan birisi değildir. Halkla İlişkiler Uzmanı Ray Embrey'in hayatını kurtardıktan sonra alaycı super kahramanımız kendisinin de zayıf bir tarafının olabileceğini farketmeye başlar. Hancock'un bugüne kadar karşılatığı en büyük sorun bu yönüyle yüzleşmek olacaktır." . . . "Es gibt Helden, es gibt Superhelden und dann gibt es noch ... Hancock" . . . . . . . "A superhero with total disregard for the damage he causes while saving people finds himself having his image changed by a public relations executive, in return for saving the executive's life."@en . "A superhero with total disregard for the damage he causes while saving people finds himself having his image changed by a public relations executive, in return for saving the executive's life." . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry es un veterinario especialista en vida marina. Las relaciones a largo plazo no son para él, hasta que un día conoce a Lucy, una profesora de arte que sufre un desorden neurológico y pierde la memoria todas las noches. Desde entonces, Henry vive con la obsesión de reconquistar todos los días a la bella profesora (50 primeras citas)"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"居於美國洛杉磯的街頭超人亨哥(韋史密夫飾)天生異稟, 擁有超能力, 能夠飛天遁地, 力槍不入. 他一心想「替天行道, 儆惡懲奸」, 拯救萬民, 可惜往往烏龍百出, 成事不足敗事有餘. 亨哥好心做壞事, 超級英雄當不成, 反被人視為超級掃把星. 失意的亨哥終日酗酒, 於街頭流離浪蕩, 直到一次他救了公關顧問雷艾柏 (積遜比曼飾), 雷艾柏感恩圖報, 決定幫亨哥重新建立形象, 以公關策略配合宣傳攻勢, 讓他來個谷底反彈. 但自古英雄難過美人關, 亨哥與雷艾柏的索爆老婆瑪莉(查理絲花朗飾)之間有原來有不可告人的秘密? 他又能否過關斬將, 成為真正的超級英雄? \"--碟盒." . . . . "Film fabularny" . . "Fantasy films"@en . "Fantasy films" . "Superhero films" . "Superhero films"@en . . . . . . . . "Videograbaciones para personas con daño auditivo"@es . "Ciencia ficción y fantasía"@es . "Hancock (action/ sci fi)" . . . . . "Fantastique" . . . . . . . . . . "John Hancock is an unhappy and reluctant superhero who is depressed and has drinks heavily. He has saved many lives in Los Angeles, but in doing so, he has no regards for the damages he causes. The public has had enough of Hancock. Then one day, Hancock saves the life of Ray Embrey from being hit by a train. Ray is a public relations executive who now can go home to his wife and child, thanks to Hancock. Ray owes Hancock his life, and he makes it his mission to change his superhero's image. Ray's wife doesn't want Hancock around and makes certain that Hancock knows it." . "John Hancock is an unhappy and reluctant superhero who is depressed and has drinks heavily. He has saved many lives in Los Angeles, but in doing so, he has no regards for the damages he causes. The public has had enough of Hancock. Then one day, Hancock saves the life of Ray Embrey from being hit by a train. Ray is a public relations executive who now can go home to his wife and child, thanks to Hancock. Ray owes Hancock his life, and he makes it his mission to change his superhero's image. Ray's wife doesn't want Hancock around and makes certain that Hancock knows it."@en . . . . . . . . . "\"Comedia repleta de acción, un sarcástico, difícil e incomprendido superhéroe que ha perdido la simpatía y reconocimiento de la gente. Hancock no acepta de buena manera la necesaria transformación que requiere, la cual es llevada a cabo por el publicista Ray Embrey, y ahora su vida y reputación es rescatada de las cenizas y parece que se encuentra bien -hasta que conoce a una mujer, con poderes similares a los de él, y con la clave secreta a su misterioso pasado\" --Envase."@es . . . . . "Film akcji" . . . . . . . "Es gibt Helden, es gibt Superhelden, und dann gibt es noch Hancock (WILL SMITH). Mit grosser Macht kommt auch grosse Verantwortung - das weiss jeder - genauer gesagt, jeder, ausser Hancock. Der ist kantig, sarkastisch und fühlt sich ständig von allen missverstanden. Denn als Superheld hat er es nicht leicht. Wegen seiner unkonventionellen Methoden und nach einigen \"Missgeschicken\" ist die Bevölkerung von Los Angeles nicht mehr besonders gut auf ihn zu sprechen. Alle lieben es, ihn zu hassen. Doch ein PR-Berater (JASON BATEMAN) will ihm dabei helfen, sein ramponiertes Image wieder auf Vordermann zu bringen. Aber als sich Hancock auch noch in dessen attraktive Frau Mary (CHARLIZE THERON) verliebt, nimmt das Chaos endgültig seinen Lauf - zumal sich herausstellt, dass die beiden unerwartete Gemeinsamkeiten haben." . . "Avventuroso (Genere)" . . . . . . "Hancock Jie tou chao ren"@en . . . "Aventures / Action" . . . . . . "Videodiscos DVD"@es . "Fiction films" . "Fiction films"@en . . . . "Film amerykański" . . "Cine de acción y aventuras"@es . . "Drama"@es . "Drama" . "Drama"@en . . . . . . . "Hancock, a sarcastic, hard-living and misunderstood superhero has fallen out of favour with the public. When Hancock grudgingly agrees to an extreme makeover his life and reputation rise from the ashes and all seems right again - until he meets a woman with similar powers to his and the key to his secret past." . . . . . . "Caustic and out of favor with the public, a superhero enlists a publicist to reshape his image."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fantasy comedies (Motion pictures)"@en . . "Action and adventure films"@en . "Action and adventure films" . "Action and adventure films"@es . . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@es . . . . . . "Hancock [DVD]"@en . . "Hancok es un sarcástico e incomprendido superhéroe que ha perdido el cariño de la gente. Cuando accede, a regañadientes, a una operación de lavado de imagen por parte de un publicista, su vida y su reputación emergen de las cenizas y todo parece ir bien de nuevo."@es . . . . . . . . . "Action" . . . . . . . . . . "Ha il nome del primo firmatario della Dichiarazione di Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti, è nato a Miami, vive a Los Angeles, è alcolizzato, ha superpoteri che non riesce a gestire, è disprezzato dai malviventi e impopolare tra i cittadini, è John Hancock, in arte Hancock. Supereroe inadeguato e imperfetto, Hancock salva la vita a Ray Embrey, dirigente di una società di pubbliche relazioni. Padre affettuoso e marito premuroso, Ray si prende a cuore quel caso super-umano, investendo tempo ed energia per riabilitare l'uomo e riscattare l'eroe agli occhi della comunità. Sospendere l'alcol, radersi la barba, indossare un costume appropriato, atterrare morbido ed elegante sull'asfalto, lodare le forze dell'ordine, compiacere i passanti e soprattutto pagare col carcere i danni procurati ai beni pubblici, sono solo alcune delle buone-azioni che Hancock dovrà mettere in pratica per ottenere l'approvazione dei suoi cittadini. Ma certi vizi, come un passato amore, sono duri a morire. (Mymovies)." . . . . . . . "Comedy films"@en . "Comedy films" . . . "Comedia"@es . . . . . "Largometrajes"@es . . . . . . . . "fiction fantastique (fiction)" . . . . "DVDs" . . "Hancock is a sarcastic, hard-living and misunderstood superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public. When he grudgingly agrees to an extreme makeover from idealistic publicist Ray Embrey, his life and reputation rise from the ashes and all seems right again--until he meets a woman with similar powers to his and the key to his secret past."@en . . . "Hancock es un sarcástico e incomprendido superhéroe que ha perdido el cariño de la gente. Cuando accede, a regañadientes, a una operación de lavado de imagen por parte de un publicista, su vida y su reputación emergen de las cenizas y todo parece ir bien de nuevo (Hancock)"@es . . . . . . . . . "Film fantastyczny" . . . . . . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . "Feature films"@es . . . . . "Comedia romántica cinematográfica"@es . . . . . . . "Dokumenty audiowizualne" . "Hancock 街頭超人" . . . . . . "Hancock (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . "Cine de aventuras y acción"@es . . . . "Het heldhaftige gedrag van Hancock laat een spoor van vernieling na. Het publiek heeft er uiteindelijk de buik van vol, tot op de dag dat hij het leven redt van een pr-directeur." . "街頭超人" . . . "Hancock (Motion picture)" . . . . . "Comédie dramatique" . . . . "Hancock es gibt Helden. Es gibt Superhelden und dann gibt es noch" . "Adventure stories" . "Films for the hearing impaired"@en . . . "A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image."@en . "Khenkok" . "\"Academy Award nominee Will Smith (Best Actor, The Pursuit of Happyness, 2006) stars in this action-packed comedy as Hancock, a sarcastic, hard-living and misunderstood superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public. When Hancock grudgingly agrees to an extreme makeover from idealistic publicist Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman, Juno), his life and reputation rise from the ashes and all seems right again - until he meets a woman (2003 Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Best Actress, Monster) with similar powers to his and the key to his secret past.\"--Container."@en . . . . . . . . "Acción y aventura"@es . . . . "An action-packed comedy of a sarcastic, hard-living and misunderstood superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public." . . "Teen Choice Awards 6º 2004 Los Ángeles, California" . . . "superhelte" . . "superhelte." . "Relaciones públicas Drama." . . "BMI Film & TV Awards 65º 2004 USA" . . . "Relaciones públicas Teatro." . . "Öz algı Drama." . . "Kid's Choice Awards" . . . "Overbrook Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Self-perception." . . "Autopercepción Drama." . . "Héroes California Los Ángeles Teatro." . . "Columbia Pictures." . . "Imperial CinePix." . . "Weed Road Pictures." . . "GH Three (Firm)" . . "Public relations." . . "Relaciones públicas California Los Ángeles Teatro." . . "Ameriški igrani filmi Akcijski film Video DVD-ji." . . "Relativity Media." . . "Adventure films." . . "Superheroes." . . "Columbia Pictures Corporation." . . "California" . . "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firm)" . . "Halkla ilişkiler Drama." . . "Peliculas cinematográficas \"Hancock\" DVD." . . "Action and adventure films." . . "Heroes California Los Angeles Drama." . . "Héroes California Los Angeles Drama." . "Teen Choice Awards 10º 2008 Los Ángeles, California" . . . "MTV Movie Awards" . . . "Kahramanlar Drama." . . "Autopercepciâon Teatro." . . . . "People's Choice Awards 31º 2005 USA" . . . "Relaciones pâublicas Teatro." . . "Self-perception Drama." . . "Aksiyon ve macera filmleri." . . "Smith, Will." . . "Tiglon." . . "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Firma comercial)" . . "Superhumans. Fiction." . . "Superheros. Fiction." . . "Bluelight." . . "Theron, Charlize." . . "DVD collection" . . "DVD collection." . "Los Angeles (Calif.)" . . "BET Awards" . . . "Feature films" . . "Feature films." . "Autopercepción Teatro." . . "Hâeroes California Los âAngeles Teatro." . . "Columbia Pictures (Firm)" . . "Superheroes Drama." . .