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Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia

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  • "Cité interdite, français"
  • "Curse of the golden flower"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia"
  • "黃金甲"
  • "Huang jin jia"

  • "China, dinastía Tang Posterior, siglo X. En vísperas del Festival Chong Yang, flores doradas llenan el Palacio Imperial. El emperador regresa inesperadamente con su segundo hijo, el Príncipe Jai. Su pretexto es celebrar la fiesta con su familia, pero dadas las frías relaciones entre el Emperador y la enferma Emperatriz, parece ser una farsa. Durante muchos años, la Emperatriz y el Príncipe heredero Wan, su hijastro, han tenido una relación ilícita. El Príncipe Wan, que se siente atrapado, sueña con escapar del palacio con su amor secreto Chan, la hija del Médico Imperial. Mientras tanto, el Príncipe Jai, el hijo fiel, crece preocupado por la salud de la Emperatriz y su obsesión por los crisantemos dorados. ¿Podría estar descendiendo por un camino de malos augurios? El Emperador esconde planes igualmente clandestinos; el Médico imperial es el único que está al tanto de sus maquinaciones. Cuando el Emperador siente que se avecina una amenaza, traslada a la familia del médico del Palacio a una zona remota. Cuando están en camino, son asaltados por misteriosos asesinos. Chan y su madre, Jiang Shai son obligadas a regresar al palacio. Su regreso desencadena una tumultuosa secuencia de oscuras sorpresas."
  • "提要:唐朝宮廷,由周潤發飾演的皇帝與鞏俐飾演的皇后,以及三位皇子之間各懷鬼胎的人物衝突與命運糾葛.為了大好江山,皇帝周潤發拋下了糟糠妻,帶著長子迎娶了皇后,正式成為皇帝.皇后希望自己的親生骨肉,由周杰倫飾演的二皇子能夠取而代之成為太子.母子兩人在檯面下不斷製造叛變機會.於是二皇子起義叛變弒父,金色菊花成為叛軍起義的象徵符號."
  • "Feature film from China. Drama / action. Set in AD 928 in the Tang Dynasty, describes liaisons and intrique within the Chinese royal family."
  • ""王后與大王子元祥的不倫之戀已到盡頭, 他在惶恐中轉而垂青宮女小嬋, 亦急於與她遠走高飛, 王后怎麼甘心? 征戰歸來的大王對一切洞若觀火, 他召回流放在外的二王子元杰, 並且格外關心王后的病情, 令她按時服藥...流光溢彩的宮廷中, 誰都深藏天大秘隱, 誰都擺脫不了致命弱點。 王后與大王無聲地較量; 小嬋之母蔣氏入宮, 揭開驚人真相; 耿直勇猛的二王子, 究竟為誰效力? 乖巧的小王子元成, 又豈可置身事外? 重陽之夜, 遍地菊花, 滿宮金甲, 情感、慾望與法則之間, 何嘗有最後勝利者?"--Container."
  • "Dark secrets abound in 10th century China during the Later Tang Dynasty, when the Emperor returns to the palace with his son on the eve of the Chong Yang Festival."
  • "Tang chao gong ting,huang di(zhou run fa shi yan)yu huang hou niang niang(gong li shi yan)ji san wei huang zi zhi jian ge huai gui tai de ren wu chong tu yu ming yun jiu ge..., qiang da de zhao guo xiang yao yi ju gong da yan guo,er shi xian zhe ge ji hua de shou yao tiao jian jiu shi yao xian gong po jia zai zhao de liang cheng..."
  • "五代十国间。中原大乱,盛唐灭亡.群雄拥兵自立。王(周润发饰)以禁军都尉身份,领兵造反,自立为王。为巩固权力。他逐前妻,迎娶梁国公主(巩俐饰)为后.从而得到梁王支持,稳定了政权。前妻留下一子元祥(刘烨饰)。王与后又先后生下二子元杰(周杰伦饰)、元成(秦俊杰饰)。王东征西战国力渐盛。立元祥为太子,封元杰为将军。王对前妻始终不忘,后宮内立其画像,谎称前妻已死。时时悼念。王与后的关系始终不好,后宮寂寞。终有一日后与大王子元祥通奸乱伦,而大王子、宮女之间的恋情更是复杂。故事开始于王登基二十五年后重阳节的前一天。 金碧辉煌的宮廷里,心绪不宁的皇后领着王子们在等王。宮闱上下,因为这个即将到来的重阳,忙碌得有序而繁密。一场盛大仪式准备就绪,王却悄然回宮,他好像要有意冷落那些恭候已久的人们,不给他们一个稍微镇定的机会去察言观色,暗自忖量。独自一人的时候他开怀大笑,他的笑里好像有很多的秘密。 各方为权力、情欲展开明争暗斗,最后矛盾不可避免地总爆发,所有争斗的人都付出了惨痛的代价,空荡荡的皇宮内只剩下大王孤独的身影,大殿外则是一幅电闪雷鸣、狂风暴雨的悲凉景......"
  • "Tang chao gong ting,you zhou run fa shi yan de huang di yu gong li shi yan de huang hou,yi ji san wei huang zi zhi jian ge huai gui tai de ren wu chong tu yu ming yun jiu ge.wei le da hao jiang shan,huang di zhou run fa pao xia le zao kang qi,dai zhu zhang zi ying qu le huang hou,zheng shi cheng wei huang di.huang hou xi wang zi ji de qin sheng gu rou,you zhou jie lun shi yan de er huang zi neng gou qu er dai zhi cheng wei tai zi liang ren zai tai mian xia bu duan zhi zao pan bian ji hui .yu shi er huang zi qi yi pan bian shi fu, jin se ju hua cheng wei pan jun qi yi de xiang zheng fu hao."
  • "China, Later Tang Dynasty, 10th Century. On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor returns unexpectedly with his second son, Prince Jai. His pretext is to celebrate the holiday with his family, but given the chilled relations between the Emperor and the ailing Empress, this seems disingenuous. For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Wan, her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. Feeling trapped, Prince Wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love Chan, the Imperial Doctor's daughter. Meanwhile, faithful son Prince Jai, grows worried over the Empress's health and her obsession with golden chrysanthemums. The Emperor harbors equally clandestine plans and the Imperial Doctor is the only one privy to his machinations. When the Emperor senses a looming threat, he relocates the doctor's family from the Palace to a remote area. They are attacked by mysterious assassins and Chan and her mother are forced back to the palace. Their return sets off a tumultuous sequence of dark surprises. Amid the glamour and grandeur of the festival, ugly secrets are revealed. As the Imperial Family continues its elaborate charade in a palatial setting, thousands of golden armored warriors charge the palace."
  • "唐朝宮廷,由周潤發飾演的皇帝與鞏利飾演的皇后,以及三位皇子之間各懷鬼胎的人物衝突與命運糾葛.為了大好江山,皇帝周潤發拋下了糟糠妻,帶著長子迎娶了皇后,正式成為皇帝.皇后希望自己的親生骨肉,由周傑倫飾演的二皇子能夠取而代之成為太子.母子兩人在檯面下不斷製造叛變機會.於是二皇子起義叛變弒父,金色菊花成為叛軍起義的象徵符號."
  • "Summary in vernacular field only."
  • "唐朝宮廷,皇帝(周潤發飾演)與皇后娘娘(鞏俐飾演)及三位皇子之間各懷鬼胎的人物衝突與命運糾葛...,強大的趙國想要一舉攻打燕國,而實現這個計劃的首要條件就是要先攻破夾在趙的梁城..."
  • "Ti yao :tang chao gong ting,you zhou run fa shi yan de huang di yu gong li shi yan de huang hou,yi ji san wei huang zi zhi jian ge huai gui tai de ren wu chong tu yu ming yun jiu ge.wei le da hao jiang shan,huang di zhou run fa pao xia le zao kang qi,dai zhu zhang zi ying qu le huang hou,zheng shi cheng wei huang di.huang hou xi wang zi ji de qin sheng gu rou,you zhou jie lun shi yan de er huang zi neng gou qu er dai zhi cheng wei tai zi liang ren zai tai mian xia bu duan zhi zao pan bian ji hui .yu shi er huang zi qi yi pan bian shi fu, jin se ju hua cheng wei pan jun qi yi de xiang zheng fu hao."
  • "摘要註:唐朝宮廷,由周潤發飾演的皇帝與鞏利飾演的皇后,以及三位皇子之間各懷鬼胎的人物衝突與命運糾葛.為了大好江山,皇帝周潤發拋下了糟糠妻,帶著長子迎娶了皇后,正式成為皇帝.皇后希望自己的親生骨肉,由周杰倫飾演的二皇子能夠取而代之成為太子.母子兩人在檯面下不斷製造叛變機會.於是二皇子起義叛變弒父,金色菊花成為叛軍起義的象徵符號."
  • "Chine, Xème siècle. En défiant l'Empereur, une femme va faire basculer le cours de l'Histoire."
  • "Zhai yao zhu: tang chao gong ting , you zhou run fa shi yan de huang di yu gong li shi yan de huang hou , yi ji san wei huang zi zhi jian ge huai gui tai de ren wu chong tu yu ming yun jiu ge . wei le da hao jiang shan , huang di zhou run fa pao xia le zao kang qi , dai zhu zhang zi ying qu le huang hou , zheng shi cheng wei huang di . huang hou xi wang zi ji de qin sheng gu rou , you zhou jie lun shi yan de er huang zi neng gou qu er dai zhi cheng wei tai zi . mu zi liang ren zai tai mian xia bu duan zhi zao pan bian ji hui . yu shi er huang zi qi yi pan bian shi fu , jin se ju hua cheng wei pan jun qi yi de xiang zheng fu hao ."
  • "China, Later Tang dynasty, 10th century. On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor returns unexpectedly with his second son, Prince Jai. His pretext is to celebrate the holiday with his family, but given the chilled relations between the Emperor and the ailing Empress, this seems disingenuous. For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Wan, her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. Feeling trapped, Prince Wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love Chan, the Imperial Doctor's daughter. Meanwhile, faithful son Prince Jai, grows worried over the Empress's health and her obsession with golden chrysanthemums. The Emperor harbors equally clandestine plans and the Imperial Doctor is the only one privy to his machinations. When the Emperor senses a looming threat, he relocates the doctor's family from the Palace to a remote area. They are attacked by mysterious assassins and Chan and her mother are forced back to the palace. Their return sets off a tumultuous sequence of dark surprises. Amid the glamour and grandeur of the festival, ugly secrets are revealed. As the Imperial Family continues its elaborate charade in a palatial setting, thousands of golden armored warriors charge the palace."

  • "Drama"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Martial arts films"
  • "Adventure films"
  • "Chinese language films"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Films historiques"
  • "Action and adventure films"
  • "Romance"
  • "Love stories"
  • "Adventure"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Romance films"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"

  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia = La cité interdite"
  • "滿城盡帶黃金甲 = Curse of the Golden Flower"
  • "Curse of the golden flower"
  • "滿城盡帶黄金甲/鞏俐, 周杰倫,周潤發主演"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia = Curse of the Golden Flower"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia curse of the golden flower"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia Curse of the golden flower"
  • "Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia =Curse of the golden flower"
  • "滿城盡帶黃金甲 Curse of the golden flower"
  • "满城尽带黄金甲 Curse of the golden flower"
  • "滿城盡帶黃金甲"
  • "滿城盡帶 黃金甲 =Curse of the golden flower"
  • "满城尽带黄金甲 curse of the golden flower"